Machines and their languages (G51MAL) - Spring 2004



Dr. Thorsten Altenkirch,


General information

The course is assessed by a written exam.

There is marked course work (usually weekly) which is discussed in the tutorial groups. It is obligatory to return answers to the course work.

Time and Place

The lectures take place at Tuesday, 10:00-11:00 and Thursday 11:00-12:00 at Lecture Theatre 2 (LT2) at the Central Teaching Facility, Jubilee Campus. The first lecture is Tuesday, 27/1/04

If you want to talk to me:

Please do not send me email, if you have questions about the exercises - ask your course tutor first!

You may use the mailing list g51mal to discuss questions regarding this course.


Each Student is assigned to a tutorial group which meets once a week to discuss the coursework. I expect people to take part in the tutorial groups on a regular base. Tutorials start the 2nd week of semester (2/2/2004).

You find the list of tutorials by following the link above.

Course work

  1. coursework, put on the web Monday 2/2/04, Deadline: Friday 6/2/04, 15:30, solution
  2. coursework, put on the web Monday 9/2/04, Deadline: Friday 13/2/04, 15:30, solution
  3. coursework, put on the web Monday 16/2/04, Deadline: Friday 20/2/04, 15:30, solution
  4. coursework, put on the web Monday 23/2/04, Deadline: Friday 27/2/04, 15:30, solution
  5. coursework, put on the web Monday 1/3/04, Deadline: Friday 5/3/04, 15:30,solution
  6. coursework, put on the web Tuesday 9/3/04, Deadline: Friday 12/3/04, 15:30, solution
  7. coursework, put on the web Tuesday 9/3/04, Deadline (1,2): Friday 19/3/04, 15:30, solution
  8. coursework, put on the web Monday 26/4/04, No Deadline, solution

Lecture notes

The lecture notes are available in pdf for online viewing and in installments for printing (2 pages on one to save paper).

... for online viewing

Lecture notes, 23/4 (52 pages, sections 1-7, complete with table of contents)

... for printing

Lecture notes, 23/4 (52 pages, sections 1-7, complete with table of contents)

Course text

The course is based on lecture notes and sections of the following book:

Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation,
2nd edition,
John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Addison Wesley

The library has got some copies.

Supplementary material

Thorsten Altenkirch