Type Theory in Rosario
Intensive Course
This is the material related to a one week intensive course starting 24 July 2011 on Type Theory at Facultad de Cs. Exactas, Ingenieria y Agrimensura Universidad Nacional de Rosario
You need to download Agda and install emacs because Agda is used via emacs.
Lecture material
- Lecture (Monday, 25/7) : Introduction
- Slides
- Wikipedia: Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory, Intuitionistic type theory, Per Martin-Löf
- How to type in Unicode characters for Agda in emacs.
- Commands in Agda-mode in emacs
- Agda file from Monday (Lunes.agda) download and load into emacs
- Completed agda script as an html file.
- Lecture (Tuesday, 26/7) : Propositions as sets
- Agda file from Tuesday (Martes.agda) download and load into emacs
- Wikipedia: Curry-Howard correspondence
- Wikipedia: Excluded Middle, Proof by contradiction
- Completed agda script as an html file.
- Lecture (Wednesday, 27/7) : Mixing
computation and resoning
- Agda file from Wednesday (Miercoles.agda) download and load into emacs
- Completed agda script as an html file.
- Lecture (Thursday, 28/7) : Inductively defined relations
- Agda file from Thursday (Jueves.agda) download and load into emacs
- Completed agda script as an html file.
- Lecture (Friday, 28/7) : Typed evaluation and compilation
- Agda file from Thursday (Viernes.agda) (alternative version w.o. record constructors : (Viernes-alt.agda) download and load into emacs