Isaac Triguero

I am an Associate Professor of Data Science at the School of Computer Science of the University of Nottingham. In my research, I aim to make fundamental advances in data science, specifically in data mining, data reduction, semi-supervised learning, extreme classification and big data learning. I am now very fascinated by the challenges associated with processing big amounts of data to extract valuable knowledge in extreme frameworks.

Python Book

1st Edition Thorsten Altenkirch and Isaac Triguero.
Self-published on,
30th September 2019,
Paperback: ISBN 978-0-244-82276-7;
260 pages

Sample » Paperback » eBook »


School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham.
Computation Optimisation and Learning Lab (COL)
Tel.: 0115 74 87415
Address: Jubilee Campus, Wollaton Road,
Nottingham NG8 1BB, UK

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Operating Systems and Concurrency (G52OSC)

A compulsory module of the second year of the Bsc in Computer Science. I shared this module with my colleague Geert De Maere.

This module covers the fundamental principles that underpin operating systems and concurrency, including the architecture of operating systems, process and memory management, storage, I/O, and virtualisation. The principles of concurrency will be introduced from both the perspective of an operating system and user applications. Specific topics on concurrency include: hardware support for concurrency; mutual exclusion and condition synchronisation; monitors; safety and liveness properties of concurrent algorithms, and the use of threads and synchronisation. For more information, please go to the Moodle page.

Programming (G54PRG)

A level 4 module of the Msc in Computer Science. I shared this module with my colleague Thorsten.

This module provides a comprehensive overview of the principles of programming, including such concepts as procedural logic, variables, flow control, input and output and the analysis and design of programs. The programming language we are using is Python, which is a modern and popular language which is generally considered to be easy to learn. The emphasis in this course will be game development in a small group using Python. For more information, please go to the Moodle page.

Group and Individual projects

I also supervise a group project (G52GRP) and multiple individual projects. For project ideas, please check this link

PhD. supervision

  • Jesus Maillo Instance-based learning for preprocessing, semi-supervised classification and big data . University of Granada (Spain). External supervisor (Started October 2015)
  • Manuel Jimenez - New Advances in Big Data Classification with Citizen Science. 1st supervisor (Started February 2017)
  • Lam Hoang - Machine Learning based Models for Optimisation. 1st supervisor (Started October 2017)
  • Song Heda - Hyper-heuristic and Meta-learning for Automating the Design of Machine Learning Algorithms . 1st supervisor (Started October 2017)
  • Juan Sebastian Angarita - Short-Term Traffic Forescasting with Machine Learning and Optimisation . University of Deusto (Spain). External supervisor (Started October 2017)
  • Rebecca Tickle - Big data Stream mining and Optimisation . 2nd supervisor (Started October 2018)
  • Luke Rose - Optimisation of Poruous Materials using Artificial Intelligence . 2nd supervisor (Started October 2018)
  • Samual Locklin-Wood - Virtual aggregates with a Game Physics engine . 2nd supervisor (Started October 2018)