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Compare VNSMR1 With Ghaboosi and Haghighat Path relinking(some examples)

In this group of experiments, we randomly generate different network topologies of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100 nodes. The link costs are randomly generated, all the link delays are set to 1. Group size = 30% network size.

1.Network size = 30, Group size = 9, Dealy bound = 7


VNSMR1 (Total Tree Cost=277, Search Time = 0.078s)



Path Relinking (Total Tree Cost = 292, Search Time = 3.094s)


2.Network size = 70, Group size = 21, Delay bound = 12


VNSMR1 (Total Tree Cost=729, Search Time = 0.516s)


Path Relinking (Total Tree Cost = 785, Search Time = 32.422s)


3.Network Size = 100, Group Size = 30, Delay bound = 12




VNSMR1 (Total Tree Cost=1076, Search Time = 4.062s)





Path Relinking (Total Tree Cost = 1287, Search Time = 197.534s)


  这个模版来自http://BestMoban.Com,更多模版请访问http://BestMoban.Com http://Moban.17Easy.Com http://www.mb8.cn