Thorsten Altenkirch's drafts and publications
See alti.bib for a collection of most of my bibtex entries.
- Naive Type Theory
- to appear as a chapter in Reflections on the Foundations
of Mathematics
- Partiality, Revisited (The Partiality
Monad as a Quotient Inductive-Inductive Type)
- with Nils Anders Danielsson and Nicolaai Kraus
- Extending Homotopy Type Theory with Strict Equality
- with Palo Capriotti and Nicolaai Kraus
CSL, August 2016
Bibtex entry
- Normalisation by Evaluation for Dependent Types
- with Ambrus Kaposi
FSCD, May 2016
Bibtex entry
- Type Theory in Type Theory using Quotient Inductive Types
- with Ambrus Kaposi
POPL, January 2016
Bibtex entry
- Monads need not be endofunctors
(Journal version)
- with James Chapman and Tarmo Uustalu
March 2015, LMCS
Bibtex entry
- A syntax for cubical type theory
- with Ambrus Kaposi
(Draft, August 2014)
- Relative Monads Formalised
- with James Chapman and Tarmo Uustalu
Journal for Formalized Reasoning
Bibtex entry
- Some constructions on ω-groupoids
- with Li Nuo and Ondrej Rypacek
(appeared in LFMTP 2014)
Bibtex entry
- Notions of anonympous existence in Martin-Löf Type Theory (Journal version of Generalizations of Hedberg's Theorem)
- with Nicolai Kraus, Martin Escardo and Thierry Coquand
(submitted for publication, March 2014)
- Small Induction Recursion
- with Peter Hancock, Conor McBride, Neil Ghani and Lorenzo Malatesta
TLCA 2013
Bibtex entry
- Generalizations of Hedberg's Theorem
- with Nicolai Kraus, Martin Escardo and Thierry Coquand
TLCA 2013
Bibtex entry
- Indexed Container
(Journal version)
- with Neil Ghani, Peter Hancock, Conor McBride and Peter Morris
July 2013, submitted for publication
Bibtex entry
- A Syntactical Approach to Weak ω-Groupoids
- with Ondrej Rypacek
CSL 2012
Bibtex entry
- A categorical semantics for inductive-inductive definitions
- with Frederik Forsberg, Peter Morris and Anton Setzer
CALCO 2011
Bibtex entry
- Normalisation by Heredetary Substitutions
- with Chantal Keller
MSFP 2010
- Termination Checking Nested Inductive and Coinductive Types
- with Nils Anders Danielsson
short note, June 2010
- Higher Order Containers
- with Paul Levy and Sam Staton
CIE 2010, invited paper
Bibtex entry
- Subtyping, Declaratively -
An Exercise in Mixed Induction and Coinduction
- with Nils Anders Danielsson
to appear in the proceedings of MPC 2010
Bibtex entry
- PiSigma: Dependent Types Without the Sugar
- with Nils Anders Danielsson, Andres Löh and Nicolas Oury
FLOPS 2010
Bibtex entry
- Monads Need Not Be Endofunctors
- with James Chapman and Tarmo Uustalu
Bibtex entry
- Mixing Induction and Coinduction
- with Nils Anders Danielsson
under revision, October 2009
- The Quantum IO Monad
- with Alexander Green
chapter in Semantic Techniques in Quantum Computation, January 2009, appeared in 2010
Bibtex entry
- Indexed Containers
- with Peter Morris
LICS 09, August 2009
Bibtex entry
- A Universe of Strictly Positive Families
- with Peter Morris and Neil Ghani
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 2009
Bibtex entry
- Big step normalisation
- with James Chapman
Journal for Functional Programming, 2009
Bibtex entry
- From High School to University Algebra
- Unfinished Draft, June 2008.
- A Partial Type Checking Algorithm for
System U
- with Andreas Abel
MSFP 2008, May 2008
Bibtex entry
- PiSigma: A Core Language for Dependently Typed Programming
- with Nicolas Oury
under revision, April 2008,
- Shor in Haskell (The Quantum IO Monad)
- with Alexander Green
TFP 08, March 2008
- Dependent Types for Distributed Arrays
- with Wouter Swierstra
TFP 08, March 2008
Bibtex entry
- Types for Proofs and Programs (TYPES '06) (Editor)
- with Conor McBride
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4502, 2007
Bibtex entry
- Observational Equality, Now!
- with Conor McBride and Wouter Swierstra
PLPV 2007
Bibtex entry
- Beauty in the beast
- with Wouter Swierstra
Haskell workshop 2007
Bibtex entry
- Constructing Strictly Positive Families
- with Peter Morris and Neil Ghani
Proceedings of CATS 07, January 2007
Bibtex entry
- Generic Programming with Dependent Types
- with Conor McBride and Peter Morris
Lecture notes for the Spring School on Datatype-Generic Programming in
Nottingham, August 2006
Bibtex entry
- From reversible to irreversible computations
- with Alexander Green
QPL 2006, June 2006
Bibtex entry
- Generic programming for dependent types
- with Peter Morris
Draft, June 2006
Bibtex entry
- Constructing strictly positive families
- with Peter Morris
Draft, April 2006
Bibtex entry
- Tait in one big step
- with James Chapman
Proceedings of MSFP, April 2006
Bibtex entry
- Indexed Containers
- with Neil Ghani, Peter Hancock, Conor McBride and Peter Morris
Draft, February 2006
Bibtex entry
- Towards Observational Type Theory
- with Conor McBride
Draft, February 2006
Bibtex entry
- Epigram Reloaded: A Standalone Typechecker for ETT
- with James Chapman and Conor McBride
TFP 2005, July 2005
Bibtex entry
- An Algebra of Pure Quantum Programming
- with Jonathan Grattage, Juliana K. Vizzotto and Amr Sabry
3rd International Workshop on Quantum Programming Languages, May 2005
Bibtex entry
- Exploring the Regular Tree Types
- with Peter Morris and Conor McBride
Proceedings of TYPES 04, February 2006
Bibtex entry
- Why Dependent Types Matter
- with Conor McBride and James McKinna
Draft, April 2005,
Bibtex entry
- QML: Quantum data and control
- with Jonathan Grattage
Draft, February 2005,
Bibtex entry
- A Compiler for a Functional Quantum Programming Language
- with Jonathan Grattage
Draft, January 2005,
Bibtex entry
- Structuring Quantum Effects: Superoperators as Arrows
- with Juliana K. Vizzotto and Amr Sabry
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, special issue on Quantum Programming Languages, 2006
Bibtex entry
- A functional quantum programming language
- with Jonathan Grattage
20th Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS), 2005
see also quant-ph/0409065
Bibtex entry
- Containers - Constructing Strictly Positive Types
- with Michael Abbott and Neil Ghani,
Theoretical Computer Science, September 2005,
Bibtex entry
- Lambda calculus and types
- Lecture notes for MGS/APPSEM Spring School 2004, March 2004
Bibtex entry
- Constructing Polymorphic Programs with Quotient Types
- with Michael Abbott, Neil Ghani and Conor McBride
Mathematics of Program Construction (MPC 2004)
Bibtex entry
- for Data --- Differentiating Data Structures
- with Michael Abbott, Neil Ghani and Conor McBride
Fundamentae Informatica, March 2005
Bibtex entry
- Representing Nested Inductive Types using W-types
- with Michael Abbott and Neil Ghani
ICALP 2004
Bibtex entry
- Normalization by evaluation for
- with Tarmo Uustalu
Functional and Logic Programming (FLOPS) 2004
Bibtex entry, Literate Haskell script
- Derivatives of Containers
- with Michael Abbott, Neil Ghani and Conor McBride
Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA), 2003
Bibtex entry
- Categories of Containers
- with Michael Abbott and Neil Ghani
Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures (FOSSACS),
Bibtex entry
- alpha-conversion is easy
- (under revision)
September 2002
Bibtex entry
- Generic Programming Within Dependently Typed Programming
- with Conor McBride
Working Conference on Generic Programming (WCGP), 2002
Bibtex entry, OLEG code
- A Predicative Analysis of Structural Recursion
- with Andreas Abel
Journal for Functional Programming (JFP), 2002
Bibtex entry
- Normalization by evaluation for typed lambda calculus
with coproducts
- with Peter Dybjer,Martin Hofmann and Phil Scott
16th Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS), 2001
Bibtex entry
- When is a function a fold or an unfold?
- with Jeremy Gibbons and Graham Hutton
Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS), 2001
Bibtex entry
- A Finitary Subsystem of the Polymorphic lambda-calculus
- with Thierry Coquand
Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA), 2001
Bibtex entry
- Representations of first order function types as terminal
- Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA), 2001
Bibtex entry
- Notes on definability and Kripke Logical Relations
- Unpublished note, 2000
Bibtex entry
- A Predicative Strong Normalisation Proof for a
lambda-calculus with Interleaving Inductive Types
- with Andreas Abel
Types for Proofs and Programs (TYPES), 1999
Bibtex entry
- Extensional Equality in Intensional Type Theory
- 14th Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS), 1999
Bibtex entry
- Monadic presentations of lambda terms using generalized inductive types
- with Bernhard Reus
Computer Science Logic (CSL), 1999
Bibtex entry
- Types for Proofs and Programs (TYPES '98) (Editor)
- with Wolfgang Naraschewski and Bernhard Reus
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1656, 1998
Bibtex entry
- Logical relations and inductive/coinductive types
- Computer Science Logic (CSL), 1998
Bibtex entry
- Reduction-free normalisation for system F
- with Martin Hofmann and Thomas Streicher
Unpublished note, 1997
Bibtex entry
- Integrated Verification in Type Theory
- Lecture Notes, ESSLLI, 1996
Bibtex entry
- Reduction-free normalisation for a polymorphic system
- with Martin Hofmann and Thomas Streicher
11th Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS), 1996
Bibtex entry, SML code
- Categorical reconstruction of a reduction free normalization proof
- with Martin Hofmann and Thomas Streicher
Category Theory and Computer Science (CTCS), 1995
Bibtex entry, SML code
- Programming + Verification = Progification
- unpublished note, September 1994
Bibtex entry
- A user's guide to ALF
- with Veronica Gaspes,Bengt Nordström and Björn von Sydow
Internal note, Chalmers University of Technology, 1994
Bibtex entry
- Proving Strong Normalization of CC by
Modifying Realizability Semantics
- Types for Proofs and Programs (TYPES), 1994
Bibtex entry
- Constructions, Inductive Types and Strong Normalization
- PhD thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1993
Bibtex entry, LEGO code (.zip)
- A formalization of the strong normalization proof for System F in LEGO
- Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA), 1993
Bibtex entry, LEGO code (.zip)
Thorsten Altenkirch
Last modified: Thu Mar 28 10:07:05 GMT 2019