ASAP Group University of Nottingham PlanSIG 2006
The 25th Workshop of the UK PLANNING AND SCHEDULING
Special Interest Group

Nottingham, UK
December 14-15, 2006

Hyper-heuristic references

  • E.K.Burke, G. Kendall, J.Newall, E.Hart, P.Ross & S.Schulenburg, Hyper-Heuristics: An Emerging Direction in Modern Search Technology, Handbook of Metaheuristics (eds. F.Glover & G.Kochenberger), pp 457 – 474, Kluwer, 2003
  • P.Ross, Hyper-heuristics, Search Methodologies: Introductory Tutorials in Optimization and Decision Support Techniques (eds. E.K.Burke & G.Kendall), pp 529-556, Springer 2005
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  • U. Dorndorf and E. Pesch. Evolution based learning in a job shop scheduling environment. Computers & Operations Research, 22, 25-40, 1995.
  • Zhang, W. and Dietterich, T. G. A reinforcement learning approach to job-shop scheduling, Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 1114-1120. 1995
  • Zhang, W. and Dietterich, T. G. High-performance job-shop scheduling with a time-delay TD network, In D. S. Touretzky, M. C. Mozer, M. E. H., editor, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems: Proceedings of the 1995 Conference, pages1024-1030, Cambridge, MA. MIT Press. 1996
  • H.Terashima-Marín, P.M.Ross, and M.Valenzuela-Rendón. Evolution of constraint satisfaction strategies in examination timetabling. In W. Banzhaf et al., editor, Proceedings of the GECCO-99 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, pp 635-642. Morgan Kaufmann, 1999.
  • Cowling, P., Kendall, G. Soubeiga, E. A Hyperheuristic Approach to Scheduling a Sales Summit. In Selected papers from the 3rd International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2001), Aug, 2001.
  • Burke, E.K., MacCarthy, B., Petrovic, S., Qu, R. Knowledge Discovery in a Hyper-Heuristic Using Case-Based Reasoning on Course Timetabling. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2002), Gent, Belgium, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 2740, 276-286, August 21-23, 2002
  • Cowling, P., Kendall, G. & Han, L. An Adaptive Length Chromosome Hyperheuristic Genetic Algorithm for a Trainer Scheduling Problem. In Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution And Learning (SEAL'02), November 18-22, Orchid Country Club, Singapore, 267-271, 2002.
  • P.Ross, S.Schulenburg, J.G.Marín-Blázquez and E.Hart. Hyper-heuristics: learning to combine simple heuristics in bin-packing problems, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2002) 2002, New York, July 9-13 2002, pp 942-948.
  • Ayob M., Kendall G. A Monte Carlo Hyper-Heuristic To Optimise Component Placement Sequencing For Multi Head Placement Machine. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (InTech'03), December 17-19, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 132-141, 2003
  • Bai, R., Kendall, G., An Investigation of Automated Planograms Using a Simulated Annealing Based Hyper-heuristics, In: Ibaraki T., Nonobe K., Yagiura M. (eds.), Meta-heuristics: Progress as Real Problem Solvers, Selected Papers from the 5th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 2003), Springer, pp. 87-108, 2005
  • Burke E.K., Kendall G. and Soubeiga E. A Tabu-Search Hyper-Heuristic for Timetabling and Rostering. Journal of Heuristics, 9(6), 451-470, 2003
  • Han L. and Kendall G. Guided Operators for a Hyper-Heuristic Genetic Algorithm. In proceedings of AI-2003: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. The 16th Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI'03) (eds Tamás D Gedeon and Lance Chun Che Fung), Perth, Australia 3-5 Dec 2003, Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Vol 2903, 807-820
  • Han L., Kendall G. Investigation of a Tabu Assisted Hyper-Heuristic Genetic Algorithm. In Proceedings of Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2003), Canberra, Australia, 2230-2237 (Vol. 3), 2003
  • P. Ross, J.G. Marin Blasques, S. Schulenburg, E. Hart. Learning a Procedure that Can Solve Hard Bin-Packing Problems: A New GA-Based Approach to Hyper-heuristics, Proc. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO 2003), Springer LNCS Vol 2724, 1295-1306
  • H. Asmuni, E.K. Burke, J. Garibaldi. Fuzzy Multiple Ordering Criteria for Examination Timetabling, Proceedings of the 5th international conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT), 51-66, Pittsburgh, USA, August 18th-20th 2004.
  • E.K.Burke and J.P. Newall, Solving Examination Timetabling Problems through Adaptation of Heuristic Orderings, Annals of Operations Research 129, 107-134, 2004
  • Rattadilok, P., Gaw, A. and Kwan, R.S.K, A Distributed Hyper-heuristic for Scheduling, University of Leeds, School of Computing Research Report 2004.01.
  • Burke, E.K., Kendall, G., Landa Silva, J.D., O'Brien, R. and Soubeiga, E., An Ant Algorithm Hyperheuristic for the Project Presentation Scheduling Problem, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 2263-2270, September 2-5, 2005.
  • Burke E.K., J.D. Landa Silva, E. Soubeiga. Multi-objective Hyper-heuristic Approaches for Space Allocation and Timetabling. In: Ibaraki T., Nonobe K., Yagiura M. (eds.), Meta-heuristics: Progress as Real Problem Solvers, Springer, 2005
  • Burke E.K., S. Petrovic, R. Qu. Hybrid Graph Heuristics within a Hyper-heuristic Approach to Exam Timetabling Problems, The Next Wave in Computing, Optimization, and Decision Technologies (eds. B.L. Golden, S. Raghavan & E.A. Wasil). 79-91, Springer 2005.
  • Cuesta A., Garrido L. and Terashima H. Building Hyper-heuristics through Ant Colony Optimization for the 2D Bin Packing Problem, KES'05, In: Lecture Notes on Computer Science 3684, 654-660, 2005.
  • Dowsland K., E. Soubeiga, E. Burke. A Simulated Annealing Hyper-heuristic for Determining Shipper Sizes. Accepted for publication in the European Journal of Operational Research in 2005.
  • Kendall G. and Mohd Hussin N., Tabu Search Hyper-heuristic Approach to the Examination Timetabling Problem at the MARA University of Technology, Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling V (eds E.K.Burke and M.Trick), Springer Lecture notes in Computer Science Vol 3616, 2005, pp 270-293.
  • Rattadilok, P., Gaw, A. and Kwan, R.S.K, Distributed Choice Function Hyper-heuristics for Timetabling and Scheduling, Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling V (eds E.K.Burke and M.Trick), Springer Lecture notes in Computer Science Vol 3616, 2005, 51-67
  • Aickelin U., Burke E.K. and Li J. (2006): An Estimation of Distribution Algorithm with Intelligent Local Search for Rule-based Nurse Rostering. Journal of the Operational Research Society, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • E.K. Burke, M.R. Hyde and G. Kendall. Evolving Bin Packing Heuristics with Genetic Programming, In Runarsson T., Beyer, H.G., Burke E.K., Merelo-Guervos J., Whitley D. and Yao X. (eds.): Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN 2006), Springer LNCS Vol 4193, Reykjavik, Iceland. September, 2006. 860-869.
  • E.K. Burke, S. Petrovic and R. Qu. Case Based Heuristic Selection for Timetabling Problems, Journal of Scheduling, vol 9, no. 2, 115-132, 2006.
  • Ozcan E., Bilgin N. and Korkmaz E.E.: Hill Climbers and Mutational Heuristics in Hyperheuristics. In: Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 2006.
  • E.K. Burke, A. Meisels, S. Petrovic, R. Qu. A Graph-Based Hyper Heuristic for Timetabling Problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 176, 177-192, 2007.