ASAP Group University of Nottingham PlanSIG 2006
The 25th Workshop of the UK PLANNING AND SCHEDULING
Special Interest Group

Nottingham, UK
December 14-15, 2006


Full papers: (8 pages). These should report work in progress or completed work. Authors of full papers that are accepted by the Programme Committee will be invited to give a talk on the paper.

Short papers: (2 pages) These should report views or ambitions, or describe problems. The author(s) will be able to discuss the paper informally with others at the workshop and will be invited to give a short presentation on their work.

All papers should be prepared in the AAAI style. Please prepare your paper using the template here. The language of all papers and presentations should be in English.

Papers can be submitted via e-mail (preferred) or made available on the Web. In either case, documents should be in gzipped postscript or PDF format and be named "" or "author.pdf.gz", using the name of the first author.

An e-mail message containing either the file or its URL (e.g. http://..../ should reach the Programme Chair by 6th October 2005.

All submissions will be reviewed by two referees, and successful submissions will appear in the Workshop Proceedings (ISSN 1368-5708). Accepted papers will also be made available via the SIG web-site.