In order to find free copies of my papers go to Google Scholar's service My Citations.
Latest Additions
  1. Poster @ Siebers PO (2024) 'Exploring the Role of Generative AI in Advancing Agent-Based Model Design and Implementation'. Poster created for the UoN CompSci Open Lab Initiative (13/09/2024) [poster]

  2. Invited Talk @ Siebers PO (2024) 'A Software Engineer's Approach to Agent-Based Modelling'. Talk given at the "Modelling and Inference for Pandemic Preparedness Workshop", 20 Aug, ISSAC Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK [youtube playlist] (check video 3 and 7) [slides]

  3. Preprint Paper @ Siebers PO (2024). 'Exploring the Potential of Conversational AI Support for Agent-Based Social Simulation Model Design'. [paper]

  4. Conference Presentation @ Siebers PO (2024) 'Generative and Conversational AI for B&IM', Talk given at the CBIM Conference on Business and Industrial Marketing 2024, 12-14 Jun, Graz, Austria. [presentation]

  5. Conference Presentation @ Siebers PO (2024) 'The Engineering Agent-Based Social Simulation Framework: A Key to Unlocking Agent-Based Modelling in B2B Research?', Talk given at the CBIM Conference on Business and Industrial Marketing 2024, 12-14 Jun, Graz, Austria. [extended abstract] [presentation]

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Journal Papers (Preprint)
  1. Siebers PO (2024). 'Exploring the Potential of Conversational AI Support for Agent-Based Social Simulation Model Design'. [paper]

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Journal Papers (Refereed)
  1. Ho KJ, Özcan E, and Siebers PO (2024). Efficient Multi-Objective Simulation Metamodeling for Researchers. Algorithms 17(1)41, DOI:; open access. [2022 IF: 2.3]

  2. Ranjbari M, Esfandabadi ZS, Siebers PO, Pisano P, and Quatraro F (2023) 'Digitally enabled food sharing platforms towards effective waste management in a circular economy: A system dynamics simulation model', Technovation, DOI: 10.1016/j.technovation.2023.102939; open access. [2022 IF: 12.5]

  3. Hey J, Nathanail P, Ozcan E, Siebers PO, and Robinson D (2022) 'Surrogate Optimisation of Energy Retrofits in Domestic Building Stocks using Household Carbon Valuations', Journal of Building Performance Simulation, DOI: 10.1080/19401493.2022.2106309. [2022 IF: 2.957]

  4. Whiteley TD, Avitabile D, Siebers PO, Robinson D, and Owen MR (2022) 'Modelling the emergence of cities and urban patterning using coupled integro-differential equations', J. R. Soc. Interface, DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2022.0176; open access. [2020 IF: 4.118]

  5. Achter S, Borit M, Chattoe-Brown E, and Siebers PO (2022) 'RAT-RS: a reporting standard for improving the documentation of data use in agent-based modelling', International Journal of Social Research Methodology, DOI: 10.1080/13645579.2022.2049511; open access. [2020 IF: 3.096]

  6. Ranjbari M, Esfandabadi ZS, Scagnelli SD, Siebers PO, and Quatraro F (2021) 'Recovery agenda for sustainable development post COVID-19 at the country level: Developing a fuzzy action priority surface', Journal of Environment, Development and Sustainability; open access. [2019 IF: 2.191]

  7. Ranjbari M, Esfandabadi ZS, Zanetti MC, Scagnelli SD, Siebers PO, Aghbashlo M, Peng W, Quatraro F, and Tabatabaei M (2021) 'Three pillars of sustainability in the wake of COVID-19: A systematic review and future research agenda for sustainable development', Journal of Cleaner Production 297, 2021, 126660; open access. [2019 IF: 7.246]

  8. Mashuk MS, Pinchin J, Siebers PO, and Moore T (2021) 'Demonstrating the potential of indoor positioning for monitoring building occupancy through ecologically valid trials', Journal of Location Based Services; DOI: 10.1080/17489725.2021.1893394. [2019 CiteScore: 2.4]

  9. Thaler J and Siebers P (2020) 'Specification testing of agent-based simulation using property-based testing', Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 34(47), DOI: 10.1007/s10458-020-09473-8; open access. [2019 IF: 1.342]

  10. Siebers PO, Herath D, Bardone E, Farahbakhsh S, Knudsen PG, Madsen JK, Mufti M, Neumann M, Richards D, Seri R, and Secchi D (2020) 'On the quest for defining organisational plasticity: A community modelling experiment', Evidence-based HRM; DOI:10.1108/EBHRM-09-2019-0079. [2019 CiteScore: 2.2]

  11. Zakhary S, Rosser J, Siebers PO, Mao Y, and Robinson D (2020) 'Using unsupervised learning to partition 3D city scenes for distributed building energy microsimulation', Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. DOI: 10.1177/2399808320914313. [2019 IF: 2.822]

  12. Siebert P, Siebers PO, Vallejos EP, and Nilsson T (2020) 'Driving complementarity in interdisciplinary research: A reflection', International Journal of Social Research Methodology, DOI: 10.1080/13645579.2020.1743545. [2019 IF: 2.519]

  13. Siebers PO, En Lim Z, Figueredo GP, and Hey J (2020) 'An Innovative Approach to Multi-Method Integrated Assessment Modelling of Global Climate Change', Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 23(1)10; open access. [2019 IF 2.440]

  14. Ligmann-Zielinska A, Siebers PO, Maglioccia N, Parker D, Grimm V, Du EJ, Cenek M, Radchuk V, Arbab N, Li S, Berger U, Paudel R, Robinson DT, Jankowski P, An L, and Ye X (2020) 'One Size Does Not Fit All: A Roadmap of Purpose-Driven Mixed-Method Pathways for Sensitivity Analysis of Agent-Based Models', Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 23(1)10; open access. [2019 IF 2.440]

  15. Thaler J and Siebers PO (2019) 'A Tale of Lock-free Agents: Towards Software Transactional Memory in Parallel Agent-Based Simulation', Journal of Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling, 7(5); open access.

  16. Faboya OT, Figueredo GP, Ryan B, and Siebers PO (2020) 'Using Agent-Based Modelling for Investigating Modal Shift: The Case of University Travel', Computers & Industrial Engineering (CAIE), 139(2020)106077; open access. [2018 IF 3.518]

  17. Tran TH, Mao Y, and Siebers PO (2019) 'Optimising Decarbonisation Investment for Firms towards Environmental Sustainability', Sustainability, 11(20), 5718; open access. [2018 IF 2.592]

  18. Venkatesan S, Siebers PO, and Nguyen-Van-Tam J (2019) 'A Novel Framework for Evaluating the Impact of Individual Decision-Making on Public Health Outcomes and its Potential Application to Study Antiviral Treatment Collection during an Influenza Pandemic', PLOS One; open access. [2018 IF 2.776]

  19. Li X, Bai R, Siebers PO, Wagner C (2019) 'Travel Time Prediction in Transport and Logistics: Towards More Efficient Vehicle GPS Data Management Using Tree Ensemble Methods', VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 49(3), pp.277-306. [2018 CiteScore 2.02]

  20. Vu T, Wagner C, and Siebers PO (2019) 'ABOOMS: Overcoming the Hurdles of Continuous-Time Public Goods Games with a Simulation-Based Approach'. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 22(2)7; open access. [2016 IF 0.992]

  21. Figueredo GP, Agrawal U, Mase J, Mesgarpour M, Wagner C, Soria D, Garibaldi J, Siebers PO, and John R (2019) 'Identifying Heavy Goods Vehicle Driving Styles in the United Kingdom'. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 20(9), pp.3324-3336 [2016 IF 4.051]

  22. Tran TH, Mao Y, Nathanail P, Siebers PO, and Robinson D (2018) 'Integrating Slacks-Based Measure of Efficiency and Super-Efficiency in Data Envelopment Analysis'. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 0(online) [2016 IF 4.311]

  23. Chapman J, Siebers PO and Robinson D (2018) 'On the Multi-Agent Stochastic Simulation of Occupants in Buildings'. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 0(online) [2016 IF 2.483]

  24. Aickelin U, Reps JM, Siebers PO , Li P (2017) 'Using Simulation to Incorporate Dynamic Criteria into Multiple Criteria Decision Making'. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 0(online) [2015 IF 1.225]

  25. Wang K, Siebers PO, and Robinson D (2017) 'Towards Generalized Co-simulation of Urban Energy Systems'. Procedia Engineering, 198, pp.366-374. [2018 CiteScore 1.040]

  26. Zhang T, Siebers PO and Aickelin U (2016) 'Simulating User Learning in Authoritative Technology Adoption: An Agent Based Model for Council-led Smart Meter Deployment Planning in the UK'. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 106, pp.74-84 [2014 IF 2.058] [link]

  27. Siebers PO and Davidsson P (2015) 'Engineering Agent-Based Social Simulations: An Introduction' (Special Issue Editorial). Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 18(3). [2018 IF 2.194] [open access link]

  28. Figueredo GP, Siebers PO and Aickelin U (2015) 'Juxtaposition of System Dynamics and Agent-Based Simulation for a Case Study in Immunosenescence'. PLoS ONE 03/2015 10(3) [2012 IF 3.730] [open access link]

  29. Figueredo GP, Siebers PO, Owen MR, Reps J and Aickelin U (2014) 'Comparing Stochastic Differential Equations and Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation for Early-stage Cancer'. PLoS ONE 01/2014 9(4) [2012 IF 3.730] [open access link]

  30. Siebers PO and Wilkinson I (2013) 'From the Special Issue Editors: Multi-Agent Simulation as a Novel Decision Support Tool for Innovation and Technology Management'. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 10(5), pp. 1-4 [link]

  31. Figueredo GP, Siebers PO and Aickelin U (2013) 'Investigating Mathematical Models of Immuno-Interactions with Early-Stage Cancer under an Agent-Based Modelling Perspective'. BMC Bioinformatics, 14(Suppl 6):S6 [2012 IF 3.020] [open access link]

  32. Zhang T, Siebers PO and Aickelin U (2012) 'A Three-Dimensional Model of Residential Energy Consumer Archetypes for Local Energy Policy Design in the UK'. Energy Policy, pp. 102-110. [2012 IF 2.743] [link]

  33. Yu L, Zhang T, Siebers PO, Aickelin U (2012) 'Modelling Electrical Car Diffusion Based on Agents'. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 6(19) pp. 424-431.

  34. Zhang T, Siebers PO and Aickelin U (2011) 'Modelling Electricity Consumption in Office Buildings: An Agent Based Approach'. Energy and Buildings, 43(10) pp. 2882-2892. [2012 IF 2.679] [link]

  35. Siebers PO and Aickelin U (2011) 'A First Approach on Modelling Staff Proactiveness in Retail Simulation Models'. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 14(2) 2. [2010 IF 1.733] [link]

  36. Siebers PO, Macal CM, Garnett J, Buxton D and Pidd M (2010) 'Discrete-Event Simulation is Dead, Long Live Agent-Based Simulation!'. Journal of Simulation, 4(3) pp. 204-210. [2012 IF 0.740] [link]

  37. Siebers PO, Aickelin U, Celia H and Clegg C (2010) 'Towards the Development of a Simulator for Investigating the Impact of People Management Practices on Retail Performance'. Journal of Simulation, 5(4), pp. 247-265. [2012 IF 0.740] [link]

  38. Siebers PO, Aickelin U, Celia H and Clegg C (2010) 'Simulating Customer Experience and Word-Of-Mouth in Retail - A Case Study'. Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 86(1) pp. 5-30. [2010 IF 0.611] [link]

  39. Siebers PO, Aickelin U, Celia H and Clegg C (2009) 'Modelling and Simulating Retail Management Practices: A First Approach'. International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 5(3), pp. 215-232. [link]

  40. Baines TS, Mason SA, Siebers PO and Ladbrook J (2004) 'Humans: The Missing Link in Manufacturing Simulation?'. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 12(7-8), pp. 515-526. [2012 IF 1.159] [link]

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Conference Papers (Refereed)
  1. Allcock R and Siebers PO (2023) 'Crowd health encoding, for crowd simulations using the smoothed particle hydrodynamics computational method', In: Proceedings of the 18th Social Simulation Conference (SSC2023), 4-8 Sep, Glasgow, UK [slides]

  2. Hey J, Siebers PO, Nathanail P, Özcan E, and Robinson D (2020) 'Surrogate Optimisation of Housing Stock Retrofits using Deep Neural Networks'. In: Proceedings of the Building Simulation and Optimization 2020 Conference (BSO2020), 21-22 Sep, Loughborough, UK.

  3. Barnes O and Siebers PO (2020) 'Opportunities for Using Agent-Based Social Simulation and Fuzzy Logic to Improve the Understanding of Digital Mental Healthcare Scenarios'. In: Proceedings of the 10th OR Society Simulation Workshop (SW20), 30 Mar-1 Apr, Loughborough, UK.

  4. Siebers PO, Achter S, Palaretti Bernardo C, Borit M, and Chattoe-Brown E (2019) 'First Steps Towards RAT: A Protocol for Documenting Data Use in the Agent-Based Modeling Process' (Extended Abstract), Social Simulation Conference 2019 (SSC 2019), 23-27 Sep, Mainz, Germany. [extended abstract] [presentation]

  5. Mertens A, Feliciani T, Heidari S, Siebers PO, and Dignum F (2019) 'Are We Done Yet? or When is Our Model Perfect (Enough)?', Social Simulation Conference 2019 (SSC 2019), 23-27 Sep, Mainz, Germany.

  6. Thaler J, Altenkirch T, and Siebers PO (2019) 'Show me your properties! The Potential of Property-Based Testing in Agent-Based Simulation'. 2019 Summer Simulation Conference (SummerSim'19), 22-24 Jul, Berlin, Germany.

  7. Amponsah K, Zakhary S, Robinson D, Logan B, Nathanail P, and Siebers PO (2019) 'Distributed Building Energy Simulation with the HLA'. 2019 Summer Simulation Conference (SummerSim'19), 22-24 Jul, Berlin, Germany.

  8. Sajjadian SM, Jafari M, Siebers PO (2018) 'An Artificial Intelligence Method for Comfort Level Prediction'. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference in Sustainability on Energy and Buildings (SEB 18), 24-26 Jun, Gold Coast, Australia.

  9. Faboya OT, Figueredo GP, Ryan B, and Siebers PO (2018) 'Position Paper: The Usefulness of Data-driven, Intelligent Agent-Based Modelling for Transport Infrastructure Management', In: Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2018), 4-7 Nov, Maui, Hawaii, USA.

  10. Faboya OT, Siebers PO, Ryan B, and Figueredo GP (2018) 'How do Travellers Decide: A Stochastic Modelling Approach to Determine Decision Factor Significance'. In: Proceedings of the European Modeling and Simulation Symposium 2018 (EMSS2018), 17-19 Sep, Budapest, Hungary.

  11. Dediu A, Landa-Silva D, and Siebers PO (2018) 'An Agent Based Modelling Approach for the Office Space Allocation Problem'. In: Proceedings of the European Modeling and Simulation Symposium 2018 (EMSS2018), 17-19 Sep, Budapest, Hungary.

  12. Thaler J, Altenkirch T, and Siebers PO (2018) 'Pure Functional Epidemics: An Agent-Based Approach', In: Proceedings of the IFL 2018 Symposium, 5-7 Sep, University of Massachusetts Lowell, MA, USA.

  13. Secchi D, Siebers PO, and Herath DB (2018) 'Organisational Plasticity: A Community Modelling Experience'. In: Proceedings of the Social Simulation Conference 2018 (SSC 2018), 20-24 Aug, Stockholm, Sweden.

  14. Yousefi Z, Heinke D, Apperly I, and Siebers PO (2018) 'An Agent-Based Model for False Belief Tasks: Belief Representation Systematic Approach (BRSA)'. In: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation (SBP-BRiMS 2018), 10-13 Jul, Washington DC,USA.

  15. Siebers PO, Deng YF, Thaler J, Schnädelbach H, and Özcan E (2018) 'Proposal of a Design Pattern for Embedding the Concept of Social Forces in Human Centric Simulation Models'. In: Proceedings of the 9th Simulation Workshop (SW2018), 19-21 Mar, Stratford, Worcestershire, UK.

  16. Mashuk MS, Pinchin J, Siebers PO, and Moore T (2018) 'A Smart Phone based Multi-Floor Indoor Positioning System for Occupancy Detection'. In: Proceedings of the IEEE/ION Position Location and Navigation Symposium (IEEE/ION PLANS 2018), 23-26 Apr, Monterey, California, USA.

  17. Faboya OT, Siebers PO, Ryan B, and Figueredo GP (2017) 'A Novel Modal Shift Modelling Framework for Transport Systems', In: Proceedings of the Social Simulation Conference 2017 (SSC2017), 25-29 Sep, Dublin, Ireland.

  18. Venkatesan S, Siebers PO, and Nguyen-Van-Tam J (2017) 'Antiviral Treatment for Pandemic Influenza: Conceptualisation of a Coupled Behavioural and Epidemic Agent-Based Simulation Model', In: Proceedings of the Social Simulation Conference 2017 (SSC2017), 25-29 Sep, Dublin, Ireland.

  19. Thaler J and Siebers PO (2017) 'The Art of Iterating: Update-Strategies in Agent-Based Simulation', In: Proceedings of the Social Simulation Conference 2017 (SSC2017), 25-29 Sep, Dublin, Ireland.

  20. Chapman J, Robinson D, and Siebers PO (2017) 'Multi-agent Stochastic Simulation of Occupants for Building Simulation'. In: Proceedings of the Building Simulation and Optimization Conference (BS2017), 07-09 Aug, San Francisco, USA.

  21. Zakhary S, Allen A, Siebers PO, and Robinson D (2016) 'A Computational Workflow for Urban Micro-Simulation of Buildings' Energy Performance', In: Urban Transitions Global Summit 2016, 5-9 Sep, Shanghai, China.

  22. May L and Siebers PO (2015) 'Using Simulation to Assist Recruitment in Seasonally Dependant Contact Centers'. In: Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC15), 6-9 Dec, Huntington Beach (CA), USA. [link] [presentation]

  23. Vu T, Siebers PO, Skatova A and Turocy T (2015) 'Modelling the Effect of Individual Differences in Punishment Sensitivity on Behaviour in a Public Goods Game'. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation (MAS2015), 21-23 Sep, Bergeggi, Italy. [link] [presentation]

  24. Perkins A, Ryan B and Siebers PO (2015) 'Modelling and Simulation of Rail Passengers to Evaluate Methods to Reduce Dwell Times'. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation (MAS2015), 21-23 Sep, Bergeggi, Italy. [link] [presentation]

  25. Faboya OT and Siebers PO (2015) 'Simulating Airline Marketing Strategy Using System Dynamics Modelling'. In: Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS2015), 26-29 May, Albena (Varna), Bulgaria. [link]

  26. Li X, Bai R, Siebers PO and Wagner C (2014) 'Modeling Urban Road Risky Driving Behaviors in China with Multi-Agent Microscopic Traffic Simulation'. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 8-11 Oct, 2014, At Qingdao, China. [link]

  27. Vu T, Siebers PO and Wagner C (2014) 'The Potential of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design for Agent-based Computational Economics'. In: Proceedings of the 28th European Simulation and Modelling Conference (ESM2014), 22-24 Oct, Porto, Portugal. [link]

  28. Faboya OT and Siebers PO (2014) 'On the Search for Novel Simulation Application to Support Airport Operations Management'. In: Proceedings of the 26th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS2014), 10-12 Sep, Bordeaux, France. [link][screenshots][presentation]

  29. Dawson D, Siebers PO and Vu T (2014) 'Opening Pandora's Box: Some Insight into the Inner Workings of an Agent Based Simulation Environment'. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems and Simulation (MAS&S'14), 7-10 Sep, Warsaw, Poland. [link]

  30. Chapman J, Robinson D and Siebers PO (2014) 'Coupling Multi-Agent Stochastic Simulation of Occupants with Building Simulation'. In: Proceedings of the Building Simulation and Optimization Conference (BSO14), 23-24 Jun, London, UK. [link]

  31. Siebers PO and Onggo BSS (2014) 'Graphical Representation of Agent-Based Models in Operational Research and Management Science using UML'. In: Proceedings of the 7th OR Society Simulation Workshop (SW14), 1-2 Apr, Worcestershire, UK. [link]

  32. Asta S, Özcan E and Siebers PO (2014) 'An Investigation on Test Driven Discrete Event Simulation'. In: Proceedings of the 7th OR Society Simulation Workshop (SW14), 1-2 Apr, Worcestershire, UK. [link]

  33. Vu T, Siebers PO and Wagner C (2013) 'Comparison of Crisp Systems and Fuzzy Systems in Agent-Based Simulation: A Case Study of Soccer Penalties'. In: Proceedings of the 2013 UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence (UKCI2013), 9-11 Sep, Guildford, UK. [link]

  34. Figueredo GP, Siebers PO, Aickelin U and Foan S (2012) 'A Beginner's Guide to Systems Simulation in Immunology'. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems (ICARIS2012), 28-31 Aug, Taormina, Italy. [link]

  35. Zhang T, Siebers PO and Aickelin U (2012) 'Modelling the Effects of User Learning on Forced Innovation Diffusion'. In: Proceedings of the UK OR Society Simulation Workshop 2012 (SW12), 26-28 Mar, Worcestershire, UK. [link]

  36. Zhang T, Siebers PO and Aickelin U (2011) 'A Three-Dimensional Model of Residential Energy Consumer Archetypes for Local Energy Policy Design in the UK'. In: Proceedings of the Energy and People: Futures, Complexity and Challenges Conference, 20-21 Sep, Oxford, UK. [link]

  37. Siebers PO, Sherman G, Aickelin U and Menachof D (2011) 'Comparing Decision Support Tools for Cargo Screening Processes'. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation (MAS), 12-14 Sep, Rome, Italy [link]

  38. Figueredo GP, Aickelin U and Siebers PO (2011) 'Systems Dynamics or Agent-Based Modelling for Immune Simulation?'. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems (ICARIS2011), 18-21 Jul, Cambridge, UK. [link]

  39. Zhang T, Siebers PO and Aickelin U (2010) 'Modelling Office Energy Consumption: An Agent Based Approach'. In: Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Social Simulation (WCSS2010), 5-9 Sep, Kassel, Germany. [link]

  40. Sherman G, Siebers PO, Aickelin U and Menachof D (2010) 'Scenario Analysis, Decision Trees and Simulation for Cost Benefit Analysis of the Cargo Screening Process'. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop of Applied Modelling and Simulation (WAMS2010), 5-7 May, Buizos, Brasil. [link]

  41. Majid MA, Siebers PO and Aickelin U (2010) 'Modelling Reactive and Proactive Behaviour in Simulation'. In: Proceedings of the OR Society Simulation Workshop (SW10), 23-24 Mar, Worcestershire, UK. [link]

  42. Siebers, PO, Aickelin U and Sherman G (2009) 'Development of a Cargo Screening Process Simulator: A First Approach'. In: Proceedings of the 21st European Modeling and Simulation Symposium (EMSS2009), 23-25 Sep, Tenerife, Spain. [link]

  43. Majid MA, Aickelin U and Siebers PO (2009) 'Comparing Simulation Output Accuracy of Discrete Event and Agent Based Models: A Quantitative Approach'. In: Proceedings of the Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC2009), 13-16 Jul, Istanbul, Turkey. [link]

  44. Siebers PO, Aickelin U, Menachof D, Sherman G and Zimmerman P (2009) 'Modelling and Analysing Cargo Screening Processes: A Project Outline'. In: Proceedings of the INFORMS Simulation Society Research Workshop (I-SIM2009), 25-27 Jun, Warwick, UK. [link]

  45. Majid MA, Aickelin U and Siebers PO (2009) 'Investigating Output Accuracy for a Discrete Event Simulation Model and an Agent Based Simulation Model'. In: Proceedings of the INFORMS Simulation Society Research Workshop (I-SIM2009), 25-27 Jun, Warwick, UK. [link]

  46. Siebers PO, Aickelin U, Celia H and Clegg CW (2008) 'An Agent-Based Simulation of In-Store Customer Experiences'. In: Proceedings of the OR Society Simulation Workshop (SW08), 1-2 Apr, Worcestershire, UK. [link]

  47. Siebers PO, Aickelin U, Celia H and Clegg CW (2007) 'Using Intelligent Agents to Understand Management Practices and Retail Productivity'. In: Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC07), pp 2212-2220, 9-12 Dec, Washington DC, USA. [link]

  48. Siebers PO, Aickelin U, Celia H and Clegg CW (2007) 'Understanding Retail Productivity by Simulating Management Practices'. In: Proceedings of the EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation (EUROSIM07), 9-13 Sep, Ljubljana, Slovenia. [link]

  49. Siebers PO, Aickelin U, Celia H and Clegg CW (2007) 'A Multi-Agent Simulation of Retail Management Practices'. In: Proceedings of the Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC07), pp 959-966, 15-18 Jul. San Diego, USA. [link]

  50. Celia H, Robinson MA, Clegg C, Siebers PO, Aickelin U, Jackson H and Sprigg C (2007). 'Using Intelligent Agents to Understand Organisational Behaviour'. In: Proceedings of the British Psychological Society, Division of Occupational Psychology Annual Conference, 10-12 Jan, Bristol, UK. [link]

  51. Siebers PO, Baines TS, Mason SA and Ladbrook J (2004) 'Modelling Human Variation in Assembly Line Models'. In: Proceedings of the OR Society Simulation Workshop (SW04), 1-2 May, Birmingham, UK. [link]

  52. Mason SA, Baines TS, Siebers PO and Ladbrook J (2004) 'The Impact of Modelling Human Performance Variation Modelling in a Typical Manufacturing System'. In: Proceedings of the OR Society Simulation Workshop (SW04), 1-2 May, Birmingham, UK.

  53. Mason SA and Siebers PO (2002) 'Humans: The Missing Link in Simulation?'. In: Proceedings of the Operational Research Society (UK) Simulation Study Group Two Day Workshop. 20-21 Mar, Birmingham, UK.

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Posters and Conference Presentations
  1. Siebers PO (2024) 'Exploring the Role of Generative AI in Advancing Agent-Based Model Design and Implementation'. Poster created for the UoN CompSci Open Lab Initiative (13/09/2024) [poster]

  2. Siebers PO (2024) 'Generative and Conversational AI for B&IM', Talk given at the CBIM Conference on Business and Industrial Marketing 2024, 12-14 Jun, Graz, Austria. [presentation]

  3. Siebers PO (2024) 'The Engineering Agent-Based Social Simulation Framework: A Key to Unlocking Agent-Based Modelling in B2B Research?', Talk given at the CBIM Conference on Business and Industrial Marketing 2024, 12-14 Jun, Graz, Austria. [extended abstract] [presentation]

  4. Siebers PO (2023) 'Everything you always wanted to know about Dr Siebers (academic details only :) - 2nd Edition', In: Proceedings of the 11th OR Society Simulation Workshop (SW23), 27-29 Mar, Southampton, UK. [abstract] [poster]

  5. Achter S, Palaretti Bernardo C, Borit M, Chattoe-Brown E, and Siebers PO (2019) 'The RAT Protocol: A Proposal for Enhancing Rigor and Transparency of Data Use in the Agent-Based Modeling Process' (Poster), Social Simulation Conference 2019 (SSC 2019), 23-27 Sep, Mainz, Germany.

  6. Yousefi Z, Heinke D, Apperly I, and Siebers PO (2019) 'An Agent-Based Model to Understand a Simple Theory Of Mind: Belief Representation Systematic Approach (BRSA)'. In: Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling & Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation (SBP-BRiMS 2019), 9-12 Jul, Washington DC, USA.

  7. Vallejos EP, Nilsson T, Siebers PO, Siebert P, Craven M, and Fuentes C (2019) 'Untangling Multi-Stakeholder Perspectives in Digital Mental Healthcare', In: 4th Symposium on Computing and Mental Health 2019 (which is part of CHI 2019), 5 May, Glasgow, UK.

  8. Siebers PO (2019) 'Agents to the Rescue: Creating Artificial Labs for Evaluating Human-Centric and Coupled Human-Natural Systems', presented at the Lorentz Workshop "Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Evidence Using Social Simulation", 8-12 Apr, Leiden, The Netherlands. [extended abstract] [poster] [presentation]

  9. Siebers PO (2019) 'Community Modelling and Communication with PhiloLab', presented at the Agent-Based Models in Philosophy – Prospects and Limitations Workshop, 20-22 Mar, Bochum, Germany. [extended abstract] [presentation] [model video]

  10. Siebers PO (2017) 'PhiloLab: An Artificial Lab to Investigate Philosophical Questions', presented at the Local ESSA@work Workshop, 23-24 Nov, Hamburg, Germany.

  11. Siebers PO (2017) 'Facilitating Multidisciplinary Agent-Based Social Simulation Modelling: A (More) Formal Approach'. Poster presented at the ABM17 Symposium, 20-22 Apr, San Diego (CA), USA. [abstract] [poster]

  12. Siebers PO, Zhi LE, and Figueredo GP (2017) 'A Scalable Hybrid SD/AB/SD Modelling Approach to Climate Assessment Modelling', presented at the 1st Hamburg Workshop on 1st Hamburg Workshop on Agent-based Modeling of Environmental Challenges and Climate Policy, 10-11 Mar, Hamburg, Germany.

  13. Figueredo GP, Siebers PO, Augusto D, Barbosa B and Aickelin U (2013) The use of Agent-based Simulation to Discover Extreme Cases in Immune-Interactions with Early-Stage Cancer Scenarios. 12th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2013), 2-6 Sep, Taormina, Italy. [proceedings ebook]

  14. Chapman J, Robinson D and Siebers PO (2013) Multi-Agent Stochastic Simulation of Occupants' Comfort and Behaviour. FutureBuild 2013, 4-6 Sep, Bath, UK.

  15. McCullen NJ, Zhang T, Bale CSE, Foxon TJ, Gale WF, Rucklidge AM, Aickelin U and Siebers PO (2012) 'Energy Decision-Making for Cities'. UKERC Workshop on "Energy and Complexity: The Way Forward", 5th Jul, Oxford [presentation] [report] [website]

  16. Zhang T, Siebers PO and Aickelin U (2012) 'Simulating the Effects of the Government's Green Deal Initiative in the Energy Market'. Complexity Science and Social Science at the Interface to the Real World Conference, 24-25 Sep, Milton-Keynes, UK. [conference website]

  17. Siebers PO (2012) 'Research Away Day Presentation'. UoN CompSci Research Away Day, 21 Sep, Nottingham, UK [link]

  18. Siebers PO (2012) 'Exploring the Usefulness of ABM/S to Simulate and Stimulate Modal Shift from Road to Rail'. ESSA@work 2012 - Workshop at the 8th Conference of the European Social Simulation Association, 10-14 Sep, Salzburg, Austria [abstract] [presentation]

  19. Siebers PO (2012) 'Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Dr Siebers (Academic Details Only :)'. ESSA 2012 - 8th Conference of the European Social Simulation Association, 10-14 Sep, Salzburg, Austria [abstract] [poster]

  20. Siebers PO and Aickelin U (2012) 'Using Object Oriented Simulation to Support Multi-Criteria Analysis of Service Systems'. INFORMS International, 24-27 Jun, Beijing, China [presentation]

  21. Zhang T, Siebers PO and Aickelin U (2012) 'An Agent-based Simulation Platform for Local Energy Decision-Making in the UK'. INFORMS International, 24-27 Jun, Beijing, China

  22. Zhang T, Siebers PO and Aickelin U (2011) 'A Three-Dimensional Model of Residential Energy Consumer Archetypes for Local Energy Policy Design in the UK'. In: Proceedings of the "Energy and People: Futures, Complexity and Challenges" Conference, 20-21 Sep, Oxford, UK.

  23. Siebers PO, Sherman G, Aickelin U and Menachof D (2011) 'Tools for Investigating Cargo Screening Processes - From Scenario Analysis to Agent Oriented Simulation Modelling'. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2011. 13-16 Nov, Charlotte, North Carolina

  24. Sherman G, Menachof D, Siebers PO and Aickelin U (2010) 'Scenario Analysis, Decision Trees and Simulation for Cargo Screening'. In: Proceedings of the OR Society Simulation Workshop (SW10), 23-24 March, Worcestershire, UK.

  25. Majid MA, Aickelin U and Siebers PO (2008) 'Modelling and Analysing Human Behaviour in a Department Store using Discrete Event and Agent Based Simulation'. Annual Conference of the Operational Research Society (OR50). 9-11 Sep, York, UK.

  26. Majid MA, Aickelin U and Siebers PO (2007) 'Human Behaviour Modelling for Discrete Event and Agent Based Simulation: A Case Study'. Annual Conference of the Operational Research Society (OR49). 14-16 Sep, Edinburgh, UK.

  27. Siebers PO and Aickelin U (2007) 'A Multi-Agent Simulation of Retail Management Practices'. Advanced Institute of Management Research (AIM) Summer School 16-17 Apr, Nottingham, UK.

  28. Celia H, Clegg CW, Siebers PO and Aickelin U (2007) 'Understanding the Impact of Management Practices and other Factors on Productivity in the UK Retail Sector'. XIII European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP2007), 9-12 May, Stockholm, Sweden.

  29. Siebers PO (2004) 'Modelling Human Variation in Manual Assembly Line Models'. Student Session of the 6th European Agent Systems Summer School (EASSS2004). 5-9 Jul, Liverpool, UK.

  30. Siebers PO, Baines TS, Mason SA and Ladbrook J (2003) 'Worker Behaviour Modelling - Does It Matter?'. Annual Conference of the Operational Research Society (OR45). 2-3 Sep, Keele, UK.

  31. Mason SA, Baines TS, Siebers PO and Ladbrook J (2003) 'Measurement and Analysis of Blocked and Starved Conditions in a Flow Line Assembly Plant'. Annual Conference of the Operational Research Society (OR45). 2-3 Sep 2003, Keele, UK.

  32. Siebers PO and Baines TS (2001) 'Integrated Human Performance Modelling: An Overview of Human Performance Modelling and Its Usability in Manufacturing System Design'. Annual Conference of the Operational Research Society (OR43). 4-6 Sep 2001, Bath, UK.

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Conference Panel Discussions and Live Experiments
  1. Siebers PO (2024) Panel Discussion at the Modelling and Inference for Pandemic Preparedness Workshop, 20 Aug, ISSAC Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK [youtube playlist] (check video 7)

  2. Achter S, Borit M, Chattoe-Brown E, and Siebers PO (2019) 'Round Table at the SSC 2019: Augmenting Rigour and Transparency of Data Use in Agent-Based Modelling', Social Simulation Conference 2019 (SSC 2019), 23-27 Sep, Mainz, Germany.

  3. Siebers PO (2018) 'Co-Creating Artificial Labs for Reflecting on Consequences of Digital Mental Health Solutions'. Live Experiment at the Beyond Mental Health Tech and Society Meeting, 23 Apr, Nottingham, UK. [presentation]

  4. Siebers PO (2018) 'Model Development Strategies: From A Copy/Paste Mentality to Truly Innovative Approaches'. Panel Discussion at the 9th Simulation Workshop (SW2018), 19-21 Mar, Stratford, Worchestershire, UK.

  5. Siebers PO (2018) 'PhiloLab: A Live Experiment - Building a Multidisciplinary Agent-Based Model Together'. Live Experiment at the Third Agent-Based Models of Organizational Behavior Workshop (ABMO3), 25-26 Jan, Huddersfield, UK.

  6. Siebers PO (2010) 'Discrete-Event Simulation is Dead, Long Live Agent-Based Simulation!'. Panel Discussion at the OR Society Simulation Workshop (SW10), 23-24 Mar, Worcestershire, UK

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Essays & Research Notes
  1. Siebers PO, Amponsah K, Hey J, Chattoe-Brown E, and Borit M (2022) 'Discussions on qualitative & quantitative data in the context of agent-based social simulation'. Review of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 16th May 2022.

  2. Siebers PO and Venkatesan S (2020) 'Get out of your silos and work together!'. Review of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 8th April 2020.

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  1. Siebers PO (2010) 'Worker Performance Modelling in Manufacturing Systems Simulation: The Impact of Human Performance Variation on the Accuracy of Manufacturing Systems Simulation Models'. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing Saarbruecken, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. []

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Book Chapters
  1. Allcock R and Siebers PO (2023) 'Crowd health encoding, for crowd simulations using the smoothed particle hydrodynamics computational method', In: Advances in Social Simulation: Proceedings of the 18th Social Simulation Conference, Glasgow, UK, 4–8 September 2023, Springer [slides]

  2. Yousefi Z, Heinke D, Apperly I, and Siebers PO (2021) 'An Agent-Based Model to Understand a Simple Theory of Mind: Belief Representation Systematic Approach (BRSA). In: Yang Z & Von Briesen E (Eds) Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference of The Computational Social Science Society of the Americas (CSSSA 2020). Springer, pp 55-380 [doi link]

  3. Siebers PO, Achter S, Palaretti Bernardo C, Borit M, and Chattoe-Brown E (2021) 'First Steps Towards RAT: A Protocol for Documenting Data Use in the Agent-Based Modeling Process' (Extended Abstract). In: Ahrweiler P & Neumann M (Eds). Advances in Social Simulation: Proceedings of the 15th Social Simulation Conference. Springer, pp 257-261

  4. Thaler J and Siebers PO (2019) 'The Art of Iterating: Update-Strategies in Agent-Based Simulation'. In: Payne D, Elkink J, Friel N, Grund Th, Hochstrasser T, Lucas, P, and Ottewill A (Eds). Social Simulation for a Digital Society: Applications and Innovations in Computational Social Science

  5. Siebers PO, Figueredo G, Hirono M and Skatova A (2018) 'Developing Agent-Based Simulation Models for Social Systems Engineering Studies: A Novel Framework and its Application to Modelling Peacebuilding Activities'. In: Garcia-Diaz C and Olaya C (Eds). Social Systems Engineering: The Design of Complexity

  6. Siebers PO and Kluegl F (2017) 'What Software Engineering has to offer to Agent-Based Social Simulation'. In: Edmonds B and Meyer R (Eds). Simulating Social Complexity: A Handbook - 2e [illustrative example]

  7. Siebers PO, Aickelin U, Celia H and Clegg C (2014) 'Towards the Development of a Simulator for Investigating the Impact of People Management Practices on Retail Performance'. In: Taylor SE (Ed). Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation (OR Essentials), pp. 97-132 [link]

  8. Sherman G, Siebers PO, Aickelin U and Menachof D (2012) 'Evaluating Different Cost-Benefit Analysis Methods for Port Security Operations'. In: Fajardo JF, Juan AA, Grasman SE and Fry MJ (Eds). Decision Making in Service Industries: A Practical Approach, CRC Press, pp. 279-303. [link]

  9. Siebers PO and Aickelin U (2008) 'Introduction to Multi-Agent Simulation'. In: Adam F and Humphreys P (Eds). Encyclopedia of Decision Making and Decision Support Technologies, Pennsylvania: Idea Group Publishing, pp 554-564. [link]

  10. Siebers PO, Aickelin U, Celia H and Clegg C (2008). 'Multi-Agent Simulation and Management Practices'. In: Adam F and Humphreys P (Eds). Encyclopedia of Decision Making and Decision Support Technologies, Pennsylvania: Idea Group Publishing, pp 645-652. [link]

  11. Siebers PO (2006) 'Worker Performance Modeling in Manufacturing Systems Simulation'. In: Rennard JP (Ed). Handbook of Research on Nature Inspired Computing for Economy and Management. Pennsylvania: Idea Group Publishing, pp. 661-678. [link]

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Working Papers
  1. Stroud D, Wagner C, and Siebers PO (2019) 'Agent-Based Simulation Modelling for Reflecting on Consequences of Digital Mental Health'. [link]

  2. Siebers PO (2014) 'Changing the Assessment Strategy for the Computer Science Module "Simulation for Decision Support": A Longitudinal Study'. [link]

  3. Siebers PO, Aickelin, U, Battisti G, Celia H, Clegg C, Fu X, De Hoyos R, Iona A, Petrescu A and Peixoto A (2008) 'The Role of Management Practices in Closing the Productivity Gap'. AIM Working Paper Series, 065, ISSN 1744-0009. [link]

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Invited Talks
  1. Siebers PO (2024) 'A Software Engineer's Approach to Agent-Based Modelling'. Talk given at the Modelling and Inference for Pandemic Preparedness Workshop, 20 Aug, ISSAC Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK [youtube playlist] (check video 3) [slides]

  2. Siebers PO (2023) 'Welcome to the Secret World of Agents - How to Simulate Business Scenarios using Agent-Based Modelling', Closing talk given at the CBIM Conference on Business and Industrial Marketing 2023, 13 Jun, Graz, Austria. [presentation] [video]

  3. Siebers PO (2017) 'Agents to the Rescue: Creating Artificial Labs for Evaluating Human-Centric and Coupled Human-Natural Systems', Talk given at the LAND Seminar (School of Mathematics, University of Leeds), 17 Oct, Leeds, UK. [presentation]

  4. Siebers PO (2017) 'Agents to the Rescue: Creating Artificial Labs for Evaluating Human-Natural Systems', Seminar given at Michigan State University, 'School of Geography' and 'Center for Global Change & Earth Observations', Apr, Lansing (MI), USA [presentation]

  5. Siebers PO, Susanty M, and Figueredo G (2016) 'A (More) Formal Approach for Developing Agent-Based Social Simulation Models of Energy Users', Talk given at the Conference on Social Science Research in Energy, 27 Apr, Birmingham, UK [presentation]

  6. Siebers PO (2014) 'Agent-Oriented Modelling and Simulation of Human Centric Systems', Seminar given at Southampton University, 08 Jul, Southampton, UK. [abstract] [presentation]

  7. Siebers PO and Onggo S (2013) 'Graphic Notations for ABM/S in OR/MS', Tutorial given at the 2013 European Simulation and Modelling Conference (ESM2013), 23 - 25 Oct, Lancaster, UK. [presentation]

  8. Siebers PO (2011) 'A Young OR Guide to ... Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation', Tutorial given at the 17th Young OR Conference, 5 - 7 Apr, Nottingham, UK. [presentation]

  9. Siebers PO (2011) 'A First Approach on Modelling Staff Proactiveness in Retail Simulations', Seminar given at the OR SSIG Meeting on the 24 Mar at CRESS, University of Surrey, Surrey, UK. [presentation]

  10. Siebers PO (2009) 'A Multi-Agent Simulation of Retail Management Practices'. Seminar given on the 17 Mar at Salford University, Salford, UK. [presentation]

  11. Siebers PO, Aickelin U, Celia H and Clegg C (2008) 'Agent-Based Simulation as a Novel Decision Support Tool for Retail Managers'. Talk given at the 'Mini Symposium: Novel Simulations: Mathematical Modelling from a Different Perspective'. Abstract in Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry (ECMI 2008), 30 Jun - 4 Jul, University College London, UK. [abstract]

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Short Courses
  1. Engineering Agent-Based Social Simulations Workshop 2023. [website]

  2. RWTH Aachen Summer Simulation Seminar 2014. [website]

  3. Bayreuth International Summer School 2013. [website]

  4. Agent-Based Modelling for Management Decision Support 2013. [website]

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PhD Thesis
  1. Siebers PO (2004) 'The Impact of Human Performance Variation on the Accuracy of Manufacturing System Simulation Models'. PhD Thesis. Cranfield University, Cranfield, UK. [link]

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