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Have you ever thought about writing a masters
or PhD with a focus on data visualization?
If so, come talk to me.
There are funding opportunities in
the form of
scholarships, bursaries, and other sources of financial aid
for those wishing to take up postgraduate study.
Collaboration with Industry:
Are you a business interested in collaborating with
researchers? If so, please let us know.
Also, We are looking for students interested in undertaking
leading research work in the field of data visualization.
Data visualization, a vibrant, exciting and rapidly expanding
sub-field of computer science, is concerned with the use of
computers and their graphics capabilities in order to generate
meaningful imagery that provides insight into data from various
Please let me know if you have questions or would like to talk about
Bob's main research interests lie in data visualization including
scientific and information visualization and visual analytics.
The fastest, easiest, and most enjoyable way to get an idea of
the research we have done is to simply watch our visualization
research videos.
These are the only research videos of their kind in the
entire United Kingdom.
The videos are availabe on
PhD Candidates in Data Visualization
Dylan Rees
, Interactive Visualization of Call Centre Data, PhD candidate
since October 2016
Mohammed Alharbi
, Interactive Visualization of Text Data, PhD candidate
since October 2016
Elif E Firat
, Visualization and Education, PhD candidate
since January 2018
Qiru Wang
, Visualization of Electronic Health Records Data, PhD candidate
since April 2019
Successful PhD and MRes Graduates in Data Visualization
Naif Alharbi,
PhD, "Interactive Visualization of Molecular Dynamics
Simulation Data", 2015-2019.
Nai successfully defended his thesis on 17 October 2019.
Liam McNabb,
PhD, "Dynamics Geospatial Visualization, 2016-2019,
in collaboration with GoFore Ltd sponsored by KESS 2.
Liam successfully defended his thesis on 24 May 2019.
of thesis
He now works for Zuken.com.
Richard Roberts,
PhD, "Visualizing the Customer Journey Through the
Call Centre Landscape", 2015-2019, in collaboration
with QPC Ltd sponsored by KESS 2.
Richard successfully defended his thesis on 23 Jan 2019.
He now works for Zuken.com.
of thesis
Chao Tong,
"Geo-Spatial Visualization of Population Healthcare Data",
Chao successfully defended his thesis on 15 Oct '18.
of thesis
Dean Thomas,
PhD, "Topological Visualization Techniques to Enhance
Understanding of Lattice QCD Simulations",
2014-2018, jointly supervised with Prof Simon Hands
and Rita Borgo of Kings College.
Dean successfully defended his thesis on 11 Jan '18.
He now works for Pixalytics Ltd.
David Chung,
PhD, "High-dimensional, Glyph-based Visualization and
Interactive Techniques",
2010-2015, jointly supervised with Prof. Min
Chen of Oxford University.
Dave successfully defended his thesis on 21 Nov '14 and
now works for We Predict Ltd.
of thesis
Matthew Edmunds, PhD,
"Stream Surface Seeding for Flow Visualization",
Matt successfully defended his PhD thesis on 9 Jan 2014.
He is currently a Research Officer at Swansea University.
of thesis
Dan Lipşa,
"Interactive Visualization of Foam Simulation Data",
Dan successfully defended his PhD Thesis on 16 Dec 2013
and now works for Kitware Inc.
of thesis
James Walker,
MRes, "Visualization of Large, High-Dimensional,
Time-Dependent, Abstract Data"
James successfully defended his MRes Thesis on 7 Dec 2012
graduated with a PhD in Visualization from Swansea University
in 2017 and now works for his own start-up company.
of MRes Thesis results
Zhao Geng, PhD,
"Visual Analysis of Abstract, Multi-Dimensional Data
with Parallel Coordinates",
Geng successfully defended his PhD Thesis on 5 Nov 2012
and works as a PostDoc at Leeds University.
of thesis
Tony McLoughlin,
PhD, "Interactive, 4D Flow Visualization Based on Integral
Curves and Surfaces",
Tony successfully defended his PhD thesis
on 8 Dec 2011. He now works for World Programming.
PDF of PhD Thesis
Bo Xia, MRes,
"Advanced Visualization of Electroencephalography (EEG) Data",
Bo successfully defended his MRes thesis on 18 November
He now works for Future Facilities Limited.
of MRes Thesis results
Zhenmin Peng, PhD,
"Interactive Visualization of Computational Fluid Dynamics
2007-2011. Peng successfully defended his PhD thesis
on 19 Sep 2011. He now works in the School of Medicine,
Swansea University.
of thesis
Short Bio:
Robert S. Laramee received a bachelors degree in physics, cum laude,
from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst (ZooMass).
received a masters degree in computer science from the University of
New Hampshire, Durham.
He was awarded a PhD from the Vienna University of Technology
(Gruess Gott TUWien), Austria at the Institute of Computer
Graphics and Algorithms in 2005.
From 2001 to 2006 he was a researcher at the VRVis Research Center
and a software engineer at AVL
(www.avl.com) in the department of
Advanced Simulation Technologies.
He was a Lecturer, then Associate Professor at
Swansea University (Prifysgol Cymru Abertawe), Wales in the
Department of Computer Science (Adran Gwyddor Cyfrifiadur).
Currently he is an Associate Professor at the
University of Nottingham, UK in the
School of Computer Science.
His research interests are in the areas of
scientific visualization, information visualization, and
visual analytics.
He has published more than 170 peer-reviewed papers in scientific
journals and conferences.