A summary of my research interests can be found in this presentation and on this poster. These resources are a bit dated but you might still find some interesting information here.
From Conceptual Model to Implementation with Generative AI
Internship, EPSRC funded
Traditional approaches to implementing ABMs often rely on extensive manual coding, which creates a major bottleneck in the development process. However, the recent advancements in Generative AI technology present an exciting opportunity to improve this workflow. Our current research involves fine tuning an LLM for the use in the field of Social Simulation, designing prompts that translate UML diagrams derived from the previously generated conceptual ABM into executable GAML code for the Gama platform, a modelling and simulation environment for creating and running spatially explicit agent-based simulations, and evaluating the quality of the derived scripts.
The research is conducted by one of our bright undergrads, Sener Topaloglu. The duration of the project is 3 month.
Human-Inspired Agents: A Fuzzy Set Approach
Internship, funded internally
Agent-Based Simulation (ABS) is a powerful paradigm that can be used for conducting what-if analysis of human centric systems. Agents are comparable to non-player characters in games and serious simulations. In principle, ABS enables exploring the interaction of different groups of stakeholders, where the latter are often people in a specific context, from land owners in conservation, to shoppers in marketing. A key challenge in ABS is the appropriate specification of agents in order for them to behave similarly to humans. Commonly, so-called archetypes are established, which capture groups within a population sharing similar behaviour. This project is designed to combine fuzzy set theory with ABS in order to enable simulations where agents can be efficiently designed to replicate core behavioural aspects of human stakeholders, thus providing a pathway for human-inspired ABS.
In this project I share the PI role with my colleague Christian Wagner. The research is conducted by one of our bright undergrads, Danial Stroud. The duration of the project is 3 month.
Creating an Artificial Hotspot Laboratory Prototype for Investigating HGV Hotspot Incidences
Funded internally by D^3 RPA Discipline Bridging Fund + ADAC (£11.022)
In this project we want to explore how we can take advantage of the multitude of collected data streams related to HGV incidents and the information/knowledge derived from these data streams after data analysis. Such data is collected by our industrial partner Microlise whose incident black boxes are installed in over 25% of the UK HGVs, capturing the driving behaviour of more than 90,000 drivers. Microlise is currently working with us on an Innovate UK project (VEDAT: 101938) which aims to develop a method for identify incidence hotspot locations from big incidence data sets. The dataset we are working with contains three month worth of data (1.2 million data points) about different types of HGV driving behaviour incidences: contextual speeding, speeding, harsh braking, harsh corners. These incidences can be traced back to individual drivers. We aim to develop an Artificial Hotspot Lab (AHL) prototype that will allow us to simulate different types of HGV drivers and their driving behaviours. With such a simulator (a what-if analysis tool) we could study the potential impact of driver personality on hot spot evolution with or without using innovative guidance systems as the one planned to be developed by Microlise which will inform drivers about upcoming hazards. For developing the AHL we will use an Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) and simulation approach.
In this project I am the PI. The COIs are Bob John (UoN: CompSci), Grazziela Figueredo (UoN: ADAC), and Mohammad Mesgarpour (Microlise). The research is conducted by Grazziela Figueredo (UoN CompSci). The duration of the project is 3 month.
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Agent-Based Modelling for Simulating Peacebuilding: A Feasibility Study
Funded internally (£5.100) [official website]
This project is about developing a framework for building agent-based simulation models of conflict-affected areas using Software Engineering (the unified modelling language - UML) for the conceptual modelling process. This framework will allow us to study how individuals in conflict-affected regions change their perceptions towards great powers and their behaviours as a result of international peacebuilding efforts - with a focus on those conducted by China. From a technical perspective we are particularly interested in developing a novel way of considering opinion dynamics as well as polarisation and including environmental psychology within our object oriented social simulation models.

We will test our ideas using a case study approach. The case study is based on empirical data from a study conducted by Hirono (2011). This study investigates the perceptions and behaviours of the Sudanese and South Sudanese government and people towards Chinese immigrants who engage in peacebuilding efforts. It is also of interest to observe how these perceptions modify overtime, as the environment changes. The objective of the simulation is to provide insights into research questions such as: (1) How do people in Sudan and South Sudan perceive China's peacebuilding policy and practices? (2) How do such perceptions and the political/social/economic conditions of Sudan and South Sudan lead to particular behaviours that make up the Sudanese and South Sudanese' relations with China? (3) How and why do such perceptions and behaviours change over time?

The figure below shows schematically the elements of the interactive process of our SimPB framework. These include establishing archetypes, creating general agent templates using UML, creating specific agent objects that are then integrated and cross linked within the simulation environment, running experiments, and analysing results.
The PI in this project is Miwa Hirono (UoN: Politics). The COIs in this project are Peer-Olaf Siebers (UoN: CompSci) and Anya Skatova (UoN: Psychology). The research is conducted by Grazziela Figueredo (UoN CompSci). Academic support is provided by Lisa Siebers (NTU: Business School). The duration of the project is 3 month.
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Sustaining Urban Habitats: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Leverhulme RP2013-SL-015 (£1.75M with an additional £1.65M Institutional Support) [Official Website]
The aim of this programme is to develop a distinctively interdisciplinary approach to producing and evaluating scenarios for sustainable living in urban habitats. With two growth cities in China (Chengdu, Shanghai) and two transition cities in Europe (Nottingham, Stuttgart) as our empirical focus, we will explore ways of combining environmental and economic modelling with social and cultural ethnographic work to illuminate: realistic measures of urban sustainability and options for improving resilience and resource flows (Theme #1); patterns of consumption by different groups and social perspectives on measures and scenarios for improving sustainability (Theme #2); factors shaping economic activity and migration, and prospects for balancing economic and social capital with environmental capital (Theme #3); effective ways of managing the different forms of data from #1 to #3 to develop appropriate indicators of sustainability (Theme #4); minimising resource demands in response to underlying stimuli and constraints (Theme #5); the role of public policies and policy-maker perspectives on the indicators and scenarios that we develop (Theme #6).
The PI on this project is Darren Robinson. I am one of the 9 CI's and together with the PI and Paul Nathanail I am looking after Theme #5 (Modelling and Optimisation). The research is conducted by Dr Sameh Zakhary and Dr TrungHieu Tran.
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Test Driven Object Oriented Simulation Modelling
Funded internally (£1.500)
Agile Software Development (ASD) has been a recent revolution in program design. ASD comprises a group of software development methods based on iterative and incremental improvement. Extreme Programming (XP) is one of the methods that falls into this category. XP intends to improve software quality and responsiveness to changing customer requirements and promotes Test Driven Development (TDD) as one of the practices. TDD (unit testing) forces a programmer to take a different view of the system by writing (and thinking about) the test cases before writing the actual unit code. The idea is illustrated in the diagram below [Source: Wikipedia].
To our knowledge this kind of approach has never been applied to developing component based simulation models where researchers/practitioners often work with predefined components (design patterns) rather than coding methods. Moreover, an interesting aspect to consider is that different simulation methods have different design philosophies. Discrete Event Simulation (DES) focuses on describing the processes and operations while Agent-Based Simulation (ABS) focuses on designing individual entities and their behaviours and interaction. Therefore another open research direction to take would be to investigate whether the test driven development is applicable in the same way under both simulation modelling philosophies.

On this project I share the investigator role with Ender Özcan. The research is conducted by Asta Shahriar
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Future Energy Decision Making for Cities - Can Complexity Science Rise to the Challenge?
EPSRC EP/G05956X/1      Project Website
The research addresses a key challenge for energy sustainability - how can individual UK cities play their vital role in the implementation of ambitious future UK energy sustainability policies between now and 2020, whilst mitigating conflicts with the local imperatives that until now have dominated local government decision making? There are many different actors/key stakeholders (and legislation) involved in decision making processes that interact/influence each other in a non linear way. It is common practice to model only a subset of the actors involved in the decision making process. However, to get a realistic representation of the real system and its decision making processes we need to model the decision makers (politicians and senior local government personnel) on the one hand and the people influencing the decision making process (energy companies and their executives, activity groups and end users) on the other hand.

We will deploy agent-based modelling and simulation to deliver models that enable cities to define their current energy situation and then reach balanced decisions in their future energy planning, implementing UK sustainability targets. The project work will also involve efforts to relate and, where possible, integrate these agent-based models with dynamical network models of the evolving energy supply-demand network developed be our collaborators at Leeds University.

I am a co-investigator on this project. The research is conducted by Dr Tao Zhang
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Modelling and Analysing the Cargo Screening Process
EPSRC EP/G004234/1
The efficiency of current cargo screening processes is unknown as no benchmarks exists against which they could be measured (% detected vs. % missed). Some manufacturer benchmarks exist for individual sensors which have been tested under laboratory conditions but we have not found any benchmarks that take a holistic view of the screening procedures assessing a combination of sensors and also taking operator variability into account.

Just adding up resources and manpower used is not an effective way for assessing systems where human decision-making (e.g. interpreting sensor signals) and operator compliance to rules (e.g. when operating with equipment) play a vital role. For such systems more advanced assessment methods need to be used, taking into account that the cargo screening process is of a dynamic and stochastic nature.

We are proposing to design a plug and play software tool (cargo screening system simulator) that will map the right technology and manpower to the right commodity / threat combination. System simulation can help to understand the processes currently in place and show the consequences of changes to these processes over time. The tool will enable the optimisation of resources (equipment, manning) and processes (job organisation, interoperability of equipment, teamwork, communication, data flow) and allow to evaluate the integration of new sensor technology and how they will improve detection efficiency.
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A Multi-Agent Simulation of Retail Management Practices
EPSRC EP/D503949/1
Our previous project is part of an IDEAS Factory Network Project which investigates the role of management practices in closing the productivity gap. Our task in Nottingham is to develop a tool that helps to understand and predict the impact of different management practices on retail store productivity. After an intensive review of the literature we have decided to use agent-based modelling and simulation to support our investigations. In agent-based simulation models a complex system is represented by a collection of agents that are designed to mimic the behaviour of their real world counterparts and are programmed to follow some often quite simple behaviour rules. Macro behaviour is not modelled but it emerges from the micro decisions of the individual agents (Pourdehnad et al., 2002). Through interaction of agents with each other and their environment the simulation produces complex collective behaviour patterns.

There has been a fair amount of modelling and simulation of operational management practices, but people management practices have often been neglected although research suggests that they crucially impact upon an organization's performance (Birdi et al., 2008). One reason for this neglect relates to the key component of people management practices, an organisation's people, who may often be unpredictable in their individual behaviour.

In our project we focus on simulating various in-store scenarios grounded in empirical case studies with a leading UK retailer. We investigate if agent-based modelling and simulation can help us with assessing the impact of people management practices on customer satisfaction, under consideration of external stimulation attributable to the word of mouth and internal stimulation triggered by memory of one's own previous shopping experiences in relation to the performance of a service-oriented retail department.

To achieve this aim we have adopted a case study approach using applied research methods to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. This has enabled us to acquire a valid and reliable understanding of how the real system operates, revealing insights into the working of the system as well as the behaviour of and interactions between the different individuals and their complementary roles within the retail department. Using this knowledge and data, we have applied agent-based modelling to devise a functional representation of the case study departments. By executing the simulation models we can run experiments to investigate the effects of different management scenarios.

We have presented our work at all major annual simulation conferences and have found that interest in the research area is steadily growing. Developing capabilities in modelling human behaviour and performance becomes more and more relevant for business and organisations but also in areas like prevention of terrorism, homeland security, and emergency responses.

  • Birdi, K., Clegg, C.W., Patterson, M., Robinson, A., Stride, C.B., Wall, T.D., and Wood, S.J. (2008). "The Impact of Human Resource and Operational Management Practices on Company Productivity: A Longitudinal Study" Personnel Psychology, accepted for publication.

  • Pourdehnad, J., Maani, K., and Sedehi, H. (2002). "System Dynamics and Intelligent Agent-Based Simulation: Where is the Synergy?" Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, 28 July - 1 August 2002, Palermo, Italy.
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2018: Special Interest Group
Simulation Journal Club

Local discussion forum for people interested in simulation, meeting bi-weekly. Papers discussed are be related to (1) simulation modelling in general, or (2) the research that the journal club members are involved in, or (3) relevant research methods, or (4) entertaining papers about Computer Science. An alternative to discussing papers could be to discuss video lectures posted on YouTube. For more information see here.
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2016: Special Interest Group
Nottingham Initiative on Engineering Social Simulation (NIESS)

If you are interested in this initiative and want to find out more please get in touch.
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2014: Guest Editorship
Special Section in the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS):
Engineering Agent-Based Social Simulations

Guest Editors: Published: 2015, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 18(3)13
The Guest Editorial is available here: [url]
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2013 Special Interest Group
Behavioural Economics Meets object oriented Simulation SIG (BEMooSSIG)

Local discussion forum for people interested in studying how to use games (lab experiments) as a data collection tool or as a mechanism to inform/support modelling the decision making of actors in object oriented social or socio-technical system simulation models and how the simulation results can be used to cross-validate game results.

Website: http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~pos/bemoossig/

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2013: Special Interest Group
East Midlands Simulation SIG (EMSSIG)

EMSSIG organises some get togethers for those that are interested or working in simulation in the East Midlands (Nottingham, Loughborough, Leicester) with the aim to meet at least once per term. The topics of interest to be presented and discussed at the meetings are of a broad range and include things like: conceptual modelling, system dynamics simulation, discrete event simulation, agent-based simulation, and participatory simulation.

Website: http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~pos/emssig/

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2012: Guest Editorship
Special Issue of International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (IJITM):
Multi-Agent Simulation as a Novel Decision Support Tool for Innovation and Technology Management

Guest Editors: Published: 2013, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 10(5)
The Guest Editorial is available here: [url]
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Research Visits
2017: Michigan State University - Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences
When looking for a "what-if" analysis tool to support social systems engineering studies, agent-based modelling and simulation should be the method of choice. It is a well-established method for studying human-centric systems. Developing such models, however, is not an easy task, and there is not much guidance around, that clearly explains how this is done.

I visited Dr Ligmann-Zielinska at MSU-Geography for a month, as both our research interests are around the topics of sustainability and agent-based social simulation and we both have developed frameworks (formal approaches) to support those studies. While my framework focuses on the simulation model design (Siebers and Kluegl, 2017) the framework of Dr Ligmann-Zielinska focuses more on the experimentation and simulation output analysis (Ligmann-Zielinska et al, 2010). The goal of the research visit was to bring these two framework together and to come up with an umbrella framework that supports the simulation modeller from the beginning right through to the end of a simulation study (i.e. it encompasses the whole life cycle of a simulation study) with guidance and documentation support.

The research visit was supported by the "Research Board International Collaboration Fund" of the University of Nottingham. A summary report about this "mini sabbatical" can be found here.

  • Ligmann-Zielinska A and Sun L (2010) 'Applying time-dependent variance-based global sensitivity analysis to represent the dynamics of an agent-based model of land use change'. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 24(12), pp.1829-1850.

  • Siebers PO and Kluegl F (2017) 'What Software Engineering has to offer to Agent-Based Social Simulation'. In: Edmonds B and Meyer R (Eds). Simulating Social Complexity: A Handbook - 2e

  • Siebers PO, Figueredo G, Hirono M and Skatova A (2017) 'Towards a Framework to Support the Development of Peacebuilding Activities using an Object Oriented Agent-Based Modelling Approach'. In: Garcia-Diaz C and Olaya C (Eds). Social Systems Engineering: The Design of Complexity
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Below is a list of resources (papers and books), which are all somehow related to my teaching and research. There is one set of resources organised by topics and another set of resources organised by projects I have worked on or supervised.

Papers are listed in the following format: authors (year) title. Books are listed in the following format: title [authors year]. To find the complete reference of a resource copy the relevant tree entry and paste it into Google Scholar. This will provide you with the complete reference and often also a download link.
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Resources: Topics
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Resources: Projects
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Resources organised by Topics
  • 1. Archetyping [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Andriessen (2005) Archetypes of knowledge communities
    • Attaria et al (2010) Public perceptions of energy consumption and savings
    • Darden and Dorsch (1990) An action strategy approach to examining shopping behavior
    • Desouzaa and Evaristo (2006) Project management offices - A case of knowledge-based archetypes
    • Figueiredo et al (2005) An electric energy consumer characterization framework based on data mining techniques
    • Foster and Resnick (2011) Service worker appearance and the retail service encounter - The influence of gender and age
    • Gillies and Maliapen (2008) Using healthcare system archetypes to help hospitals become learning organisations
    • Lalonde (2004) In search of archetypes in crisis management
    • Lefait and Kechadi (2010) Customer segmentation architecture based on clustering techniques
    • Otnes et al (2001) Perceptions and realities of male shopping behavior
    • Rapaille (2006) Leveraging the psychology of the salesperson
    • Reynolds and Beatty (1999) A relationship customer typology
    • Schwarz (2007) Agent-based modelling of the diffusion of environmental innovations - An empirical approach
    • Schwarz and Ernst (2009) Agent-based modeling of the diffusion of environmental innovations. An empirical approach
    • Slater and Olson (2000) Strategy type and performance - The influence of sales force management
    • Snowden (2001) Archetypes as an instrument of narrative patterning
    • Steyrer (1998) Charisma and the archetypes of leadership
    • Stuit et al (2007) Building agent-based simulations using structural and process mental models
    • Swan and Ugursal (2009) Modeling of end-use energy consumption in the residential sector. A review of modeling techniques
    • Van Raaij and Verhallen (1983) A behavioral model of energy use
    • Zhang et al (2012) A three-dimensional model of residential energy consumer archetypes for local energy policy design in the UK

  • 2. Artificial Intelligence [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Artificial Intelligence - A Guide to Intelligent Systems - 2e [Negnevitsky 2005]
    • Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach - 3e [Russell and Norvig 2010]

  • 3. Built Environment [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Akbas et al (2007) Temporal visualization of building occupancy phase
    • Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics (CBPD) Building investment decision support tool
    • Clevenger and Haymaker (2006) The impact of the building occupant on energy modeling simulations
    • Dounis and Caraiscos (2009) Advanced control systems engineering for energy and comfort management in a building environment - A review
    • Erickson et al (2009) Energy efficient building environment control strategies using real-time occupancy measurements
    • Haldi and Robinson (2011) Modelling occupants' personal characteristics for thermal comfort prediction
    • Liao and Barooah (2010) An integrated approach to occupancy modeling and estimation in commercial buildings
    • O'Brien et al (2012) Manually-operated window shade patterns in office buildings - A critical review
    • Perez-Lombard et al (2008) A review on buildings energy consumption information
    • Ryana and Sanquist (2012) Validation of building energy modeling tools under idealized and realistic conditions
    • Virotea and Neves-Silva (2012) Stochastic models for building energy prediction based on occupant behaviour assessment
    • Wang et al (1998) A methodology to identify monthly energy use models from utility bill data for seasonally scheduled buildings. Application to k-12 schools

  • 4. Business Process Modelling [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Kamrani et al (2009) Estimating performance of a business process model
    • Rabelo et al (2005) Enterprise simulation - A hybrid system approach
    • Reijers (2010) Business process quality management
    • Van der Aalst and Voorhoeve (2010) Business process simulation

  • 5. CBA + MCA [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Applied Cost-Benefit Analysis - 2e [Brent 2006]
    • Beria et al (2012) Multicriteria versus Cost Benefit Analysis - A comparative perspective in the assessment of sustainable mobility
    • Brito et al (2010) Discrete event simulation combined with multi-criteria decision analysis applied to steel plant logistics system planning
    • Browne et al (2010) Use of multi-criteria decision analysis to explore alternative domestic energy and electricity policy scenarios in an Irish city-region
    • Bruhn Barfod et al (2011) Composite decision support by combining cost-benefit and multi-criteria decision analysis
    • Butler et al (1997) Simulation techniques for the sensitivity analysis of multi-criteria decision models
    • Center for International Forestry Research (1999) Toolbox 9 - Guidelines for applying multi-criteria analysis to the assessment of criteria and indicators
    • Cost Benefit Analysis [DEAT 2004]
    • Cost-Benefit Analaysis and teh Environment - Recent Development [Pearce et al 2006]
    • DCLG (2009) Multi-criteria analysis - A manual
    • De Brucker et al (2011) Multi-criteria analysis in transport project evaluation - An institutional approach
    • De Brucker et al (2012) Multi-criteria analysis and the resolution of sustainable development dilemmas - A stakeholder management approach
    • Environmental Assessment Institute (2006) Risk and uncertainty in cost benefit analysis
    • Gamper and Turcanu (2007) On the governmental use of multi-criteria analysis
    • Grafakos (2004) Externalities of energy - Extension of accounting framework and policy applications - Multicriteria Analysis
    • Huang et al (2011) Multi-criteria decision analysis in environmental sciences - Ten years of applications and trends
    • Kopp et al (1997) Cost-benefit analysis and regulatory reform - An assessment of the science and the art
    • Krishna (xxxx) Cost-Benefit Analysis [ppt]
    • Lootsma et al (1990) Choice of a long-term strategy for the national electricity supply via scenario analysis and multi-criteria analysis
    • Macharis et al (2010) The Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis (MAMCA) application in the Flemish long-term decision making process on mobility and logistics
    • Mendoza and Martins (2006) Multi-criteria decision analysis in natural resource management - A critical review of methods and new modelling paradigms
    • Mendozaa and Prabhu (2005) Combining participatory modeling and multi-criteria analysis for community-based forest management
    • Montibeller (2007) Combining scenario planning and multi-criteria decision analysis in practice
    • Multi-Criteria Analysis in the Renewable Energy Industry [Mateo 2012]
    • Ruijs (2008) The role of social cost-benefit analysis revisited - The role of CBA in river basin management in the Netherlands
    • Tudela et al (2006) Comparing the output of cost benefit and multi-criteria analysis - An application to urban transport investments
    • Tzeng (2005) Multi-criteria analysis of alternative-fuel buses for public transportation
    • Vickerman (2008) The boundaries of welfare economics - Transport appraisal in the UK
    • Wang et al (2009) Review on multi-criteria decision analysis aid in sustainable energy decision-making
    • Yau and Davis (1994) Using multi-criteria analysis for tenant selection

  • 6. Complex Systems and Complexity Science [Back to Resource Menu]
    • CRP Forum (2011) Dynamics of multi-level complex systems - Position papers
    • General Systems Theory - Problems, Perspectives, Practice [Skyttner 2005]
    • Living with Complexity [Norman 2011]
    • Mills (2010) Complexity Science - An introduction (and invitation) for actuaries
    • OECD Global Science Forum (2011) Applications of complexity science for public policy
    • Phelan (2001) What is complexity science, really
    • Porter (2011) UK collaborative on development sciences report - Complexity science and international development
    • Ramalingam et al (2008) Exploring the science of complexity - ideas and implications for development and humanitarian efforts
    • Richardson (2006) Complex systems thinking and its implications for policy analysis
    • Richardson (2008) Managing complex organizations - Complexity thinking and the science and art of management
    • Richardson and Cilliers (2001) What Is complexity science - A view from different directions
    • Shalizi (2004) Methods and techniques of complex systems science. An overview

  • 7. Decision Making (AI) [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Albert (2003) Bayesian Rationality and Decision Making - A Critical Review
    • Amir and Maynard-Reid II (1999) Logic-based subsumption architecture
    • Horne et al (2005) Improving behavioral realism in hybrid energy-economy models using discrete choice studies of personal transportation decisions
    • Rossetti et al (2002) Using BDI agents to improve driver modelling in a commuter scenario

  • 8. Decision Support Systems [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Borenstein (1998) Towards a practical method to validate decision support systems
    • Von Lany et al (2009) Reliability in flood incident management planning
    • Zarate (1991) The process of designing a DSS - A case study in planning management

  • 9. Economics [Back to Resource Menu]
    • 5 Steps to a 5 AP MicroEconomics MacroEconomics 2008-2009 Edition [Dodge 2008]
    • Brown (1984) Change mechanisms in the diffusion of residential energy conservation practices. An empirical study
    • CliffsAP Economics Micro & Macro [Pirayoff 2004]
    • Dawid et al (2009) Skills, innovation, and growth. An agent-based policy analysis
    • Goldenberg et al (2010) The chilling effects of network externalities
    • Heberlein and Warriner (1983) The influence of price and attitude on shifting residential electricity consumption from on- to off-peak periods
    • Keller (2004) International technology diffusion
    • Kletzan et al (2006) Towards sustainable consumption. Economic modelling of mobility and heating for Austria
    • Macher et al (2011) The influence of firms on government
    • Modern Principles - Microeconomics [Cowen and Tabarrok 2010]
    • Peres et al (2010) Innovation diffusion and new product growth models - A critical review and research directions
    • Stremersch et al (2010) Preface to 'The chilling effects of network externalities'
    • Varian (2005) Utility Functions and Probability (Chapter 12 from book Intermediate Microeconomics)

  • 10. Education Research [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Brandenburg and Zhu (2007) - Higher Education in China in the light of massification and demographic change - Lessons to be learned for Germany
    • Livingstone and Hope (2011) Next Gen - Transforming the UK into the world's leading talent hub for the video games and visual effects industries (Report)
    • Silverman (1996) Simulation for computer science majors - A preliminary report

  • 11. Energy Policy [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Aden et al (2010) Urban form energy use and emissions in China - Preliminary findings and model proof of concept
    • Attaria et al (2010) Public perceptions of energy consumption and savings
    • Ayres et al (2009) Evidence from two large field experiments that peer comparison feedback can reduce residential energy usage
    • Bartram et al (2011) Smart homes or smart occupants - Supporting aware living in the home
    • Bean (2010) The Integration of Smart Meters Into Electrical Grids to Ensure Maximum Benefit for Consumers, Generators and Network Operators [MSc]
    • Bergerson and Lave (2002) A life cycle analysis of electricity generation technologies - Health and environmental implications of alternative fuels and technologies
    • Bruckner et al (2005) Public policy modeling of distributed energytechnologies - Strategies, attributes, and challenges
    • Carrico and Riemer (2011) Motivating energy conservation in the workplace. An evaluation of the use of group-level feedback and peer education
    • Chicco et al (2003) Customer characterization options for improving the tariff offer
    • ENSG (2010) A smart grid routemap [ppt]
    • EPSRC (2010) Progressing UK energy research for a coherent structure with impact
    • Figueiredo et al (2005) An electric energy consumer characterization framework based on data mining techniques
    • Hargreavesn et al (2010) Making energy visible. A qualitative field study of how householders interact with feedback from smart energy monitors
    • Heberlein and Warriner (1983) The influence of price and attitude on shifting residential electricity consumption from on- to off-peak periods
    • Kavgic et al (2010) A review of bottom-up building stock models for energy consumption in the residential sector
    • Kiprakis et al (2011) Multi-scale dynamic modeling to maximize demand side management
    • Kolter and Johnson (2011) REDD - A public data set for energy disaggregation research
    • Koornneef et al (2008) Life cycle assessment of a pulverized coal power plant with post-combustion capture, transport and storage of CO2
    • Levine et al (2007) Climate Change 2007 - Residential and commercial buildings
    • Lopesa (2012) Energy behaviours as promoters of energy efficiency - A 21st century review
    • Lutzenhiser (1992) A cultural model of household energy consumption
    • Oikonomou et al (2009) Energy saving and energy efficiency concepts for policy making
    • Parag and Darby (2009) Consumer-supplier-government triangular relations. Rethinking the UK policy path for carbon emissions reduction from the UK residential sector
    • Sadorsky (2011) Financial development and energy consumption in Central and Eastern European frontier economies
    • Schleich and Gruber (2008) Beyond case studies - Barriers to energy efficiency in commerce and the services sector
    • Swan and Ugursal (2009) Modeling of end-use energy consumption in the residential sector. A review of modeling techniques
    • US DOE (2010) The smart grid. An introduction
    • Van der Sanden and Van Dam (2010) Towards an ontology of consumer acceptance in socio-technical energy systems
    • Van Raaij and Verhallen (1983) A behavioral model of energy use

  • 12. Game Theory [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Game Theory and Public Policy [McCain 2009]
    • Ormerod (2010) OR as rational choice. A decision and game theory perspective
    • Playing for Real - A Text on Game Theory [Binmore 2007] {2013-01}

  • 13. General [Back to Resource Menu]
    • 100 Things Every Presenter Needs to Know About People [Weinschenk 2012]
    • HM Goverenment (2010) Securing Britain in an age of uncertainty - The strategic defence and security review
    • Organise Yourself - 3e [Caunt 2010]
    • Organizing Creativity - 2e [Wessel 2012]
    • Paul (2008) Measuring research quality - The United Kingdom government's research assessment exercise
    • Ragins (2012) Reflections on the craft of clear writing
    • Science in the Age of Computer Simulation [Winsberg 2010]
    • The Secrets of Success at Work - 10 Steps to Accelerating Your Career [Hall 2012]

  • 14. Healthcare [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Rabol (2010) Outcomes of classroom-based team training interventions for multiprofessional hospital staff. A systematic review

  • 15. Human Behaviour [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Clements (2007) Effective teamwork in healthcare - Research and reality
    • Finn et al (2010) Some unintended effects of teamwork in healthcare
    • Kamrani et al (2009) Estimating performance of a business process model
    • Manser (2009) Teamwork and patient safety in dynamic domains of healthcare - A review of the literature
    • Meterko et al (2004) Teamwork culture and patient satisfaction in hospitals
    • Salas et al (2008) On teams, teamwork, and team performance - Discoveries and developments
    • Van der Sanden and Van Dam (2010) Towards an ontology of consumer acceptance in socio-technical energy systems
    • Wheelan et al (2003) The link between teamwork and patients' outcomes in intensive care units
    • Xyrichis and Ream (2008) Teamwork - A concept analysis
    • Zhao et al (2008) Study on knowledge acquisition of the telecom customers' consuming behaviour based on data mining

  • 16. Management Science [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Barman et al (1997) Pedagogical concerns in business education - The case of management science
    • Ghoshal (2005) Bad management theories are destroying good management practices
    • Reynolds et al (2005) Assessing the productivity of the UK retail sector
    • Tilanus (1985) Failures and successes of quantitative methods in management

  • 17. Mathematics [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists [Stein et al 2011]

  • 18. Object Oriented Systems [Back to Resource Menu]

    • 18.1. General [Back to Resource Menu]
      • Aruliah et al (2012) Best practices for scientific computing
      • Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications - 3e [Booch et al 2007]

    • 18.2. Object Oriented Design [Back to Resource Menu]
      • Allena and Mugisab (2010) Improving learning object reuse through OOD. A theory of learning objects
      • Bahill and Daniels (2002) Using objected-oriented and UML tools for hardware design - A case study
      • Bauer et al (2001) Agent UML - A formalism for specifying multiagent software systems
      • UML 2 for Dummies [Chonoles and Schardt 2003]
      • UML Bible [Pender 2003]
      • UML Distilled - 3e [Fowler 2003]
      • Vasilakis et al (2009) Developing model requirements for patient flow simulation studies using the Unified Modelling Language (UML)
      • Wirfs-Brock and Wilkerson (1989) Responsibility-driven design
      • Zimmerman (2007) Modeling and simulation of individual user behavior for building performance predictions

    • 18.3. Object Oriented Programming [Back to Resource Menu]
      • Niaz and Tanaka (2004) Mapping UML statecharts to java code

    • 18.4. Software Development Methods [Back to Resource Menu]
      • Scrum in Action [Pham and Pham 2012]
      • Simons et al (xxxx) Practical Model-to-Code Transformation in Four Object-Oriented Programming Languages

  • 19. Operations Research [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Mehrez (1996) The interface between OR-MS and decision theory

  • 20. Port Operation (Securty+Service) [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Pantouvakis (2006) Port-service quality dimensions and passenger profiles - An exploratory examination and analysis
    • Talley (2006) Port performance - An economics perspective

  • 21. Programming [Back to Resource Menu]
    • C++ Without Fear - A Beginner's Guide That Makes You Feel Smart - 2e [Overland 2011]
    • Introduction to Algorithms - 3e [Cormen et al 2009]
    • Ivor Horton's Beginning Java - 7e [Horton 2011]
    • Java Intensivkurs - 2e [Block 2010]
    • Sams Teach Yourself C++ in One Hour a Day - 7e [Rao 2012]

  • 22. Queuing Theory [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Willig (1999) A short introduction to queuing theory

  • 23. Research and Teaching Advice [Back to Resource Menu]
    • CEPD (2009) Successful educational research
    • Computing at School Working Group (2012) Computing - A curriculum for schools
    • Fonseca et al (2009) Simulation education in the internet age - Some experiences on the use of pure online and blended learning models

  • 24. Research Methods [Back to Resource Menu]

    • 24.1. Data Collection [Back to Resource Menu]
      • Pfleeger and Kitchenham (2002) Principles of survey research - Part 1 - Turning lemons into lemonade
      • Kitchenham and Pfleeger (2002) Principles of survey research - Part 2 - Designing a survey
      • Kitchenham and Pfleeger (2002) Principles of survey research - Part 3 - Constructing a survey instrument
      • Kitchenham and Pfleeger (2002) Principles of survey research - Part 4 - Questionnaire evaluation
      • Kitchenham and Pfleeger (2002) Principles of survey research - Part 5 - Populations and samples
      • Kitchenham and Pfleeger (2003) Principles of survey research - Part 6 - Data analysis

  • 25. Retail + CRM [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Bateson (2002) Are your customers good enough for your service business
    • Bishop Gagliano and Hathcote (1994) Customer expectations and perceptions of service quality in retail apparel specialty stores
    • Darden and Dorsch (1990) An action strategy approach to examining shopping behavior
    • Dwyer et al (1987) Developing buyer-seller relationships
    • Engbrocks (2008) The impact of temperature on a consumer's shopping experience - A comparison between grocery and clothing stores [MSc Thesis]
    • Foster and Resnick (2011) Service worker appearance and the retail service encounter - The influence of gender and age
    • Heskett et al (1994) Putting the service-profit chain to work
    • Johnston (2005) Service operations management. From the roots up
    • Mathies and Burford (2010) Gender differences in the customer service understanding of frontline employees
    • Moncrief (1986) Selling activity and sales position taxonomies for industrial salesforces
    • Otnes et al (2001) Perceptions and realities of male shopping behavior
    • Reynolds and Beatty (1999) A relationship customer typology
    • Slater and Olson (2000) Strategy type and performance - The influence of sales force management
    • Voss (2003) Rethinking paradigms of service. Service in a virtual environment

  • 26. Risk Management [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Damodaran (xxxx) Strategic risk management
    • Fairley (1994) Risk management for software projects
    • Humphrey (2005) Why big software projects fail - The 12 key questions
    • Strategic Risk Taking - A Framework for Risk Management [Damodaran 2007] (chapter 6 used for CBA papers)

  • 27. Simulation Modelling [Back to Resource Menu]

    • 27.1. +General [Back to Resource Menu]
      • Anderson and Whall (2010) A philosophical analysis of agent-based modelling. A new tool for theory development in nursing
      • Annino and Russell (1981) The seven most frequent causes of simulation analysis failure - and how to avoid them
      • Arnold (2010) Tools of toys - On specific challenges for modeling and the epistemology of models and computer simulations in the Social Sciences
      • Banks and Chwif (2010) Warnings about simulation
      • Burns and Morgeson (1988) An object-oriented world-view for intelligent, discrete, next-event simulation
      • Davis et al (2007) Developing theory through simulation methods {added 12-2012}
      • GoldSim (2007) Dynamic simulation and supply chain management - White paper
      • Heath and Hill (2010) Some insights into the emergence of agent-based modelling
      • Jackson and Krebs (2009) Conducting a business simulation - The final implementation step
      • Musselman (1994) Guidelines for simulation project success
      • Pidd (2010) Why modelling and model use matter
      • Sonnessa (2004) Modelling and simulation of complex systems [PhD Thesis]
      • System Modeling and Simulation [Singh 2009]
      • Taylor et al (2009) Simulation modelling is 50! Do we need a reality check
      • Vangheluwe (2008) Foundations of modelling and simulation of complex systems

    • 27.2. Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation [Back to Resource Menu]

      • 27.2.1. +General [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Achorn (2004) Integrating agent-based models with quantitative and qualitative research methods
        • Allan (2010) Survey of agent based modelling and simulation tools
        • An (2012) Modeling human decisions in coupled human and natural systems - Review of agent-based models
        • Bandini et al (2009) Agent based modeling and simulation - An informatics perspective
        • Barbati et al (2012) Applications of agent-based models for optimization problems - A literature review
        • Bauer et al (2001) Agent UML - A formalism for specifying multiagent software systems
        • Belecheanu et al (2006) Commercial applications of agents - Lessons, experiences and challenges
        • Bonabeau (2002) Agent-based modeling - Methods and techniques for simulating human systems
        • Crooks et al (2009) Agent Street - An environment for exploring agent-based models in Second Life
        • Doran (2006) Agent design for agent-based modelling
        • Drogoul et al (2003) Multi-agent based simulation - Where are the agents
        • Farmer and Foley (2009) The economy needs agent-based modelling
        • Grimm et al (2006) A standard protocol for describing individual-based and agent-based models
        • Heath et al (2009) A survey of agent-based modeling practices (January 1998 to July 2008)
        • Heath et al (2012) Validation in the agent-based modelling paradigm - Problems and a solution
        • Hoad and Watts (2012) Are we there yet - Simulation modellers on what needs to be done to involve agent-based simulation in practical decision making
        • Janssen and Ostrom (2006) Guest editorial - Empirically based, agent-based models
        • Keay-Bright (2007) Agent based modelling - Application to policy
        • Macal and North (2010) Toward teaching agent-based simulation
        • Macal and North (2010.JOS) Tutorial on agent-based modelling and simulation
        • Nigel Gilbert (2004) Quality, quantity and the third way
        • O'Sullivan and Haklay (2000) Agent-based models and individualism - Is the world agent-based
        • Odell et al (2002) Modeling agents and their environment
        • Railsback et al (2006) Agent-based simulation platforms - Review and development recommendations
        • Railsback et al (2006) Agent-based simulation platforms. Review and development recommendations
        • Raychaudhuri (2008) Introduction to Monte Carlo simulation
        • Sanchez and Lucas (2002) Exploring the world of agent-based simulations - Simple models, complex analyses
        • Simul8 (2010) September Feature Article - Using SIMUL8 with Agent Based Modeling
        • Teamwork in Multi-Agent Systems - A Formal Approach [Dunin-Keplicz and Verbrugge 2010]
        • Troitzsch (2000) Approaching agent-based simulation [ppt]
        • Tweedale (2007) Innovations in multi-agent systems
        • Uhrmacher (1997) Concepts of object- and agent-oriented simulation
        • Werneck et al (xxxx) Modelling multi-agent system using different methodologies

      • 27.2.2. Built Environment ABM [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Azar and Menassa (2010) A conceptual framework to energy estimation in buildings using agent based modeling
        • Klein et al (2012) Coordinating occupant behavior for building energy and comfort management using multi-agent systems
        • Liao et al (2012) Agent-based and graphical modeling of building occupancy
        • Robinson et al (2011) Multi agent simulation of occupants' presence and behaviour
        • Shi et al (2009) Agent-based evacuation model of large public buildings under fire conditions
        • Yang and Wang (2012) Development of multi-agent system for building energy and comfort
        • Zimmerman (2007) Modeling and simulation of individual user behavior for building performance predictions

      • 27.2.3. Decision Making Strategies [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Norling et al (2001) Enhancing multi-agent based simulation with human-like decision making strategies

      • 27.2.4. Ecology ABM [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Berland and Rand (2009) Participatory simulation as a tool for agent-based simulation
        • Bousquet and Le Page (2004) Multi-agent simulations and ecosystem management - A review
        • Grimm et al (2005) Pattern-oriented modeling of agent-based complex systems - Lessons from Ecology
        • Heckbert et al (2010) Agent-based modeling in ecological economics
        • Railsback and Grimm (2011) Agent-based and individual-based modeling - A practical introduction - Chapter 1
        • Schwarz and Ernst (2009) Agent-based modeling of the diffusion of environmental innovations. An empirical approach
        • Yu and Leung (2009.AnyLogic) An exploratory application of agent based modeling for policy evaluation in Hawaii's longline fishery
        • Zellner et al (2012) Modeling, learning, and planning together - An application of participatory agent-based modeling to environmental planning

      • 27.2.5. Economics ABM [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Adjali (2010) Modelling market dynamics and consumer behaviour from the bottom up [ppt]
        • Bakken (2006) Agent-based simulation for improved decision-making
        • Breen et al (2009) An agent-based simulation of rental housing markets
        • Broekhuizen et al (2011) Simulating the cinema market - How cross-cultural differences in social influence explain box office distributions
        • Carley and Maxwell (2008) Understanding taxpayer behavior and assessing potential IRS interventions using multiagent dynamic-network simulation
        • Chang (2011) Agent-based modeling and computational experiments in industrial organization. Growing firms and industries in silico
        • Chang and Harrington (2006) Agent-based models of organizations
        • Chingcuanco and Miller (2012) A microsimulation model of urban energy use - Modelling residential space heating demand in ILUTE
        • Dawid and Neugart (2011) Agent-based models for economic policy design
        • Delre et al (2007) Simulating the motion picture market. Why do the hits take it all
        • Delre et al (2010) Will it spread or not - The effects of social influences and network topology on innovation diffusion
        • Farmer and Foley (2009) The economy needs agent-based modelling
        • Garcia and Jager (2011) From the special issue editors - Agent-based modeling of innovation diffusion
        • Gaudiano et al (2007) How word-of-mouth impacts medicare product launch and product design
        • Gencer and Oezel (2009) Agent-based modeling of economic systems - The EURACE project experience
        • Guenther et al (2011) An agent-based simulation approach for the new product diffusion of a novel biomass fuel
        • Heckbert (2009) Experimental economics and agent-based models
        • Heckbert et al (2010) Agent-based modeling in ecological economics
        • Jager (2000) Modelling consumer behaviour [PhD]
        • Jetly et al (2012) A multi-agent simulation of the pharmaceutical supply chain
        • Jonsson (2012) Credit risk - An agent-based model of post-credit decision actions and credit losses in banks
        • Kirman (2011) Learning in agent-based models
        • Koehler et al (2009) A transitions model for sustainable mobility
        • Koritarov (2004.VIP) Real-world market representation with agents
        • Lin and Carley (1993) Proactive or reactive. An analysis of the effect of agent style on organizational decision making performance
        • Maa and Nakamori (2009) Modeling technological change in energy systems - From optimization to agent-based modeling
        • Margitay-Becht (2005) Agent based modelling of aid
        • Mulbrandon (2007) An agent-based model to examine housing price, household location choice, and commuting times in Knox County, Tennessee
        • Natarajana et al (2011) Modelling UK domestic energy and carbon emissions - An agent-based approach
        • Rand and Rust (2011) Agent-based modeling in marketing - Guidelines for rigor
        • Saggau (2005.PhD) Agent-based modelling for investigating consumer behaviour in risky markets. The case of food scares
        • Schwarz (2007) Agent-based modelling of the diffusion of environmental innovations - An empirical approach
        • Sensfuß et al (2007) Agent-based simulation of electricity markets - A literature review
        • Takama and Preston (2008) Forecasting the effects of road user charge by stochastic agent-based modelling
        • Tan et al (2012) General modeling and simulation for enterprise operational decision-making problem - A policy-combination perspective
        • Tesfatsion (2011) Agent-based modeling and institutional design
        • Ulbinaite and Moullec (2010) Towards an ABM-based framework for investigating consumer behaviour in the insurance industry
        • Van Dam (2009) Capturing socio-technical systems with agent-based modelling [PhD]
        • Vliet et al (2010) Multi-agent simulation of adoption of alternative fuels
        • Weidlich et al (2008) Studying the effects of CO2 emissions trading on the electricity market - A multi-agent-based approach
        • Xiao et al (2010) An approach of monetary policy simulation by agent-based model
        • Zhang and Nuttall (2011) Evaluating government's policies on promoting smart metering diffusion in retail electricity markets via agent-based simulation
        • Zhang et al (2010) A study of the diffusion of alternative fuel vehicles. An agent-based modeling approach

      • 27.2.6. Energy Policy ABM [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Faber et al (2008) Domestic micro-cogeneration in the Netherlands - An agent-based demand model for technology diffusion
        • Hagras et al (2008) An intelligent agent based approach for energy management in commercial buildings
        • Jackson (2012) Improving energy efficiency and smart grid program analysis with agent-based end-use forecasting models
        • Keirstead and van Dam (2010) A comparison of two ontologies for agent-based modelling of energy systems
        • Maenhoudt and Deconinck (2010) Agent-based modelling as a tool for testing electric power market designs
        • Natarajan et al (2011) Modelling UK domestic energy and carbon emissions - An agent-based approach
        • Sopha et al (2011) Exploring policy options for a transition to sustainable heating system diffusion using an agent-based simulation
        • Van Dam and Keirstead (2010) Re-use of an ontology for modelling urban energy systems
        • Veneman et al (2011) A review of agent-based models for forecasting the deployment of distributed generation in energy systems

      • 27.2.7. Healthcare ABM [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Anderson and Whall (2010) A philosophical analysis of agent-based modelling. A new tool for theory development in nursing
        • Cabrera et al (2011) Agent-based simulation to optimize healthcare emergency departments
        • Escudero-Marin and Pidd (2011) Using ABMS to simulate emergency departments
        • Kanagarajah (2006) An exploration into the uses of agent-based modeling to improve quality of health care
        • Kanagarajah et al (2006) An exploration into the uses of agent-based modeling to improve quality of health care
        • Meng et al (2009) An application of agent-based simulation to the management of hospital-acquired infection
        • Pearce et al (2010) Modeling interruptions and patient flow in a preoperative hospital environment
        • Perez and Dragicevic (2009) An agent-based approach for modeling dynamics of contagious disease spread
        • Sibbel and Urban (2001) Agent-based modeling and simulation for hospital management
        • Stuit et al (2007) Building agent-based simulations using structural and process mental models
        • Taboada et al (2012) Agent-based emergency decision-making aid for hospital emergency departments
        • Yang et al (2009) Multi-agent based modeling and simulation of complex system in hospital

      • 27.2.8. Human Resource Management ABM [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Tilahun and Levinson (2010) An agent-based model of worker and job matching

      • 27.2.9. LCA using ABM [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Ciroth (2010) A new way to sustainability. Agent based modelling [ppt]

      • 27.2.10. Logistics ABM [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Baindur and Viegas (2011) An agent based model concept for assessing modal share in inter-regional freight transport markets
        • Gehrke and Ober-Blöbaum (2007) Multiagent-based logistics simulation with PlaSMA
        • Henesey (2006) Multi-agent systems for container terminal management - see Chapter 3 (PhD Thesis)
        • Page et al (2007) A discrete event simulation framework for agent-based modelling of logistic systems
        • Siegfried and Lehmann (2010) Application of the GRAMS reference model for agent-based modeling and simulation to a warehouse scenario
        • Ulrich (1998) A simulation platform for multiagent systems in logistics

      • 27.2.11. Manufacturing ABM [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Cantamessa (1997) Agent-based modeling and management of manufacturing systems
        • Wang et al (2002) Agent-based modeling and mapping of a manufacturing system

      • 27.2.12. Network Dynamics ABM [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Folcik et al (2011) Using an agent-based model to analyze the dynamic communication network of the immune response
        • Held et al (2010) Developing agent-based models of business relations and networks as complex adaptive systems
        • Hirshman et al (2010) Construct demo input deck
        • Izquierdo and Hanneman (2006) Introduction to the formal analysis of social networks using Mathematica
        • Kluegl and Rindsfuser (2011) Agent-based route (and mode) choice simulation in real-world networks
        • Marsell et al (2004) PsychSim - Agent-based modeling of social interactions and influence
        • Maxwell and Carley (2009) Principles for effectively representing heterogeneous populations in multi-agent simulations
        • McGillen et al (2009) 300 cities virtual experiment
        • Pfeffer and Carley (2011) Modeling and calibrating real world interpersonal networks
        • Snijders et al (2009) Introduction to stochastic actor-based models for network dynamics
        • Tichy et al (1979) Social network analysis for organizations

      • 27.2.13. Operations Research and Management ABM [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Odell (2002) Agent-based manufacturing. A case study
        • Siegfried and Lehmann (2010) Application of the GRAMS reference model for agent-based modeling and simulation to a warehouse scenario
        • Stuit et al (2007) Building agent-based simulations using structural and process mental models
        • Van der Zee and Slomp (2009) Simulation as a tool for gaming and training in operations management - A case study

      • 27.2.14. Philosophy of ABM [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Burmeister (1996) Models and methodology for agent-oriented analysis and design
        • Davidsson (2002) Agent based social simulation. A computer science view
        • Fundamentals of Multiagent Systems with NetLogo Examples [Vidal 2010]
        • Gilbert and Terna (1999) How to build and use agent-based models in social science
        • Ingham (1999) What is an agent
        • Janssen and Ostrom (2006) Empirical based agent-based modeling (guest editorial)
        • Lin and Carley (1993) Proactive or reactive. An analysis of the effect of agent style on organizational decision making performance
        • Odell (2002) Agents and complex systems
        • Odell (2002) Objects and agents compared
        • Odell et al (2003) Changing roles. Dynamic role assignment
        • Odell et al (2003) Modeling agents and their environment. The communication environment
        • Odell et al (2003) Modeling agents and their environment. The physical environment
        • Odell et al (2003) The role of roles
        • Smith and Conrey (2006) Agent-based modeling. A new approach for theory-building in social psychology
        • Uhrmacher (1997) Concepts of object- and agent-oriented simulation

      • 27.2.15. Retail ABM [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Adjali (2010) Modelling market dynamics and consumer behaviour from the bottom up [ppt]
        • Jager (2000) Modelling consumer behaviour [PhD]
        • Macal et al (2010) Multiscale agent-based consumer market modeling
        • Miwa and Takakuwa (2008) Simulation modeling and analysis for in-store merchandizing of retail stores with enhanced information technology
        • Schenk et al (2007) Agent-based simulation of consumer behavior in grocery shopping on a regional level
        • Schwenke et al (2010) Simulation and analysis of buying behavior in supermarkets
        • Siebers et al (2010) Towards the development of a simulator for investigating the impact of people management practices on retail performance
        • Takechi et al (2009) Sales simulation of a movie rental shop with customer agents
        • Twomey and Cadman (2002) Agent-based modelling of customer behaviour in the telecoms and media markets
        • Ulbinaite and Moullec (2010) Towards an ABM-based framework for investigating consumer behaviour in the insurance industry

      • 27.2.16. Security ABM [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Zechman (2011) Agent-based modeling to simulate contamination events and evaluate threat management strategies in water distribution systems

      • 27.2.17. Social Science ABM [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Allen and Davis (2010) A simple agent-based social impact theory model of student STEM selection
        • Axtell (2000) Why agents - On the varied motivations for agent computing in the social sciences
        • Bhavnani et al (2008) Simulating closed regimes with agent based models
        • Castelfranchi (2001) The theory of social functions - Challenges for computational social science and multi-agent learning
        • Dalle and David (2004) SimCode. Agent-based simulation modelling of open-source software development
        • Happe et al (2006) Agent-based analysis of agricultural policies - An illustration of the agricultural policy simulator AgriPoliS, its adaptation and behavior
        • Le Page (2000) CORMAS - A multiagent simulation toolkit to model natural and social dynamics at multiple scales
        • Livet et al (2010) Ontology, a mediator for agent-based modeling in social science
        • Malleson et al (2010) Crime reduction through simulation - An agent-based model of burglary
        • Mosler and Brucks (2001) The simulation of social psychological theories - Social influence among agents
        • Nikolic and Ghorbani (2011) A method for developing agent-based models of socio-technical systems
        • Roozmand et al (2011) Agent-based modeling of consumer decision making process based on power distance and personality
        • Sellers et al (2007) An agent-based model of group decision making in baboons
        • Sycara and Lewis (2008) Agent-based approaches to dynamic team simulation
        • Zappala (2008) Multi-agent simulation of group decision making in animals (MSc dissertation)

      • 27.2.18. Systems Biology ABM [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Chavali et al (2008) Characterizing emergent properties of immunological systems with multicellular rule-based computational modeling
        • Chen and Hardoon (2010) Learning from multi-level behaviours in agent based simulations. A systems biology application

      • 27.2.19. Urban Systems ABM [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Castle and Crooks (2006) Principles and concepts of agent-based modelling for developing geospatial simulations
        • Crooks et al (2008) Key challenges in agent-based modelling for geo-spatial simulation
        • Rindt et al (2003) Toward dynamic, longitudinal, agent-based microsimulation models of human activity in urban settings
        • Waddell and Ulfarsson (2004) Introduction to urban simulation - Design and development of operational models

    • 27.3. Conceptual Modelling [Back to Resource Menu]
      • Balci et al (2011) Achieving reusability and composability with a simulation conceptual model
      • Onggo (2009) Towards a unified conceptual model representation - A case study in healthcare
      • Robinson (2007) The future's bright the future's ... Conceptual modelling for simulation!
      • Savory (2004) A template-based conceptual modeling infrastructure for simulation of physical security systems

    • 27.4. Discrete Event Modelling and Simulation [Back to Resource Menu]

      • 27.4.1. +General [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Balci (1990) Guidelines for successful simulation studies
        • Banks and Chwif (2010) Warnings about simulation
        • Brailsford (2012) Discrete-event simulation is alive and kicking!
        • Cassel and Pidd (2001) Distributed discrete event simulation using the three-phase approach and Java
        • Chick (2006) Six ways to improve a simulation analysis
        • Copstein et al (1996) The object-oriented approach and the event discrete simulation paradigms
        • Matloff (2009) Introduction to discrete-event simulation in R
        • Pidd and Cassel (1998) Three phase simulation in Java
        • Pidd and Cassel (1999) Using Java to develop discrete event simulations
        • Pidd and Cassel (2000) Web based simulation using Java
        • Robinson (1999) Three sources of simulation inaccuracy (and how to overcome them)
        • Sargent (2004) Some recent advances in the process world view
        • Schriber and Brunner (2010) Inside discrete-event simulation software. How it works and why it matters
        • Shewchuk and Chang (1991) An approach to object-oriented discrete-event simulation of manufacturing systems
        • Vangheluwe (2001) Discrete event modelling and simulation

      • 27.4.2. Business Process Modelling DES [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Van der Aalst and Voorhoeve (2010) Business process simulation

      • 27.4.3. Energy Policy DES [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Solding et al (2009) Improved energy-efficient production using discrete event simulation

      • 27.4.4. Healthcare DES [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Altsitsiadis (2010) Marketing health care simulation modelling - Towards an integrated service approach
        • Araz et al (2010) A simulation model for policy decision analysis. A case of pandemic influenza on a university campus
        • Griffiths et al (2010) A simulation model of bed-occupancy in a critical care unit
        • Guenal and Pidd (2009) Discrete event simulation for performance modelling in health care - A review of the literature
        • Guenal and Pidd (2010) Discrete event simulation for performance modelling in health care. A review of the literature
        • Jun et al (1999) Application of discrete-event simulation in health care clinics - A survey
        • Vasilakis et al (2009) Developing model requirements for patient flow simulation studies using the Unified Modelling Language (UML)

      • 27.4.5. LCA using DES [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Löfgrena and Tillman (2011) Relating manufacturing system configuration to life-cycle environmental performance - Discrete-event simulation supplemented with LCA

    • 27.5. Energy Policy [Back to Resource Menu]
      • Horne et al (2005) Improving behavioral realism in hybrid energy-economy models using discrete choice studies of personal transportation decisions

    • 27.6. Healthcare [Back to Resource Menu]
      • Brailsford (2007) Tutorial - Advances and challenges in healthcare simulation modeling
      • Brailsford et al (2009) An analysis of the academic literature on simulation and modelling in health care
      • Briggs et al (2012) Model parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis - A report of the ISPOR-SMDM Modeling Good Research Practices Task Force Working Group 6
      • Cabrera et al (2011) Optimization of healthcare emergency departments by agent-based simulation
      • Caro et al (2012) Modeling good research practices - Overview - A report of the ISPOR-SMDM Modeling Good Research Practices Task Force Working Group 1
      • Eddy et al (2012) Model transparency and validation - A report of the ISPOR-SMDM Modeling Good Research Practices Task Force Working Group 7
      • Gaba (2004) The future vision of simulation in health care
      • Jun et al (1999) Application of discrete-event simulation in health care clinics - A survey
      • Karnon et al (2012) Modeling using discrete event simulation - A report of the ISPOR-SMDM Modeling Good Research Practices Task Force Working Group 4
      • Katsaliaki and Mustafee (2010) Applications of simulation within the healthcare context
      • Knight et al (2012) Modelling patient choice in healthcare systems - Development and application of a discrete event simulation with agent-based decision making
      • Mandelblatt et al (2012) Building better models - If we build them, will policy makers use them - Toward integrating modeling into health care decisions
      • Masnick and McDonnell (2010) A model linking clinical workforce skill mix planning to health and health care dynamics
      • Naseer (2010) RIGHT. A toolkit for selecting healthcare modelling methods
      • Naseer et al (2010) RIGHT - A toolkit for selecting healthcare modelling methods
      • Paul and Reddy (2010) A systematic review of simulation studies investigating emergency department overcrowding
      • Pitman et al (2012) Dynamic transmission modeling - A report of the ISPOR-SMDM Modeling Good Research Practices Task Force Working Group 5
      • Roberts et al (2012) Conceptualizing a model - A report of the ISPOR-SMDM Modeling Good Research Practices Task Force Working Group 2
      • Satish and Streufert (2002) Value of a cognitive simulation in medicine - Towards optimizing decision making performance of healthcare personnel
      • Siebert et al (2012) State-transition modeling - A report of the ISPOR-SMDM Modeling Good Research Practices Task Force Working Group 3
      • Taboada et al (2012) Agent-based emergency decision-making aid for hospital emergency departments

    • 27.7. Human-Centered Simulation [Back to Resource Menu]
      • Becker et al (2004) Human-centred simulation - Analysis of state of the art, prospects and benefits
      • Geerlings et al (2001) Manpower forecasting - A discrete-event object-oriented simulation approach
      • Zuelch (2006) Modelling and simulation of human decision-making in manufacturing systems
      • Zuelch et al (2003) Integrating human aspects in production management

    • 27.8. Manufacturing [Back to Resource Menu]
      • Chance et al (1996) Supporting manufacturing with simulation - Model design, development, and deployment
      • Greasley (2006) Using system dynamics in a discrete-event simulation study of a manufacturing plant
      • Wang et al (2002) Agent-based modeling and mapping of a manufacturing system
      • Zuelch (2006) Modelling and simulation of human decision-making in manufacturing systems

    • 27.9. Monte Carlo Method [Back to Resource Menu]
      • Monte Carlo Methods [Kroese 2011]

    • 27.10. Multi Paradigm Modelling and Simulation and Method Comparison [Back to Resource Menu]
      • AnyLogic (2008) How to build a combined agent based - system dynamics model in AnyLogic
      • Borshchev and Filippov (2004) From system dynamics and discrete event to practical agent based modeling - Reasons, techniques, tools
      • Brailsford and Hilton (2001) A comparison of discrete event simulation and system dynamics
      • Brailsford et al (2010) Towards the holy grail - Combining system dynamics and discrete-event simulation in healthcare
      • Davidsson (2000) Multi agent based simulation - Beyond social simulation
      • Dubiel and Tsimhoni (2005) Integrating agent based modeling into a discrete event simulation
      • Gonzalez (2009) Crisis response simulation combining discrete-event and agent-based modeling
      • Greasley (2005) Using system dynamics in a discrete-event simulation study of a manufacturing plant
      • Greasley (2006) Using system dynamics in a discrete-event simulation study of a manufacturing plant
      • Heath et al (2011) Cross-paradigm simulation modeling - Challenges and successes
      • Huet and Deffuant (2008) Differential equation models derived from an individual-based model can help to understand emergent effects
      • Kennedy et al (2006) Verification and validation of agent-based and equation-based simulation - A comparison
      • Kesaraju and Ciarallo (2011) Integrated simulation combining process-driven and event-driven models
      • Knight et al (2011) Modelling patient choice in healthcare systems - Development and application of a discrete event simulation with agent-based decision making
      • Knight et al (2012) Modelling patient choice in healthcare systems - Development and application of a discrete event simulation with agent-based decision making
      • Krakenes and Moxnes (2005) SOPS. A tool to find optimal policies in stochastic dynamic systems
      • Lorenz and Jost (2006) Towards an orientation framework in multi-paradigm modeling - Aligning purpose, object and methodology in system dynamics, agent-based modeling and discrete-event-simulation
      • Lorenz and Jost (2006) Towards an orientation framework in multi-paradigm modeling
      • Morgan et al (2011) Designs for the complementary use of system dynamics and discrete-event simulation
      • Mosterman and Vangheluwe (2004) An introduction to computer automated multi-paradigm modeling
      • Özgün and Barlas (2009) Discrete vs. continuous simulation - When does it matter
      • Onggo (2010) Running agent-based models on a discrete-event simulator
      • Page et al (2007) A discrete event simulation framework for agent-based modelling of logistic systems
      • Parunak et al (1998) Agent-based modeling vs. equation-based modeling - A case study and users' guide
      • Pourdehnad et al (2002) System dynamics and intelligent agent-based simulation. Where is the synergy
      • Rabelo et al (2005) Enterprise simulation - A hybrid system approach
      • Robinson (2011) Are ABS and OR commensurable paradigms (ORSimSIG Presentation) [ppt]
      • Schieritz and Milling (2003) Modeling the forest or modeling the trees - A comparison of system dynamics and agent-based simulation
      • Siebers et al (2010) Discrete-event simulation is dead, long live agent-based simulation
      • Sweetser (1999) A comparison of system dynamics (SD) and discrete event simulation (DES)
      • Swinerd and McNaught (2012) Design classes for hybrid simulations involving agent-based and system dynamics models
      • Tako and Robinson (2009) Comparing discrete-event simulation and system dynamics. Users' perceptions
      • Tako and Robinson (2009) Comparing model development in discrete event simulation and system dynamics
      • Tehrani and Aghdasi (2008) Proposing a framework for building human-based agents for discrete event simulation - A case study in screening programs
      • Yu (2008.PhD) The development of a hybrid simulation modelling approach based on agents and discrete-event modelling
      • Özgün and Barlas (2009) Discrete vs. continuous simulation - When does it matter

    • 27.11. Operations Research and Management [Back to Resource Menu]
      • Chang and Makatsoris (2001) Supply chain modeling using simulation
      • Gonzalez (2009) Crisis response simulation combining discrete-event and agent-based modeling
      • Größler et al (2008) System dynamics as a structural theory in operations management
      • Montazer et al (2003) Simulation modeling in operations management - A sampling of applications
      • Van der Zee and Slomp (2009) Simulation as a tool for gaming and training in operations management - A case study

    • 27.12. Participatory Modelling and Simulation [Back to Resource Menu]
      • Berland and Rand (2009) Participatory simulation as a tool for agent-based simulation
      • Castella et al (2005) Participatory simulation of land-use changes in the northern mountains of Vietnam - The combined use of an agent-based model, a role-playing game, and a geographic information system
      • Charalabidis et al (2011) Enhancing participative policy making through modelling and simulation - A state of the art review
      • Mendozaa and Prabhu (2005) Combining participatory modeling and multi-criteria analysis for community-based forest management
      • Taillandier and Buard (2009) Designing agent behaviour in agent-based simulation through participatory method
      • Van Der Zee (2007) Developing participative simulation models - Framing decomposition principles for joint understanding
      • Zellner et al (2012) Modeling, learning, and planning together - An application of participatory agent-based modeling to environmental planning

    • 27.13. Power Generation and Transmission [Back to Resource Menu]
      • Durana and Barambones (2009) Object oriented simulation of hybrid renewable energy systems focused on supervisor control

    • 27.14. Serious Games and Training [Back to Resource Menu]
      • Crooks et al (2009) Agent Street - An environment for exploring agent-based models in Second Life
      • De Vries and Knol (2011) Serious gaming as a means to change adolescents' attitudes towards saving energy - preliminary results from the EnerCities case
      • Geelen et al (2012) Exploring the use of a game to stimulate energy saving in households
      • GPIC for Energy (2012) Energy saving through social media and serious games
      • Hamman et al (2009) Simulation for the training of human performance and technical skills - The intersection of how we will train health care professionals in the future
      • Knol (2007) Effects of serious game EnerCities on energy-related attitudes and behaviours
      • Knol and De Vries (2011) EnerCities, a serious game to stimulate sustainability and energy conservation - Preliminary results
      • Kortmann (2008) Gaming-simulation for the environment
      • Madni (2012) Game-based simulation for cross-cultural decision making training
      • Marshall and Flanagan (2010) Simulation-based education for building clinical teams
      • Olivaira and Nina (2012) SAVE ENERGY Manual
      • Taylor (2005) Guide on simulation and gaming for environmental education
      • Van der Zee and Slomp (2009) Simulation as a tool for gaming and training in operations management - A case study
      • Yang (2007) BIM GAME - A serious game to educate non-experts about energy-related design and living [MSc Thesis]

    • 27.15. Social Simulation [Back to Resource Menu]
      • Alt and Lieberman (2010) Modeling the theory of planned behavior from survey data for action choice in social simulations
      • Araz (2010) A simulation model for policy decision analysis - A case of pandemic influenza on a university campus
      • Castelfranchi (2001) The theory of social functions - Challenges for computational social science and multi-agent learning
      • Davidsson (2000) Multi agent based simulation - Beyond social simulation
      • Gilbert and Terna (2000) How to build and use agent-based models in Social Science
      • Kamrani et al (2009) Estimating performance of a business process model
      • Mosler and Brucks (2001) The simulation of social psychological theories - Social influence among agents
      • Niazi et al (2008) Simulation of the research process
      • Odell et al (2003) Changing roles. Dynamic role assignment
      • Ostrom (1988) Computer simulation - The third symbol system
      • Pattison et al (2012) Modelling teamwork in a simulation environment
      • Schwenke et al (2010) Simulation and analysis of buying behavior in supermarkets
      • Simulation for the Social Scientist - 2e [Gilbert and Troitzsch 2005]
      • Troitzsch (2010) 50 years of social simulation - Why we need agent-based social simulation (and why other approaches fail) [ppt]
      • Troitzsch (2010) Simulating communication and interpretation as means of interaction in human social systems
      • Von Lany et al (2009) Reliability in flood incident management planning
      • Xi et al (2010) An integrated pedestrian behavior model based on extended decision field theory and social force model

    • 27.16. System Dynamics Modelling and Simulation [Back to Resource Menu]
      • Barton (1999) Pragmatism, systems thinking and system dynamics
      • Castillo and Saysel (2003) Dynamic simulation model of common pool resource cooperation experiments
      • Größler et al (2008) System dynamics as a structural theory in operations management
      • Holmström (2004) Group modeling in system dynamics - A case study [MSc Thesis]
      • Jackson (2009) Fifty years of systems thinking for management
      • Lebel (1980) System Dynamics
      • Luke and Stamatakis (2012) Systems science methods in public health - Dynamics, networks, and agents
      • Manataki and Zografos (2009) A generic system dynamics based tool for airport terminal performance analysis
      • Manataki and Zografos (2010) Assessing airport terminal performance using a system dynamics model
      • Mostashari (2009) Collaborative systems modeling for complex energy infrastructure - The case of the cape and islands collaborative regional energy planning
      • Myrtveit (2005) The world model controversy
      • Ormerod (2011) Viewpoint. The relationship between operational research and systems thinking
      • Rodriguez-Ulloa and Paucar-Caceres (2004) Soft system dynamics methodology (SSDM). a combination of soft systems methodology (SSM) and system dynamics (SD)
      • Rouwette et al (2002) Group model building effectiveness - A review of assessment studies
      • Stave (2002) Using system dynamics to improve public participation in environmental decisions
      • Sterman (2010) System dynamics modeling. Tools for learning in a complex world
      • Topintzi and Nistazakis (2004) Using system dynamics to analyse a human resources management problem
      • Yuecel and Van Daalen (2009) The impact of aggregation assumptions and social network structure on diffusion dynamics

    • 27.17. Systems Biology [Back to Resource Menu]
      • Ewald et al (2007) Discrete event modelling and simulation in systems biology
      • Thorne et al (2007) Combining experiments with multi-cell agent-based modeling to study biological tissue patterning

    • 27.18. Teaching Simulation [Back to Resource Menu]
      • Macal and North (2010) Toward teaching agent-based simulation

    • 27.19. Transport Operations [Back to Resource Menu]

      • 27.19.1. +General [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Davidsson et al (2005) An analysis of agent-based approaches to transport logistics
        • Kluegl and Rindsfuser (2011) Agent-based route (and mode) choice simulation in real-world networks
        • Koehler et al (2009) A transitions model for sustainable mobility

      • 27.19.2. Airport Operation [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Ma et al (2011) Check-in processing - Simulation of passengers with advanced traits
        • Manataki and Zografos (2009) A generic system dynamics based tool for airport terminal performance analysis
        • Manataki and Zografos (2010) Assessing airport terminal performance using a system dynamics model

      • 27.19.3. Bus and Railway Operation [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Bouman et al (2012) Recognizing demand patterns from smart card data for agent-based micro-simulation of public transport
        • Li et al (2006) Passenger travel behavior model in railway network simulation
        • Mc Donnella and Zellner (2011) Exploring the effectiveness of bus rapid transit a prototype agent-based model of commuting behavior

      • 27.19.4. Car Sharing Simulation [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Ciari (2010) Estimation of car-sharing demand using an activity-based microsimulation approach. Model discussion and preliminary results

      • 27.19.5. Pedestrial Movement [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Barker (2006) A survey on agent-based modeling of pedestrian movement
        • Beck (2011) Case study - Modelling passenger flows in Heathrow Terminal 5
        • Bo et al (2010) A GIS-based simulation for occupant evacuation in an amusement building
        • Hetu and Tan (2008) MMOHILS - A simpler approach to valid agents in human simulation studies
        • Hosoi et al (1996) Dynamical model of a pedestrian in a crowd
        • Kitazawa and Batty (2004) Pedestrian behaviour modelling - An application to retail movements using a genetic algorithm
        • Li (2000) Train station passenger flow study
        • Raubal (2001) Agent-based simulation of human wayfinding - Aperceptual model for unfamiliar buildings [PhD Thesis]
        • Shi et al (2009) Agent-based evacuation model of large public buildings under fire conditions
        • Xi et al (2010) An integrated pedestrian behavior model based on extended decision field theory and social force model
        • Zhang et al (2007) Modeling and simulation of passenger alighting and boarding movement in Beijing metro stations

      • 27.19.6. Port Operation [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Boer and Saanen (2012) Improving container terminal efficiency through emulation
        • Elazony et al (2011) Design and implementation of a port simulator using formal graphical approach (FGA)
        • Henesey (2006) Multi-agent systems for container terminal management [PhD Thesis] (see Chapter 3)
        • Longo (2010) Design and integration of the containers inspection activities in the container terminal operations
        • Shi et al (2010) AnyLogic-based simulation analysis of queuing system at container terminals
        • Vidal and Huynh (2010) Building agent-based models of seaport container terminals

      • 27.19.7. Traffic Simulation [Back to Resource Menu]
        • Bazzan (2012) Lessons learned from one decade of developing agent-based tools for traffic modeling, simulation, and control - How to make cities smarter
        • Bazzan et al (1999) Agents in traffic modelling - From reactive to social behaviour
        • Gonzalez (2009) Crisis response simulation combining discrete-event and agent-based modeling
        • Lansdowne (2006) Traffic simulation using agent-based modelling [BSc Thesis]
        • Rossetti et al (2002) Using BDI agents to improve driver modelling in a commuter scenario
        • Takama and Preston (2008) Forecasting the effects of road user charge by stochastic agent-based modelling

    • 27.20. Using AnyLogic [Back to Resource Menu]
      • Brabazon et al (2007) Simulation of passenger vehicle order fulfilment processes
      • Durana and Barambones (2009) Object oriented simulation of hybrid renewable energy systems focused on supervisor control
      • Gui et al (2009) Evaluate the performance of CRM in logistics enterprises based on AnyLogic simulation
      • Kondratyev and Garifullin (2009) Parallel discrete event simulation with AnyLogic
      • Li and Li (2008) Transshipment policy research of multi-location inventory system based on multi-agent system
      • Liu and Hu (2010) Modeling and simulation of teachers occupational stress diffusion in
      • Longo (2010) Design and integration of the containers inspection activities in the container terminal operations
      • Marin et al (2010) Supply chain and hybrid modeling - the Panama canal operations and its salinity diffusion
      • Mathieu et al (2007) Hybrid systems dynamic, petri net, and agent-based modeling of the air and space operations center
      • Meng et al (2009) An application of agent-based simulation to the management of hospital-acquired infection
      • Merkuryeva and Bolshakovs (2010) Vehicle schedule simulation with AnyLogic
      • Schwenke et al (2010) Simulation and analysis of buying behavior in supermarkets
      • Shi et al (2010) AnyLogic-based simulation analysis of queuing system at container terminals
      • Xi et al (2010) An integrated pedestrian behavior model based on extended decision field theory and social force model
      • Zheng and Lu (2009) Comparative study on push and pull production system based on Anylogic

    • 27.21. Verification and Validation [Back to Resource Menu]
      • Becker et al (2004) Human-centred simulation - Practicioners guide for evaluation
      • Heath et al (2012) Validation in the agent-based modelling paradigm - Problems and a solution
      • Himmelspach et al (2010) Component-based models and simulations for supporting valid multi-agent system simulations
      • Srivastava et al (2008) Extension of object-oriented software testing techniques to agent oriented software testing

  • 28. Social Science [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Carrico and Riemer (2011) Motivating energy conservation in the workplace. An evaluation of the use of group-level feedback and peer education
    • George and Bennett (2005) Case studies and theory development in the social sciences - Chapter 1
    • Nowak et al (1990) From private attitude to public opinion - A dynamic theory of social impact
    • Ostreng (2007) Reductionism versus holism - Contrasting approaches
    • Rick Szostak (2003) Classifying natural and social scientific theories
    • Rouse (2002) Need to know - Information, knowledge, and decision making
    • Theory Construction and Model-Building Skills [Jaccard and Jacoby 2010]

  • 29. Statistics [Back to Resource Menu]
    • A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics - Understanding Why and How [Dekking et al 2005]
    • Essentials of Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences [Cohen and Lea 2004]
    • Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists - 3e [Ross 2004]
    • Intuitive Biostatistics [Motulsk 1995]
    • Kuha (2011) LSE Summer School - Introduction to the STATA statistical software
    • Multilevel Analysis for Applied Research - It's just Regression [Bickel 2007]
    • Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling 3e [Kline 2011]

  • 30. Sustainability + LCA [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Ciroth (2010) A new way to sustainability. Agent based modelling [ppt]
    • Koehler et al (2009) A transitions model for sustainable mobility
    • Life Cycle Assessment of Coal-Fired Power Production [Spath et al 1999]
    • Shrivastava and Berger (2010) Sustainability principles. A review and directions

  • 31. Ubiquitous Computing [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Roy et al (2007) A predictive framework for location-aware resource management in smart homes
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Resources related to Projects
  • 1. Project - Artificial Actor (Daniel Dawson) [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Andriessen (2005) Archetypes of knowledge communities
    • Curseu (2006) Emergent states in virtual teams - A complex adaptive systems perspective
    • Desouzaa and Evaristo (2006) Project management offices - A case of knowledge-based archetypes
    • Pattison et al (2012) Modelling teamwork in a simulation environment

  • 2. Project - Building Performance Using ABM (Jacob Chapman) [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Azar and Menassa (2010) A conceptual framework to energy estimation in buildings using agent based modeling
    • Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics (CBPD) Building investment decision support tool
    • Clevenger and Haymaker (2006) The impact of the building occupant on energy modeling simulations
    • Erickson et al (2009) Energy efficient building environment control strategies using real-time occupancy measurements
    • Fei Zhao (2012) Agent-based modeling of commercial building stocks for energy policy and demand response analysis [PhD Thesis] {added 01-2013}
    • Haldi and Robinson (2011) The impact of occupants' behaviour on building energy demand
    • Kashif et al (2012) Simulating the dynamics of occupant behaviour for power management in residential buildings
    • Klein et al (2012) Coordinating occupant behavior for building energy and comfort management using multi-agent systems
    • Liao and Barooah (2010) An integrated approach to occupancy modeling and estimation in commercial buildings
    • Liao et al (2012) Agent-based and graphical modeling of building occupancy
    • Lopesa (2012) Energy behaviours as promoters of energy efficiency - A 21st century review
    • Menezes et al (2012) Assessing the impact of occupant behaviour on electricity consumption for lighting and small power in office buildings
    • O'Brien et al (2012) Manually-operated window shade patterns in office buildings - A critical review
    • Robinson et al (2011) Multi agent simulation of occupants' presence and behaviour
    • Ryana and Sanquist (2012) Validation of building energy modeling tools under idealized and realistic conditions
    • Shi et al (2009) Agent-based evacuation model of large public buildings under fire conditions
    • Virotea and Neves-Silva (2012) Stochastic models for building energy prediction based on occupant behaviour assessment
    • Waddell and Ulfarsson (2004) Introduction to urban simulation - Design and development of operational models
    • Wilke et al (2012) A bottom-up stochastic model to predict building occupants' time-dependent activities
    • Yang and Wang (2012) Development of multi-agent system for building energy and comfort
    • Zhang et al (2011) Modelling electricity consumption in office buildings - An agent based approach
    • Zimmerman (2007) Modeling and simulation of individual user behavior for building performance predictions

  • 3. Project - Comparing Decision Making Approches for ABM (Tuong Vu) [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Norling et al (2001) Enhancing multi-agent based simulation with human-like decision making strategies {added 04-2012}
    • Padgham et al (2011) Integrating BDI reasoning into agent based modeling and simulation {added 12-2012}
    • Rossetti et al (2002) Using BDI agents to improve driver modelling in a commuter scenario {added 04-2012}
    • Shendarkar et al (2006) Crowd simulation for emergency response using BDI agent based on virtual reality {added 12-2012}

  • 4. Project - Democratisation Process China (Zhengxu Wang) [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Bhavnani et al (2008) Simulating closed regimes with agent based models
    • Elkink (2007) An agent-based model of democratic diffusion
    • Epstein (2002) Modeling civil violence - An agent-based computational approach
    • Mi et al (2010) Public policy simulation under Chinese political system - An empirical study of state-owned forest ownership reform policy in Yichun City
    • Taylor et al (2004) Agent-based simulation of geo-political conflict
    • Zheng Yongnian (2009) Power to dominate, not to change - How China's central-local relations constrain its reform

  • 5. Project - Driving Behaviour ABM (Andrew Rattray) [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Bazzan et al (1999) Agents in traffic modelling - From reactive to social behaviour
    • Correia et al (2001) Utilizing data from automotive event data recorders
    • Naeaetaenen and Summala (1973) A model for the role of motivational factors in drivers' decision-making
    • Pratoa et al (2010) Modeling the behavior of novice young drivers during the first year after licensure
    • Rossetti et al (2000) An agent-based framework for the assessment of drivers' decision-making
    • Rossetti et al (2002) Using BDI agents to improve driver modelling in a commuter scenario
    • Toledo et al (2008) In-vehicle data recorders for monitoring and feedback on drivers' behavior
    • Young and Wei (2009) Highway vehicle accident reconstruction using cooperative collision warning based motor vehicle event data recorder

  • 6. Project - Electric Car Diffusion (Lei Yu) [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Coad et al (2009) Consumer support for environmental policies. An application to purchases of green cars
    • Haan et al (2009) How much do incentives affect car purchase. Agent-based microsimulation of consumer choice of new cars. Part II. Forecasting effects of feebates based on energy-efficiency
    • Koehler et al (2009) A transitions model for sustainable mobility
    • Mueller and De Haan (2009) How much do incentives affect car purchase - Agent-based microsimulation of consumer choice of new cars - Part 1
    • Zhang et al (2010) A study of the diffusion of alternative fuel vehicles - An agent-based modeling approach

  • 7. Project - Elephants In Captivity (Lisa Yon) [Back to Resource Menu]
    • A review of the Welfare of Elephants in Europe [Clubb and Mason 2002]
    • McLane et al (2011) The role of agent-based models in wildlife ecology and management
    • Sellers et al (2007) An agent-based model of group decision making in baboons
    • Semeniuk et al (2012) Incorporating behavioural-ecological strategies in pattern-oriented modeling of caribou habitat use in a highly industrialized landscape
    • Zappala (2008) Multi-agent simulation of group decision making in animals (MSc dissertation)

  • 8. Project - Energy Decision Making For Cities (Tao Zhang) [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Abrahamse et al (2005) A review of intervention studies aimed at household energy conservation
    • Altan (2010) Energy efficiency interventions in UK higher education institutions
    • Beck et al (2008) A complex systems approach to planning, optimization and decision making for energy networks
    • Bruckner et al (2005) Public policy modeling of distributed energy technologies - Strategies, attributes, and challenges
    • Dibley et al (2010) Towards intelligent agent based software for building related decision support
    • Ellegard and Palm (2010) Visualizing energy consumption activities as a tool for making everyday life more sustainable
    • Elliott (2008) Using agent-based modelling to explore the environmental impact of changes to the UK housing stock [BSc Thesis]
    • Gilbert et al (2009) An agent-based model of the English housing market
    • Hagras et al (2008) An intelligent agent based approach for energy management in commercial buildings
    • Halog and Manik (2011) Advancing integrated systems modelling framework for life cycle sustainability assessment
    • Hegselmann and Flache (1998) Understanding complex social dynamics - a plea for cellular automata based modelling
    • Hitchcock (1993) An integrated framework for energy use and behaviour in the domestic sector
    • Jackson (2010) Improving energy efficiency and smart grid program analysis with agent-based end-use forecasting models
    • Jaffe and Stavins (1994) The energy-efficiency gap - What does it mean
    • Janssen and Jager (2003) Simulating market dynamics - Interactions between consumer psychology and social networks
    • Kannan and Strachan (2000) Modelling the UK residential energy sector under long-term decarbonisation scenarios - Comparison between energy systems and sectoral modelling approaches
    • Kavgic et al (2010) A review of bottom-up building stock models for energy consumption
    • Keirstead (2006) Evaluating the applicability of integrated domestic energy consumption frameworks in the UK
    • Kiprakis et al (2011) Multi-scale dynamic modeling to maximize demand side management
    • Kolter and Johnson (2011) REDD - A public data set for energy disaggregation research
    • Levine et al (2007) Climate Change 2007 - Residential and commercial buildings
    • Lutzenhiser (1992.archetypes) A cultural model of household energy consumption
    • Ma and Nakamori (2009) Modeling technological change in energy systems - From optimization to agent-based modeling
    • Natarajan et al (2011) Modelling UK domestic energy and carbon emissions - An agent-based approach
    • OECD (2009) Applications of complexity science for public policy
    • Poyer et al (1997) Residential energy consumption across different population groups - Comparative analysis for Latino and non-Latino households in USA
    • Repenning (2001) Understanding firefighting in new product development
    • Repenning (2002) A simulation-based approach to understanding the dynamics of innovation implementation
    • Shimoda et al (2010) City-level energy and CO2 reduction effect by introducing new residential water heaters
    • Stephenson et al (2010) Energy cultures - A framework for understanding energy behaviours
    • Swan and Ugursal (2009) Modeling of end-use energy consumption in the residential sector - A review
    • Wu et al (2008) A spatial microsimulation model with student agents
    • Zhang et al (2012) A three-dimensional model of residential energy consumer archetypes for local energy policy design in the UK

  • 9. Project - Greenhouse Control (G52GRP) [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Guzman et al (2005) Web-based remote control laboratory using a greenhouse scale model
    • Rafiq et al (2010) The design and analysis of automated climatic control for greenhouse
    • Schotman and Tchamitchian (1996) A survey of computer-based approaches for greenhouse climate management

  • 10. Project - Human Resource Management (Ken Kamoche) [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Kamoche (2006) Managing people in turbulent economic times - A knowledge-creation and appropriation perspective

  • 11. Project - Life Cyle Analysis of Power Plants (Tao Zhang) [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Bergerson and Lave (2002) A life cycle analysis of electricity generation technologies - Health and environmental implications of alternative fuels and technologies
    • Higginson et al (2011) Energy use in the context of behaviour and practice - The interdisciplinary challenge in modelling flexible electricity demand
    • Koornneef et al (2008) Life cycle assessment of a pulverized coal power plant with post-combustion capture, transport and storage of CO2
    • Larruskain et al (2005) Transmission and distribution networks - AC versus DC
    • McArthur et al (2007) Multi-agent systems for power engineering applications - Part I - Concepts, approaches, and technical challenges
    • McArthur et al (2007) Multi-agent systems for power engineering applications - Part II - Technologies, standards, and tools for building multi-agent systems
    • Oyarzabal et al (2005) Agent based micro grid management system
    • Spath et al (1999) Life Cycle assessment of coal-fired power production
    • Weidlich et al (2008) Studying the effects of CO2 emissions trading on the electricity market - A multi-agent-based approach
    • WG Environmental Management & Economics (2011) Life cycle assessment of electricity generation (Report)

  • 12. Project - Management Practices (Helen Celia) [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Abubakar et al (2001) Customer satisfaction with supermarket retail shopping
    • Johnston (1995) The determinants of service quality - Satisfiers and dissatisfiers
    • Richiardi et al (2006) A common protocol for agent-based social simulation
    • Vazquez (2001) Service quality in supermarket retailing - Identifying critical service experiences

  • 13. Project - MCDA Using Simulation (David Franks) [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Beria et al (2012) Multicriteria versus Cost Benefit Analysis - A comparative perspective in the assessment of sustainable mobility
    • Brito et al (2010) Discrete event simulation combined with multi-criteria decision analysis applied to steel plant logistics system planning
    • Bruhn Barfod et al (2011) Composite decision support by combining cost-benefit and multi-criteria decision analysis
    • Butler et al (1997) Simulation techniques for the sensitivity analysis of multi-criteria decision models
    • Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis - An Integrated Approach [Belton and Stewart 2001]
    • Wang et al (2009) Review on multi-criteria decision analysis aid in sustainable energy decision-making

  • 14. Project - Modal Shift - From Car to Rail (Brendan Ryan) [Back to Resource Menu]
    • An et al (2011) Agent-based approach to model commuter behaviour's day-to-day dynamics under pre-trip information
    • Asensio (2002) Transport mode choice by commuters to Barcelona's CBD
    • Bouman et al (2012) Recognizing demand patterns from smart card data for agent-based micro-simulation of public transport
    • Ciari et al (2008) A new mode choice model for a multi-agent transport simulation
    • Commins and Nolan (2010) Car ownership and mode of transport to work in Ireland
    • Gibbonsa and Machin (2005) Valuing rail access using transport innovations
    • Horne et al (2005) Improving behavioral realism in hybrid energy-economy models using discrete choice studies of personal transportation decisions
    • Kingham et al (2001) Travelling to work - Will people move out of their cars
    • Kluegl and Bazzan (2001) Emergent organisation in a commuter scenario based on heuristics learning for route choice
    • Kluegl and Rindsfuser (2011) Agent-based route (and mode) choice simulation in real-world networks
    • Koehler et al (2009) A transitions model for sustainable mobility
    • Li et al (2006) Passenger travel behavior model in railway network simulation
    • Mc Donnella and Zellner (2011) Exploring the effectiveness of bus rapid transit a prototype agent-based model of commuting behavior
    • Miller et al (2003) A tour-based model of travel mode choice
    • Rieser (2010) Adding transit to an agent-based transportation simulation - Concepts and implementation [PhD Thesis]
    • Shannon et al (2006) Active commuting in a university setting - Assessing commuting habits and potential for modal change
    • Stanton et al (2012) Following the cognitive work analysis train of thought - Exploring the constraints of modal shift to rail transport
    • Takama and Preston (2008) Forecasting the effects of road user charge by stochastic agent-based modelling
    • Van Der Merwe (2011) Agent-based transport demand modelling for the South African commuter environment [PhD Thesis]
    • Zhang et al (2007) Modeling and simulation of passenger alighting and boarding movement in Beijing metro stations

  • 15. Project - My Simulation Book [Back to Resource Menu]

  • 16. Project - Network for Integrated Behavioural Science - NIBS [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Gupta et al (2013) Gender matching and competitiveness - Experimental evidence {2013-01}
    • Rainford and Tinkler (2011) Designing for nudge effects - How behaviour management can ease public sector problems
    • see also ... Game Theory

  • 17. Project - Open Source Software Development (George Kuk) [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Andriessen (2005) Archetypes of knowledge communities
    • Dalle and David (2004) SimCode. Agent-based simulation modelling of open-source software development

  • 18. Project - Pedestrian Movement (James Burnett) [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Manley and Kim (2012) Modeling emergency evacuation of individuals with disabilities (exitus) - An agent-based public decision support system {added 01-2013}
    • Shendarkar et al (2006) Crowd simulation for emergency response using BDI agent based on virtual reality {added 12-2012}

  • 19. Project - PGCHE Individual Project [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Aberystwyth University - Training for Personal Tutors
    • Banowosari and Valentine (2011) University timetabling algorithm considering lecturer's workload

  • 20. Project - Saving Energy - Digital Occupant [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Geelen et al (2012) Exploring the use of a game to stimulate energy saving in households

  • 21. Project - Senior Citizens - Forced Innovation Adoption [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Bartram et al (2011) Smart homes or smart occupants - Supporting aware living in the home
    • Gaudiano et al (2007) How word-of-mouth impacts medicare product launch and product design
    • Hargreavesn et al (2010) Making energy visible. A qualitative field study of how householders interact with feedback from smart energy monitors

  • 22. Project - Service in the Virtual Environment (Ohud Almutairi) [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Childers et al (2001) Hedonic and utilitarian motivations for online retail shopping behavior
    • Sweeney et al (2001) Consumer perceived value - The development of a multiple item scale
    • Takechi et al (2009) Sales simulation of a movie rental shop with customer agents
    • To et al (2007) Shopping motivations on internet - A study based on utilitarian and hedonic value
    • Voss (2003) Rethinking paradigms of service. Service in a virtual environment

  • 23. Project - Simulation of Personnel (Victoria Coverstone) [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Andrews et al (2008) Integrating personnel movement simulation into preliminary ship design
    • Andriessen (2005) Archetypes of knowledge communities
    • Clements (2007) Effective teamwork in healthcare - Research and reality
    • Desouzaa and Evaristo (2006) Project management offices - A case of knowledge-based archetypes
    • Evans et al (1996) A simulation model for evaluating personnel schedules in a hospital emergency department
    • Finn et al (2010) Some unintended effects of teamwork in healthcare
    • Hardin and Hussey (2003) AACN synergy model for patient care - Case study of a CHF patient
    • Holmström and Elf (2004) Staff retention and job satisfaction at a hospital clinic - A case study
    • Hughes et al (2011) Simulation of personnel in ARFORGEN to predict effects of structure, policy, and demand changes
    • Liu and Takakuwa (2009) Simulation-based personnel planning for materials handling at a cross-docking center under retail distribution environment
    • Manser (2009) Teamwork and patient safety in dynamic domains of healthcare - A review of the literature
    • Meterko et al (2004) Teamwork culture and patient satisfaction in hospitals
    • Saba et al (2006) Shared decision making and the experience of partnership in primary care
    • Salas et al (2008) On teams, teamwork, and team performance - Discoveries and developments
    • Scott et al (2003) The quantitative measurement of organizational culture in health care - A review of the available instruments
    • Steinfield et al (2001) New methods for studying global virtual teams - Towards a multi-faceted approach
    • Sullican Collopy (1999) The synergy model in practice
    • Sycara and Lewis (2008) Agent-based approaches to dynamic team simulation
    • Topintzi and Nistazakis (2004) Using system dynamics to analyse a human resources management problem
    • Walley (2003) Designing the accident and emergency system - Lessons from manufacturing
    • Wheelan et al (2003) The link between teamwork and patients' outcomes in intensive care units
    • Wieck et al (2002) What the emerging workforce wants in its leaders
    • Xyrichis and Ream (2008) Teamwork - A concept analysis
    • Zuelch et al (2004) A simulation approach for planning and re-assigning of personnel in manufacturing
    • Zuelch et al (2011) Simulation-aided design and evaluation of flexible working times

  • 24. Project - Smart Homes - Smart City [Back to Resource Menu]
    • ACCIONA (2011) Smart buildings - Use cases specification v1.2
    • Bankier (2010) GridIQ - A test bed for smart grid agents [BSc]
    • Bartram et al (2011) Smart homes or smart occupants - Supporting aware living in the home
    • European Commission (2009) ICT for a Low carbon economy - Smart buildings (Report)
    • European Commission (2009) ICT for a Low carbon economy - Smart electricity distribution networks (Report)
    • Gudzius et al (2011) The model of smart grid reliability evaluation
    • International Energy Agency (2011) Technology roadmap - Smart grids (Report)
    • KEMA Consulting (2008) Smart meter requirements - Dutch smart meter specification and tender dossier v2.1
    • Manson (2009) An introduction to documenting GB smart metering functional requirements with use cases v01
    • Office of the National Coordinator for Smart Grid Interoperability (2010) NIST framework and roadmap for smart grid interoperability standards v1.0
    • RWE (2011) RWE SmartHome Software Benutzerhandbuch
    • SAP (2010) Smart houses interacting with smart grids
    • Zahariadis et al (2011) Middleware for energy aware appliances

  • 25. Project - Systems Biology SD vs. ABM (Grazziela Figueredo) [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Crossley and Amos (2011) SimZombie - A case-study in agent-based simulation construction {added 01-2013}
    • Huet and Deffuant (2008) Differential equation models derived from an individual-based model can help to understand emergent effects

  • 26. Project - Teaching Object Oriented Systems (G64OOS) [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Vasilakis et al (2009) Developing model requirements for patient flow simulation studies using the Unified Modelling Language (UML)

  • 27. Project - Teaching Simulation for Computer Scientists (G54SIM) [Back to Resource Menu]
    • Ma et al (2011) Check-in processing - Simulation of passengers with advanced traits
    • Uhrmacher (1997) Concepts of object- and agent-oriented simulation
    • Vasilakis et al (2009) Developing model requirements for patient flow simulation studies using the Unified Modelling Language (UML)
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