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Selected Publications
Books (1)
[1] Wilson, M. L. (2011) Search User Interface Design. Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services (Ed. Marchionini, G.), Morgan & Claypool, 143 pages. [DOI] [Amazon]
Peer-Reviewed Monographs (1)
[1] Wilson, M. L., Kules, B., schraefel, m.c. and Shneiderman, B. (2010) From Keyword Search to Exploration: Designing Future Search Interfaces for the Web. Foundations and Trends in Web Science 2 (1), pp 1-97. [DOI] [Amazon]
Book Chapters (3)
[3] Ramchurn, R., Martindale, S., Wilson, M.L., Benford, S. and Chamberlain, A. (2019) Brain-Controlled Cinema. In Nijholt A. (Eds) Brain Art. Springer, Cham. pp 377-408
[2] Elsweiler, D., Wilson M. L. and Kirkegaard-Lunn, B. (2011) Understanding Casual-leisure Information Behaviour. In Spink, A. and Heinstrom, J. (Eds) New Directions in Information Behaviour. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp 211-241. [Buy it!].
Emerald Outstanding Author Contribution
[1] Wilson, M. L. (2011) Interfaces to Information Retrieval. In Ruthven, I. and Kelly, D. (Eds) Interactive Information Retrieval. Facet Publishing. [Buy it!]
Edited Conference Proceedings (4)
[4] Mueller, F., Kyburz, P., Williamson, J.R., Sas, C., Wilson, M.L., Toups Dugas, P.O., and Shklovski, I. (2024). CHI '24: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Honolulu, HI, USA.
[3] Schmidt, A., Väänänen, K., Goyal, T., Kristensson, P.O., Peters, A., Mueller, S., Williamson, J.R. and Wilson, M.L. (2023) CHI '23: Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Hamburg, Germany.
[2] Kun, A.D., Shaer, O., Boll, S., Fox, S., Raval, N. and Wilson M.L. (2022) 2022 Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction for Work (CHIWORK'22), Durham, NH, USA.
[1] Elsweiler, D., Ludwig, B., Azzopardi, L. and Wilson M.L. (2014) Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Information Interaction in Context (IIiX'14), Regensberg, Germany.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (20)
[20] Schneegass, C., Wilson, M.L., Shaban, J., Niess, J. Chiossi, F. Mitrevska, T., and Wozniak, P. (2024) Broadening the mind: how emerging neurotechnology is reshaping HCI and interactive system design. i-com - Journal of Interactive Media (in press).
[19] Landowska, A., Wilson, M.L., Craven, M.P., and Harrington, K. (2024) Adaptative computerized cognitive training decreases mental workload during working memory precision task. A preliminary fNIRS study.. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. Vol 184.
Impact Factor: 5.4 (in 2023)
[18] Benerradi, J., Clos, J., Landowska, A., Valstar, M.F., and Wilson, M.L. (2023) Benchmarking framework for machine learning classification from fNIRS data. In Frontiers in Neuroergonomics, Vol 4,
[17] Marinescu, A., Argyle, E.M., Duvnjak, J., Wilson, M.L., Lawson, G., Sharples, S., Hubbard, E., and Justham, L. (2023). The future of manufacturing: Utopia or dystopia?. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service industries, 1-17.
Impact Factor: 1.699 (in 2021)
[16] Firat, E.E., Denisova, A., Wilson M.L. and Laramee, R.S. (2022) P-Lite: A study of parallel coordinate plot literacy. Visual Informatics (in press).
Impact factor: 3.111 (in 2021)
[15] Harrington, K, Craven, M.P., Wilson, M.L., and Landowska, A. (2022) Perceptions of Cognitive Training Games and Assessment Technologies for Dementia: Acceptability Study With Patient and Public Involvement Workshops. JMIR Serious Games. 10 (2) e32489.
Impact factor:3.36 (in 2021)
[14] Leesakul, N., Oostveen, A., Eimontaite, I., Wilson, M.L., and Hyde, R. (2022). Workplace 4.0: Exploring the Implications of Technology Adoption in Digital Manufacturing on a Sustainable Workforce. Sustainability. 14 (6): 3311.
Impact factor: 3.251 (in 2020)
[13] Liu, Z., Zhou, K., and Wilson, M.L. (2021) Meta-evaluation of Conversational Search Evaluation Metrics. ACM Transactions on Information Systems 39 (4): 52.
Impact factor: 4.797 (in 2020)
[12] Midha, S., Maior, H.A., Wilson, M.L., and Sharples, S. (2021) Measuring Mental Workload Variations in Office Work Tasks using fNIRS. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 147:102580. doi:
Impact factor: 3.163 (in 2020)
[11] Argyle, E.M., Marinescu, A., Wilson, M.L., Lawson, G. and Sharples, S. (2021) Physiological Indicators of Task Demand, Fatigue, and Cognition in Future Digital Manufacturing Environments. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 145:102522. doi:
Impact factor: 3.163 (in 2020)
[10] Benford, S., Ramchurn, R., Marshall, J., Wilson, M.L., Pike, M., Martindale, S., Hazzard, A., Greenhalgh, C., Kallionpaa, M., Tennent, P. and Walker, B. (2021) Contesting Control: Journeys through Surrender, Self-Awareness and Looseness of Control in Embodied Interaction. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 36:5-6, pp 361-389. doi:
Impact factor: 4.222 (in 2020)
[9] Gwizdka, J., Moshfeghi, Y. and Wilson, M.L. (2019) Introduction to the special issue on neuro‐information science. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 70:9, 911-916, DOI:
Impact factor: 2.738 (in 2019)
[8] Rutter, S., Blinzler, V., Ye, C., Wilson, M. L. and Twidale, M. (2019) Search tactics used in solving everyday how-to technical tasks: repertoire, selection and tenacity. Information Processing & Management, 56:3, 919-938, DOI:
Impact factor: 3.444 (in 2019)
[7] Maior, Horia A. and Wilson, Max L. and Sharples, Sarah (2018) Workload alerts - using physiological measures of mental workload to provide feedback during tasks. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 20:2, article 9. DOI: 10.1145/3173380
Impact Factor: 0.972 (in 2018)
[6] P. Brindley, J. Goulding & M. L. Wilson (2017) Generating vague neighbourhoods through data mining of passive web data. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 32:3, 498-523, DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2017.1400549
Impact Factor: 2.37 (in 2017)
[5] Wilson, M. J. and Wilson, M. L. (2013) A Comparison of Techniques for Measuring Sensemaking and Learning within Participant-Generated Summaries. In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology.
Impact Factor: 2.23 (in 2013)
[4] Wilson, M. L., Craggs, D., Robinson, S., Jones, M. and Brimble K. (2011) Pico-ing into the Future of Mobile Projection and Contexts. In: Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing.
Impact Factor: 0.938 (in 2011)
[3] Wilson, M. L. and schraefel, m. c. (2010) Evaluating Collaborative Information Seeking Interfaces with a Search-Oriented Inspection Method and Re-framed Information Seeking Theory. Information Processing & Management, 46 (6), pp. 718-732.
Journal Impact Factor 2010: 1.783
[2] Wilson, M. L., schraefel, m. c. and White, R. W. (2009) Evaluating Advanced Search Interfaces using Established Information-Seeking Models. In the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60 (7). pp. 1407-1422.
Awarded Best JASIST Paper 2009.
Impact Factor in 2009: 2.300
[1] schraefel, m. c., Wilson, M. L., Russell, A. and Smith, D. A. (2006) mSpace: improving information access to multimedia domains with multimodal exploratory search. Communication of the ACM, 49 (4). pp. 47-49.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers (65)
[65] Wilson, M.L., Shaban, J., Maior, H.A., Schneegass, C. and Cox, A.L. (2024). The CHI’24 Workshop on the Future of Cognitive Personal Informatics. In CHI EA '24: Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 2024, Hawaii, HI, USA.
[64] Tang, H., Benerradi, J., Maior, H.A., Pike, M., Landowska, A., and Wilson, M.L. (2024). Exploring the Impact of Verbal-Imagery Cognitive Style on Web Search Behaviour and Mental Workload. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction And Retrieval. Mar 2024, pages 303-316, Sheffield, UK.
[63] Liang, X., Landowska, A., Ramchurn, R., Berger, C., Wilson, M.L. and Maior, H.A. (2023). The Power of Fear: Exploring the Neural Responses to Horror Scenes in Different Audiovisual Modes. RoCHI'23: Proceedings of the Romanian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Sept 21-22, Cluj, Romania.
[62] Schneegass, C., Wilson, M. L., Maior, H.A., Chiossi, F., Cox, A.L. and Wiese, J. (2023). The Future of Cognitive Personal Informatics. MobileHCI '23 Companion: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction, Sept 26, Athens, Greece.
[61] Wilson, M.L. (2023). CHI2023 Course on How to Peer Review for CHI (and Beyond). CHI EA '23: Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. April 23-28, Hamburg, Germany.
[60] Midha, S., Wilson, M.L. and Sharples, S. (2022). Ethical Concerns and Perceptions of Consumer Neurotechnology from Lived Experiences of Mental Workload Tracking. FAccT '22: 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, June 21-24, Seoul, South Korea.
[59] Martinez, W., Benerradi, J., Midha, S., Maior, H.A. and Wilson, M.L. (2022). Understanding the Ethical Concerns for Neurotechnology in the Future of Work. CHIWORK'22: 2022 Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction for Work, June 8-9, Durham, NH, USA.
[58] Midha, S., Wilson, M.L. and Sharples, S. (2022) Lived Experiences of Mental Workload in Everyday Life. In: CHI'22: Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 30-May 6, New Orleans, USA.
[57] Parsa, S., Maior, H.A., Thumwood, A.R.E., Wilson, M.L., Hanheide, M. and Esfahani, A.G. (2022). The Impact of Motion Scaling and Haptic Guidance on Operators’ Workload and Performance in Teleoperation. In CHI'22 Extended Abstracts, April 30-May 6, New Orleans, USA.
[56] CHIWORK et al. (2022) Human-Computer Interaction and the Future of Work. In: CHI'22 Extended Abstracts, April 30-May 6, New Orleans, USA
[55] Wilson, M.L., Midha, S., Maior, H.A., Cox, A.L., Chuang, L. and Urquhart, L.D. (2022) SIG: Moving from Brain-Computer Interfaces to Personal Cognitive Informatics. In: CHI'22 Extended Abstracts, April 30-May 6, New Orleans, USA
[54] Wilson, M.L. and Nacke, L.E. (2022) How to: Peer Review for CHI (and Beyond). In: CHI'22 Extended Abstracts, April 30-May 6, New Orleans, USA
[53] Liu, Z., Xhou, K., Mao, J. and Wilson, M.L. (2021) POSSCORE: A Simple Yet Effective Evaluation of Conversational Search with Part of Speech Labelling. In: CIKM'21: Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management, October 30, Online.
[52] Harrington, K., Craven, M.P., Wilson, M.L., & Landowska, A. (2021) Exploring User Opinion on the Benefits of Cognitive Games Through an Online Walkthrough and Interview. In: HCII'20: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conferenceon Human-Comptuter Interaction, July 24-29, Washington DC, USA.
[51] Wilson, M.L. (2020). How to: Peer Review for CHI (and Beyond). In CHI'20: Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Course). April 25-30, Honolulu, Hawai'i, USA.
[50] Talkad Sukumar, P., Avellino, I., Remy, C., DeVito, M. A., Dillahunt, T. R., McGrenere, J. and Wilson, M. L. (2020) Transparency in Qualitative Research: Increasing Fairness in the CHI Review Process. In: CHI'20: Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Panel). April 25-30. Honolulu, Hawai'i, USA.
[49] Harrington, K., Craven, M., Wilson, M., & Landowska, A. (2020) Exploring User Expectations Of Brain-Training And Coaching Technologies For Cognitive Health. In HCII'20: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, July 19-24, Copenhagen, Denmark..
[48] Benerradi, J., Maior, H. A., Marinescu, A., Clos, J. and Wilson, M. L. (2019) Exploring Machine Learning Approaches for Classifying Mental Workload using fNIRS Data from HCI Tasks. In HttF'20: Proceedings of the Halfway to the Future Symposium 2019, Nov 19, Nottingham, UK.
[47] Fowler, A., Golightly, D., Sharples, S., Harvey, C., Wilson, M.L., and Gibson, H. (2019). Human performance in rail: current assessment and future opportunities. In CIEHF'19: Ergonomics & Human Factors Conference. April 29-May 1, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK.
[46] Alsuraykh, N.H., Wilson, M.L., Tennent, P. and Sharples, S. (2019). How Stress and Mental Workload are Connected. In Proc. of PervasiveHealth 2019. May 20-23, Trento, Italy.
[45] Ramchurn, R., Martinez Avila, J., Martindale, S., Chamberlain, A., Wilson, M.L. and Benford, S. Improvising a Live Score to an Interactive Brain-Controlled Film. In Proc. of NIME 2019. June 3-6, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
[44] Ramchurn, R., Martindale, S., Wilson, M.L. and Benford S. (2019) From director's cut to user's cut: to watch a brain-controlled film is to edit it. In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2019), May 4-9, Glasgow, UK. DOI:
Honourable Mention
[43] Maior, H.A., Ramchurn, R., Martindale, S., Cai, M., Wilson, M.L. and Benford S. (2019) fNIRS and Neurocinematics. In Proc. CHI2019 (Extended Abstracts), May 4-9, Glasgow, UK. (Accepted).
[42] Knight, I.A., Wilson, M.L., Brailsford, D.F. and Milic-Frayling, N. (2019) "Enslaved to the Trapped Data": A Cognitive Work Analysis of Medical Systematic Reviews. In Proceedings of 2019 ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR). Mar 11-13, Glasgow, UK. pp 203-212.
Honourable Mention
[41] McNabb, L., Laramee, R.S., and Wilson, M. L. (2018) When Size Matters: Towards Evaluating Perceivability of Choropleths. In: Computer Graphics and Visual Computing (CGVC), 13-14 Sept 2018, Swansea, UK
[40] Alsuraykh, N.H., Maior, H.A.,Wilson, M.L., Tennent, P. and Sharples, S. (2018) How Stress Affects Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) Measurements of Mental Workload. In: CHI 2018: ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Extended Abstracts), 21-26 April 2018, Montreal, Canada.
[39] Wilson, M. L. (2017) The Tetris Model of Resolving Information Needs within the Information Seeking Process. In CHIIR'17: 2nd ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction & Retrieval, Mar 7-11, Olso, Norway (accepted).
[38] Pike, M., Ramchurn, R., Benford, S. and Wilson, M. L. (2016) #Scanners: Exploring the Control of Adaptive Films using Brain-Computer Interaction. In CHI'16: 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. May 7-12, San Jose, CA, USA.
Best Arts Paper
[37] Lukanov, K., Maior, H. and Wilson, M. L. (2016) Using fNIRS in Usability Testing: Understanding the Effect of Web Form Layout on Mental Workload. In CHI'16: 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. May 7-12, San Jose, CA, USA. (accepted)
[36] Huurderman, H., Wilson, M. L., and Kamps, J. (2016) Active and Passive Utility of Search Interface Features in Different Information Seeking Task Stages. In CHIIR'16: 1st ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval. Mar 13-17, Chapel Hill, NC. (accepted)
[35] Rahman, A. and Wilson, M. L. (2015) Exploring Opportunities to Facilitate Serendipity in Search. In SIGIR'15: 38th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. Aug 9-13, Santiago, Chile. pp 939-942.
[34] Gwizdka, K., Joemon, J., Mostafa, J. and Wilson, M. L. (2015). NeuroIR 2015: Neuro-Physiological Methods in IR Research. In SIGIR'15: 38th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. Aug 9-13, Santiago, Chile. pp 1151-1153. (Workshop).
[33] Pike, M., Ramchurn, R. and Wilson, M. L. (2015) Two-Way Affect Loops in Multimedia Experiences (position paper). In proc. British HCI 2015., 13-17 July 2015, Lincoln, UK.
[32] Maior, H., Pike, M., Sharples, S. and Wilson, M.L. (2015) Examining the Reliability of Using fNIRS in Realistic HCI Settings for Spatial and Verbal Tasks. In: CHI'15: ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems (accepted).
[31] Flintham, M. Velt, R., Wilson, M.L.. Anstead, E., Benford, S., Brown, A. Pearce, T. and Price, D. (2015) Run Spot Run : Capturing and Tagging Footage of a Race by Crowds of Spectators. In: CHI'15: ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems (accepted).
[30] Brindley, P, Goulding, J. and Wilson, M. L. (2014) A data driven approach to mapping urban neighbourhoods. In: Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. 4-7 November 2014, Dallas, TX, YSA. pp437-440.
[29] Wilson, M.L., Ali, S. and Valstar, M. (2014). Finding Information about Mental Health in Microblogging Platforms: a Case Study of Depression. In: IIiX'14 The Fifth Information Interaction in Context Conference (accepted).
[28] Ye, C. and Wilson, M. L. (2014). A User Defined Taxonomy of Factors that Divide Online Information Retrieval Sessions. In: IIiX'14: The Fifth Information Interaction in Context Conference (accepted).
[27] Meier, F., Elsweiler, D. and Wilson, M. L. (2014). More than Liking and Bookmarking? Towards Understanding Twitter Favouriting Behaviour. In: ICWSM'14 8th International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (accepted).
[26] Brindley, P., Goulding, J. and Wilson, M.L. (2014) Mapping Urban Neighbourhoods from Internet Derived Data. In: 22nd GISRUK conference, 16-18 April 2014, Glasgow, UK. pp355-364.
[25] Pike, M., Maior, H. A., Porcheron, M., Sharples, S. and Wilson, M. L. (2014). Measuring the effect of Think Aloud Protocols on Workload using fNIRS. In: CHI'14 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems (accepted).
[24] Wilson, M. L., Coyle, D., Chi, E. H. and Reeves, S. (2014) RepliCHI - The Workshop II. In: CHI'14 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems Extended Abstracts .
[23] Maior, H. A., Pike, M., Wilson, M. L. and Sharples, S. (2014) Continuous detection of workload overload: An fNIRS approach. In: EHF'14 Ergonomics and Human Factors 2014 .
[22] Wilson, M. L., Resnick, P., Coyle, D. and Chi, E. H. (2013) RepliCHI - The Workshop. In: CHI'13 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems Extended Abstracts .
[21] Hughes-Morgan, K and Wilson, M. L. (2012) Information vs Interaction – examining their individual effects on searchers. In: IIiX'12 Conference on Information Interaction in Context .
[20] Wilson, M. J., Hurlock, J. and Wilson, M. L. (2012) Keyword Clouds: Having Very Little Effect on Sensemaking in Web Search Engines (WiP). In CHI'12 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems Extended Abstracts
[19] Wilson, M. L., Mackay, W., Chi, E. H., Bernstein, M. and Nichols, J. (2012) RepliCHI SIG - From a Panel to a New Submission Venue for Replication (SIG). In CHI'12 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts
[18] Elsweiler, D., Wilson, M. L. and Harvey, M. (2012) Searching For Fun: Casual-leisure Search. In: European Conference on Information Retrieval (Workshop Proposal) .
[17] Hurlock, J. and Wilson, M. L. (2011) Searching Twitter: Separating the Tweet from the Chaff. In: 5th International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media .
[16] Wilson, M. J. and Wilson, M. L. (2011) Tag Clouds and Keyword Clouds: evaluating zero-interaction benefits In: CHI'11 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts .
[15] Wilson, M. L. and Mackay, W. (2011) RepliCHI - We do not value replication of HCI research: discuss (Panel). In: CHI'11: ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts .
[14] Eslambolchilar, P., Wilson, M. L., Oakley, I. and Dey, A. (2011) PINC: Persuasion, Influence, Nudge and Coercion through mobile devices (Workshop). In: CHI'11: ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts .
[13] Morgan, R. and Wilson, M. L. (2010) The Revisit Rack: Grouping Web Search Thumbnails for Optimal Visual Recognition. In: ASIS&T'10: Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, October 22 2010, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. pp. 1-4.
[12] Wilson, M. L., Robinson, S., Craggs, D., Brimble, K. and Jones, M. Pico-ing into the Future of Mobile Projector Phones. In: CHI'10: ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts, April 9 2010, Atlanta, GA, USA. pp 3997-4002
[11] Oleksik, G., Wilson, M. L., Tashman, C., Rodrigues, E. M., Kazai, G., Smyth, G., Milic-Frayling, N. and Jones, R. (2009) Lightweight Tagging Expands Information and Activity Management Practices. In: CHI '09: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 2009, Boston, MA, USA. pp. 279-288.
[10] Crowder, R., Wilson, M. L., Fowler, D., Shadbolt, N., Wills, G. and Wong, S. (2009) Navigation Over a Large Ontology for Industrial Web Applications. In: International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, 30 August to 2 September 2009, San Diago, CA, USA.
Awarded Best Paper
[9] Wilson, M. L., Andre, P. and schraefel, m. c. (2008) Backward Highlighting: Enhancing Faceted Search. In: Proceedings of the 21st Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST2008), October 19-22, 2008, Monterey, CA, USA. pp. 235-238.
[8] Wilson, M. L. and schraefel, m. c. (2008) A Longitudinal Study of Exploratory and Keyword Search. In: ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, June 16-20, 2008, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. pp. 52-56.
[7] Smith, D. A., Owens, A., schraefel, m., Sinclair, P., Andre, P., Wilson, M., Russell, A., Martinez, K. and Lewis, P. (2007) Challenges in Supporting Faceted Semantic Browsing of Multimedia Collections. In: The Second International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies (SAMT2007), 5-7 December 2007, Genova, Italy. pp. 280-283.
[6] Andre, P., Wilson, M. L., Russell, A., Smith, D. A., Owens, A. and schraefel, m. c. (2007) Continuum: designing timelines for hierarchies, relationships and scale. In: UIST2007 (ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology), Newport, Rhode Island. pp. 101-110.
[5] Andre, P., Wilson, M. L., Owens, A. and Smith, D. A. (2007) Journey planning based on user needs. In: CHI '07 extended abstracts, April 2007, San Jose, CA. pp. 2025-2030.
[4] Wilson, M. L., Smith, D. A., Russell, A. and schraefel, m. c. (2006) mSpace Mobile: a UI Gestalt to Support On-the-Go Info-Interaction. In: the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI06), 22-27 April, 2006, Montreal, Canada. pp. 247-250.
[3] Wilson, M. L., Russell, A., Smith, D. A. and schraefel, m. c. (2006) mSpace Mobile: Exploring Support for Mobile Tasks. In: The 20th BCS HCI Group conference in co-operation with ACM (HCI06), 11-15 September 2006, Queen Mary, London. pp. 193-202.
[2] schraefel, m. c., Smith, D. a., Owens, A., Russell, A., Harris, C. and Wilson, M. L. (2005) The evolving mSpace platform: leveraging the Semantic Web on the Trail of the Memex. In: Hypertext, 2005, Sept 6-9 2005, Salzburg. pp. 174-183.
[1] Smart, P. R., Shadbolt, N. R., Carr, L. A., schraefel, m. c., Wilson, M. L. and Russell, A. (2005) Knowledge-Intensive Fusion for Improved Situational Awareness. In: 2nd Annual DIF DTC Conference, 28-29 September 2005, JSCSC Shrivenham, UK.
Edited Workshop Proceedings (7)
[7] Wilson, M. L., Russell-Rose, T., Larsen, B., Hansen, P. and Norling, K. (2013) Proceedings of the 3rd European Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval (EuroHCIR2013). August 1, Dublin, IE.
[6] Wilson, M. L., Chi, E. H., Coyle, D. and Resnick, P. (2013) Proceedings of the CHI2013 Workshop on the Replication of HCI Research (RepliCHI 2013). April 27-28, Paris, FR.
[5] Wilson, M. L., Russell-Rose, T., Larsen, B. and Kalbach, J. (2012) Proceedings of the 2nd European Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval (EuroHCIR2012). August 25, Nijmegen, NL.
[4] Elsweiler, D., Wilson, M. L. and Harvey M. (2012) Proceedings of the Searching 4 Fun! workshop (Search4Fun 2012). April 1, Barcelona, Spain.
[3] Wilson, M. L., Russell-Rose, T., Larsen, B. and Kalbach, J. (2011). Proceedings of the 1st European Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval (euroHCIR2011). July 4, Newcastle, UK.
[2] Eslambolchilar, P., Wilson, M. L., Oakley, I, and Dey, A. (2011). Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Persuasion, Influence, Nudge & Coercion Through Mobile Devices (PINC2011). May 8, Vancouver, Canada.
[1] Eslambolchilar, P., Wilson, M. L. and Komninos A. (2010). Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Nudge & Influence through Mobile Devices (NIMD). September 7, Lisbon, Spain.
Peer-Reviewed Workshop Items (40)
[40] Wilson, M.L. (2024) Mental Workload vs Cognitive Load vs everything else in HCI. In Proceedings of The CHI'24 Workshop on Future of Cognitive Personal Informatics. May 2024, Honolulu, HI, USA.
[39] Wilson, M.L. (2024) The Neuro-Future of Work. In Proceedings of Human-AI Interaction for Work, Dagstuhl 23452.
[38] Shaban, J., Roy, M., Stephens-Marsh, M., Wilson, M.L., and Sharples S. (2023) When High Mental Workload is Good and Low Mental Workload is Bad. MobileHCI'23 Workshop: The Future of Cognitive Personal Informatics, Sept 26, Athens, Greece.
[37] Wilson, M.L. Shaban, J., Ma, X., Shalliker, M., Midha, S., and Sharples S. (2023) Designing Apps to Track Mental Workload. MobileHCI'23 Workshop: The Future of Cognitive Personal Informatics, Sept 26, Athens, Greece.
[36] Shaban, J., Wilson, M.L., and Sharples, S. (2023) Designing for Reflection on our Daily Mental Workload. In Proc. CHI'23 Workshop on Integrating Individual and Social Contexts into Self-Reflection Technologies, 28 April 2023, Hamburg, Germany.
[35] Dong, M., Husain, M., Brooks, D., Wilson, M.L., Craven, M.P., Destrebecq F., Georges, J. and Baden-Kristensen, K. (2019) Alzheimer's Disease (AD) Detect & Prevent -presymptomatic AD detection and prevention. In: Proceedings of International MinD Conference 2019, 19-20 September 2019, Dresden, Germany.
[34] Harrington K., Craven, M.P. and Wilson, M.L. (2019) AD Prevent-Detect: Evaluation of Cognitive Screening and Cognitive Training for People at risk of Dementia. In: The 4th Symposium on Computing and Mental Health, 5th May 2019, Glasgow, UK.
[33] Huurdeman, H.C., Kamps, J. and Wilson, M.L. (2019) The Multi-Stage Experience: the Simulated Work Task Approach to Studying Information Seeking Stages. In: Proceedings of the CHIIR 2019 Workshop on Barriers to Interactive IR Resources Re-use, 14th March 2019, Glasgow, UK.
[32] Wilson, M.L., Sharon, N., Maior, H.A., Midha, S., Craven, M.P. and Sharples, S. (2018) Mental Workload as Personal Data: Designing a Cognitive Activity Tracker. In: The 3rd Symposium on Computing and Mental Health, 22nd July 2018, Montreal, Canada.
[31] Maior, H.A., Wilson, M.L., Locke, C. and Swann, D. (2018) Brain Activity and Mental Workload associated with Artistic Practice. In: CHI2018 Artistic BCI Workshop, 22nd April 2018, Montreal, Canada.
[30] Wilson, M. L., Alsuraykh, N. and Maior, H. (2017). Measuring Mental Workload in IIR User Studies with fNIRS. In: NeuroIIR 2017. March 11, Oslo, Norway.
[29] Rutter, S., Blinzler, V., Ye, C., Twidale, M. B. and Wilson, M. L. (2017). Complex Search Task: How to Make a Phone Safe for a Child. In: Supporting Complex Search Tasks 2017. March 11, Oslo, Norway.
[28] Wilson, M.L., Ye, C., Twidale, M.B., Grasse, H., Rosenthal, J. and McKittrick, M. (2016) Search literacy: learning to search to learn. In: Second International Workshop on Search as Learning (SAL 2016), 21st July 2016, Pisa, Italy.
[27] Ye, C. and Wilson, M. L. (2014) The Characteristics of Casual Sessions in Search Behaviour Logs. In: Searching4Fun 2014. August 30, Regensburg, Germany (accepted)
[26] Maior, H. A., Pike, M, Wilson, M. L. and Sharples, S. (2013) Directly Evaluating the Cognitive Impact of Search User Interfaces: a Two-Pronged Approach with fNIRS. In: EuroHCIR2013: 3rd European Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval. August 1, Dublin, IE. pp 43-46.
[25] Ye, C., Porcheron, M. and Wilson, M. L. (2013) Studying Extended Session Histories. In: EuroHCIR2013: 3rd European Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval. August 1, Dublin, IE. pp 23-26.
[24] Wilson, M. L. (2013) Teaching HCI Methods: Replicating a Study of Collaborative Search. In: RepliCHI 2013: Proceedings of the CHI2013 Workshop on the Replication of HCI Research. April 27-28, Paris, FR. pp 39-43.
[23] Pike, M, Wilson, M. L., Divoli, A. and Medelyan, A. (2012) CUES: Cognitive Usability Evaluation System. In: EuroHCIR2012: 2nd European Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval. August 25, Nijmegen, NL.
[22] Wilson, M. L., Alhodaithi, B. and Hurst M. (2012) A Diary Study of Information Needs Produced in Casual-Leisure Reading Situations. In: Search4Fun Workshop at ECIR2012. April 1, Barcelona, Spain.
[21] Wilson, M. L. (2011) Evaluating the Cognitive Impact of Search User Interface Design Decisions. In: euroHCIR2011 Workshop: 1st European Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval. July 4, Newcastle, UK. pp 27-30.
[20] Wilson, M. L., Foster, D., Lawson, S. and Eddison, S. (2011) Nudging People at Work and Other Third-Party Locations. In PINC'11 Workshop: Persuasion, Infuence, Nudge, and Coercion through mobile devices. May 7 2011, Vancouver, Canada. pp 47-50.
[19] Wilson, M. L. and Wilson, M. J. (2010) Social anxieties and collaborative information seeking. In: CIS'10 Workshop - Collaborative Information Seeking: Towards New Theories and Applications, Nov 7 2010, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA.
[18] Wilson, M. L. and Elsweiler, D. (2010) Casual-leisure Searching: the Exploratory Search scenarios that break our current models. In: 4th International Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval, Aug 22 2010, New Brunswick, NJ. pp 28-31.
[17] Diriye, A., Wilson, M. L., Blandford, A. and Tombros A. (2010) Revisiting Exploratory Search from the HCI Perspective. In: 4th International Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval, Aug 22 2010, New Brunswick, NJ. pp 99-102.
[16] Elsmore, C., Wilson, M. L., Jones, M., and Eslambolchilar, E. (2010) Neighbourhood Wattch - Community Based Energy Visualisation For The Home. In NIMD'10 Workshop: Nudge & Influence Through Mobile Devices. September 7 2010, Lisbon, Portugal. pp 7-10.
[15] Crawford, T. J., Wilson, M. L., and Laramee, R. S. (2010) Giving Files Behaviours. In: Workshop on Personal Knowledge Management (PKM2010), Sep 12 2010, Duisberg, Germany.
[14] Wilson, M. L. (2010) The Exaggerated Role of Perception Within Collaborative Information Seeking. In: 2nd International Workshop on Collaborative Information Seeking, Feb 7 2010, Savannah, GA, USA.
[13] Wilson, M. L. and schraefel, m. c. (2009) Exploring Heterogeneous Datasets from Different Searcher Perspectives. In: Semantic Web User Interaction at ISWC 2009: Sharing Ideas for Complex Problems in User Interaction, 25th October 2009, Washington DC.
[12] Wilson, M. L. and schraefel, m. c. (2009) The Importance of Conveying Inter-Facet Relationships for Making Sense of Unfamiliar Domains. In: CHI2009 Workshop on Sensemaking, 4th April 2009, Boston, MA, USA.
[11] Wilson, M. L. (2009) Keyword Search: Quite Exploratory Actually. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval (HCIR'09), 23rd October 2009, Washington DC. pp. 106-108.
[10] Wilson, M. L. and schraefel, m. c. (2009) Reading between the lines: identifying user behaviour between logged interactions. In: SIGIR09 Workshop: Understanding the User - Logging and interpreting user interactions in information search and retrieval, 23rd July 2009, Boston, MA, USA.
[9] Wilson, M. L. and schraefel, m. c. (2009) Sii: the lightweight analytical search interface inspector. In: JCDL09 Workshop: Lightweight User-Friendly Evaluation Knowledge for Digital Librarians, Austin, TX, USA.
[8] Wilson, M. L. (2009) Using Twitter to Assess Information Needs: Early Results. In: HCIR'09, 23rd October 2009, Washington DC. pp. 109-112.
[7] Wilson, M. L. and schraefel, m. c. (2008) Evaluating Collaborative Search Interfaces with Information Seeking Theory. In: 1st International Collaborative Search Workshop, 20th June 2008, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
[6] Wilson, M. L. and schraefel, m. c. (2008) Improving Exploratory Search Interfaces: Adding Value or Information Overload? In: Second Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval, 23rd October 2008, Redmond, WA, USA. pp. 81-84.
[5] Andre, P., schraefel, m., Wilson, M. L. and Smith, D. A. (2008) The Metadata is the Message. In: Web Science Workshop at WWW'08.
[4] Wilson, M. L. and schraefel, m. c. (2007) Bridging the Gap: Using IR Models for Evaluating Exploratory Search Interfaces. In: SIGCHI 2007 Workshop on Exploratory Search and HCI, 28th April 2007, San Jose, CA, USA.
[3] Wilson, M. L. and schraefel, m. c. (2006) mSpace: What do Numbers and Totals Mean in a Flexible Semantic Browser. In: The 3rd International Semantic Web User Interaction Workshop at ISWC2006, November, 2006, Athens, GA.
[2] schraefel, m. c., Smith, D. A., Russel, A., Owens, A., Harris, C. and Wilson, M. L. (2005) The mSpace Classical Music Explorer: Improving Access to Classical Music for Real People. In: V MUSICNETWORK OPEN WORKSHOP: Integration of Music in Multimedia Applications, July 4 and 5, 2005, Vienna, Austria.
[1] Wilson, M. L., Russell, A., Smith, D. A., Owens, A. and schraefel, m. c. (2005) mSpace Mobile: A Mobile Application for the Semantic Web. In: End User Semantic Web Workshop, ISWC2005, 07/11/2005, Galway, Ireland.
Demos and Posters (11)
[11] Sedlar, S., Benerradi, J., Le Breton, C., Deriche, R. Papadopoulo, T., and Wilson M.L. (2021). Rank-1 CNN for mental workload classification from EEG. Challenge Submission at Neuroergonomics Conference 2021.
[10] Benerradi, J., Clos, J., Landowska, A., Valstar, M.F., and Wilson, M.L. (2021). Benchmarking Framework for Machine Learning with fNIRS. Poster presented at Neuroergonomics Conference 2021.
[9] Marinescu, A., Maior, H. A., Fowler, A., Wilson, M. L., & Sharples, S. (2018, October). Comparing fNIRS and facial thermography for assessing mental workload. Poster presented at fNIRS2018. Oct 5-8, Tokyo, Japan.
[8] Ramchurn, R., Maior, H. A., Wilson, M. L., Martindale, S., Benford, S., & Cai, M. (2018, October). fNIRS and Neurocinematics. Poster presented at fNIRS2018. Oct 5-8, Tokyo, Japan.
[7] Midha, S., Wilson, M. L., Maior, H. A., & Sharples, S. (2018, October). Detecting variation in mental workload levels within everyday work tasks using fNIRS. Poster presented at fNIRS2018. Oct 5-8, Tokyo, Japan.
[6] Ramchurn, R.,Wilson, M.L., Martindale, S. and Benford, S (2018) #Scanners 2 – The MOMENT: A New Brain-Controlled Movie. In: CHI 2018: ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Extended Abstracts), 21-26 April 2018, Montreal, Canada.
[5] Pike, M., Wilson, M. L., Benford, S. and Ramchurn, R. (2016) #Scanners: A BCI Enhanced Cinematic Experience. ACM CHI'16 Extended Abstracts ACM, New York, NY, USA, 293-296.
[4] Pike, M., Ramchurn, R. and Wilson, M. L. (2015) #Scanners: Integrating Physiology into Cinematic Experiences. ACM Creativity and Cognition, 22-25 June 2015, Glasgow, UK
[3] Wilson, M. L., Geng, Z., Cheeseman, T., Laramee, R. S., Rothwell, A., Berry, D. M., and Ehrmann, A. (2011) Studying International Variations in Culture and Literature: Visualising Translation Variations in Shakespeare's Othello. In: The 3rd International Conference on Web Science, 14-17 June 2011, Koblenz, Germany.
[2] Wilson, M. L. and schraefel, m. c. (2008) EPrintCast - A Document Repository Podcast. In: The 3rd International Conference on Open Repositories, 1-4 April 2008, Southampton, UK.
[1] Wilson, M. L., Russell, A., Smart, P. R., Shadbolt, N., Carr, L. and schraefel, m. c. (2005) Using Semantic Web Technologies to Support Enhanced Situation Awareness. In: 4th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), 6-10 November 2005, Galway, Ireland.
Theses (1)
[1] Wilson, M. L. (2009) An Analytical Inspection Framework for Evaluating the Search Tactics and User Profiles Supported by Information Seeking Interfaces. PhD Thesis, University of Southampton.
Technical Reports (9)
[9] Wilson, M. (2009) The Tetris model of the information seeking process. Technical Report UNSPECIFIED, Department of Computer Science, Swansea University. (Unpublished)
[8] Wilson, M. L. and schraefel, m. c. (2008) Structured Inspections of Search Interfaces: A Practitioners Guide. Technical Report UNSPECIFIED, School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton.
[7] Wilson, M. L. (2008) A Transfer Report on the Development of a Framework to Evaluate Search Interfaces for their Support of Different User Types and Search Tactics. Technical Report 2008032515642, School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton.
[6] Wilson, M. L. and schraefel, m. c. (2008) A Validated Framework for Measuring Interface Support for Interactive Information Seeking. Technical Report 1513520080128, School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton. (Submitted)
[5] Van Kleek, M., Andre, P., A. Smith, D., L. Wilson, M., Bernstein, M., Karger, D. and schraefel, m. c. (2007) AtomsMasher: PeRSSonalized Information Delivery and Management on the Web. Technical Report UNSPECIFIED, CSAIL / ECS, MIT / University of Southampton. (Submitted)
[4] Wilson, M. L. (2007) A Nine Month Report on Progress Towards a Framework for Evaluating Advanced Search Interfaces considering Information Retrieval and Human Computer Interaction. Technical Report UNSPECIFIED, School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton.
[3] Smith, D. A., Owens, A., schraefel, m., Sinclair, P., Andre, P., Wilson, M., Russell, A., Martinez, K. and Lewis, P. (2007) Reflections on Challenges in Supporting Faceted Semantic Browsing of Multimedia Collections. Technical Report UNSPECIFIED, School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton.
[2] schraefel, m. c., Smith, D. A., Russell, A. and Wilson, M. L. (2006) Semantic Web meets Web 2.0 (and vice versa): The Value of the Mundane for the Semantic Web. Technical Report eprintNo. 12665, ECS-IAM, University of Southampton.
[1] schraefel, m. c., Wilson, M. L. and Karam, M. (2004) Preview Cues: Enhancing Access to Multimedia Content. Technical Report UNSPECIFIED, School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton.