Rong Qu, PhD, BSc

Professor CV
School of Computer Science University of Nottingham Nottingham, NG8 1BB, UK
rong.qu AT
Real world applications:
Transport Logistic Scheduling, Maritime Port Operations, Vehicle Routing, Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
Personnel Scheduling, Portfolio Optimization, Multicast Network Routing, Timetabling
AI Algorithms / techniques:
Automated Algorithm Design; Hyper-heuristics; Evolutionary Computation
Machine Learning; Data Mining; Knowledge Discovery; Intelligent Decision Support
Combinatorial Optimisation; Constraint Programming; Integer Programming
Quick links:
World's Top 2% Scientist, Stanford University, 2020-2024
A Graph-Based Hyper-Heuristic for Educational Timetabling Problems. EJOR, 176: 177-192, 2007. EJOR 2007-2011 Five Year Top Cited article Award, top 0.1% cited by Web of Science.
The General Combinatorial Optimisation Problem - Towards Automated Algorithm Design. IEEE CI Magazine, 15(2): 14-23, May, 2020. pdf. GCOP Google site
Special Issues on Machine Learning Assisted Evolutionary Computation. IEEE TEVC, April, 2025.
Special Issues on Automation in AI and Machine Learning. 43(9), IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell, 2021.
Special Issues on Automated Design of Machine Learning and Search Algorithms. IEEE CI Magazine 13(2), May 2018.
Benchmark Datasets: Cyber Security for CAVs; Port Optimisation; Nurse Rostering; Timetabling; Multicast Routing
"Outstanding" KTP project Award: "Routing and Rostering in Healthcare Workforce Management"