Haskell Workshop

17th September 2000

Montreal, Canada

The Haskell Workshop is sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN and forms part of the PLI 2000 colloquium on Principles, Logics, and Implementations of high-level programming languages, which comprises the ICFP/PPDP conferences and associated workshops. Previous Haskell Workshops have been held in La Jolla (1995), Amsterdam (1997), and Paris (1999).


The purpose of the Haskell Workshop is to discuss experience with Haskell, and possible future developments for the language. The scope of the workshop includes all aspects of the design, semantics, theory, application, implementation, and teaching of Haskell. Submissions that discuss limitations of Haskell at present and/or propose new ideas for future versions of Haskell are particularly encouraged.

Submission details

Deadline for submission: 1st June 2000
Notification of acceptance: 14th July 2000
Final submission due: 11th August 2000
Haskell Workshop: 17th September 2000

Authors should submit papers of at most 12 pages, in postscript format, formatted for US letter or A4 paper, to Graham Hutton by 1st June 2000.

The accepted papers will initially appear as a University of Nottingham technical report, and subsequently be published in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. Following on from the Haskell Workshop, there will be a Special Issue on Haskell of the Journal of Functional Programming.

Workshop programme

The registration fees and the registration procedure are described here. Students presenting a paper at the Haskell Workshop may apply for financial assistance from SIGPLAN PAC.

In addition to longer presentations on accepted papers, a number of slots for participants to make 10-minute informal presentations are available. To request such a slot, contact Graham Hutton.

8.30 - 10.00: chaired by Graham Hutton (Nottingham)

Lambada, Haskell as a Better Java
Erik Meijer (Utrecht) and Sigbjorn Finne (Microsoft)

Writing High-Performance Server Applications in Haskell
Case Study: A Haskell Web Server

Simon Marlow (Microsoft)

Haskell Server Pages: Functional Programming and the Battle for the Middle Tier
Erik Meijer (Utrecht) and Danny van Velzen (Utrecht)

10.00 - 10.30:


10.30 - 12.30: chaired by Andy Gill (OGI)

An Overview of Edison
Chris Okasaki (Columbia)

Combinator Parsers: From Toys to Tools
Doaitse Swierstra (Utrecht)

Typed Logical Variables in Haskell
Koen Claessen (Chalmers) and Peter Ljunglof (Chalmers)

10-minute slots

12.30 - 14.00:


14.00 - 15.30: chaired by Chris Okasaki (Columbia)

Debugging Haskell by Observing Intermediate Data Structures
Andy Gill (OGI)

A Space-Semantics for Core Haskell
Adam Bakewell (York) and Colin Runciman (York)

10-minute slots

15.30 - 16.00:


16.00 - 18.00: chaired by Erik Meijer (Utrecht)

Derivable Type Classes
Ralf Hinze (Bonn) and Simon Peyton Jones (Microsoft)

Data Field Haskell
Jonas Hormerin (KTH) and Bjorn Lisper (KTH)

Pattern Guards and Transformational Patterns
Martin Erwig (Oregon) and Simon Peyton Jones (Microsoft)

Discussion: the future of Haskell (Ralf Hinze)

Programme committee

Richard Bird University of Oxford
Andy Gill Oregon Graduate Institute
Ralf Hinze University of Bonn
Paul Hudak Yale University
Graham Hutton (chair) University of Nottingham
Erik Meijer University of Utrecht
Chris Okasaki Columbia University
Tim Sheard Oregon Graduate Institute