Dr Peer-Olaf Siebers

Assistant Professor
School of Computer Science [url]
Intelligent Modelling & Analysis Research Group [url]
The University of Nottingham [url]
Nottingham [url], NG8 1BB, UK [url]
Email: peer-olaf.siebers@nottingham.ac.uk
Orcid ID: 0000-0002-0603-5904
CompSci Building, Room B35 [map]
Office Hours: Please make an appointment via email
My Official University Website [url]
Mission Statement
My main research topic is the application of Computer Simulation and Artificial Intelligence to study human-centric and coupled human-natural complex adaptive systems. I am a strong advocate of using Co-Creation for object oriented Agent-Based Modelling (ABM). This novel and highly interdisciplinary research agenda involves disciplines like Social Science, Economics, Marketing, Psychology, Geography, Operations Research, and Computer Science. My current research is primarily concerned with the following three areas. On the methodological frontier I aim to advance the model development strategies for ABM, through the Engineering Agent-Based Social Simulations (EABSS) toolkit. On the practical frontier I look at novel uses of simulation for studying Urban Sustainability (including Smart Cities and Smart Roads), modelling Human Behaviour in Floods using ABM and Virtual Reality, and modelling people's wellbeing at local and global scale. I was a co-investigator in the Leverhulme funded project Sustaining Urban Habitats. Furthermore, I am working together with Nottingham City Council's Transport Strategy Department on some Smart City projects. On the generative AI frontier I am looking into the use of Large Language Models to support and advance agent-based model design and implementation.
Latest News and Publications
  • Poster @ Siebers PO (2024) 'Exploring the Role of Generative AI in Advancing Agent-Based Model Design and Implementation'. Poster created for the UoN CompSci Open Lab Initiative (13/09/2024) [poster]

  • Invited Talk @ Siebers PO (2024) 'A Software Engineer's Approach to Agent-Based Modelling'. Talk given at the "Modelling and Inference for Pandemic Preparedness Workshop", 20 Aug, ISSAC Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK [youtube playlist] (check video 3 and 7) [slides]

  • Preprint Paper @ Siebers PO (2024). 'Exploring the Potential of Conversational AI Support for Agent-Based Social Simulation Model Design'. [paper]

  • Conference Presentation @ Siebers PO (2024) 'Generative and Conversational AI for B&IM', Talk given at the CBIM Conference on Business and Industrial Marketing 2024, 12-14 Jun, Graz, Austria. [presentation]

  • Conference Presentation @ Siebers PO (2024) 'The Engineering Agent-Based Social Simulation Framework: A Key to Unlocking Agent-Based Modelling in B2B Research?', Talk given at the CBIM Conference on Business and Industrial Marketing 2024, 12-14 Jun, Graz, Austria. [extended abstract] [presentation]

  • Teaching @ Guest Pofessor at Uni Graz, teaching parts of the module "Service System Design with Agent Based Modelling"

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